Essay Sample on Patient-Centered Medical Home: Enhancing US Healthcare Delivery

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  440 Words
Date:  2023-04-10


To enhance the quality of life, expectancy, cost-effectiveness, diagnostic, and treatment options, the healthcare industry in the United States has experienced a proliferation of innovations (McMahon & Skochelak, 2018). The innovation of healthcare systems has been enhanced by information technology, primarily through the discovery of innovative health care delivery models (Wickizer, Franklin & Fulton-Kehoe, 2018). This paper focuses on discussing the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) as one of the innovative health delivery models that incorporate an interdisciplinary team. Also, the essay will outline the advantages of the PCMH model.

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Patient-Centered Medical Home

Patient-Centered Medical Home is efficient in delivering quality service for people and patients in healthcare units (Adaji et al., 2018). Under this model of healthcare deliberation, the treatment of a patient can be appropriately coordinated through a primary care physician; this will result in patients receiving required care and services from healthcare staff. Also, there will be the provision of an initial quick recovery service for sufferers who will not have to wait for initial treatment. This model is useful in the improvement of outcomes and decreasing costs and restructuring reimbursements.

Advantages To Patient Outcomes

Patients under this model will be able to seek fast services from their primary care physician, and as an outcome, these patients will witness quicker recovery in their health (Adaji et al., 2018). Patients will be able to receive faster care at a minimum cost since there will be a reduction and elimination of particular administrative functions. Also, patients will have opportunities to switch between health plans. Care is facilitated through Information technology, registry and health information exchange.


Through legislation, the United States has taken immense steps in enhancing the quality of care and controlling the rising costs in healthcare. With the Patient-Centered Medical Home, various stakeholders will have multiple gains while at the same time, compromising and sacrificing little, through increased collaboration. Most test programs and pilots have generated favorable returns so far.


Adaji, A., Melin, G. J., Campbell, R. L., Lohse, C. M., Westphal, J. J., & Katzelnick, D. J. (2018). Patient-centered medical home membership is associated with decreased hospital admissions for emergency department behavioral health patients. Population health management, 21(3), 172-179. Retrieved from

McMahon, G. T., & Skochelak, S. E. (2018). Evolution of continuing medical education: promoting innovation through regulatory alignment. Jama, 319(6), 545-546. Retrieved from

Wickizer, T. M., Franklin, G. M., & Fulton-Kehoe, D. (2018). Innovations in Occupational Health Care Delivery Can Prevent Entry into Permanent Disability: 8-Year Follow-up of the Washington State Centers for Occupational Health and Education. Medical care, 56(12), 1018. Retrieved from

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Essay Sample on Patient-Centered Medical Home: Enhancing US Healthcare Delivery. (2023, Apr 10). Retrieved from

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