Smoking is an act where a compound is burnt and the resultant smoke inhaled to be absorbed and transferred into the bloodstream. Occasionally, the smoked material is the desiccated leaves of weed and tobacco plants which have been revolved into small squares of rice papers to design tiny, round cylinders known as cigarettes. Smoking cigarette, weed and vaping are mainly used for leisure. This is because the burning of weed and tobacco vaporizes and provide active materials into the lungs where they are quickly engrossed into the bloodstream and contact tissues of the body. In the context of tobacco use, the substances are enclosed in a combination of aerosol gases and particles that includes pharmacologically vigorous nicotine materials.
Vaporization produces hot aerosol gas allowing inhalation as well as deep diffusion into the lungs where assimilation into the bloodstream of the vigorous materials happens. Opinions associated with smoking have differed in due course from place to place: common and complex, sinful and holy and lethal health risk. The health risks of smoking tobacco have forced many states to impose soaring taxes on weed and tobacco substances to discourage the use of those materials. Vaping, smoking cigarette, and marijuana have negative health effects since smoking inhalation essentially posses problems with a variety of physiologic functions such as respiration. Illnesses associated with the use of cigarettes have been presented to kill a significant number of individuals in US. Even though the community recognizes that smoking is unhealthy, the lack of clear information on the damage that can be drawn from smoking can also be risky. Smoking has a diverse effect on individuals, community and the state as a whole. This literature places its focus on the influences of smoking cigarettes, weed and vaping.
No one requires telling cigarette smokers how bad it is for their health. According to the Bureau of labor statistics, the Smoking cigarette can harm almost every organ, and it is associated with nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the US each year. In my case, I started smoking when I was a teenager, and this behavior has persisted to date due to addition. In the recent past I have experienced chest pain, shortness of breath, difficult on swallowing, unexplained weight loss, blood in the urine, persistence abdominal pains and constant thirst. When I sought medical care at a nearby medical center, I explained these symptoms to a healthcare provider and later I was diagnosed with bronchitis and emphysema which are associated with cigarette smoking. The healthcare provider educated me on the effects of smoking cigarette stating that tobacco alters the functionality of the body immune system making smokers more vulnerable to respiratory infections. He warned that prolonged tobacco smoking would expose me to breathing and lungs problems. He explained that COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is an illness that worsens over time and results in difficulty in breathing, wheezing and chest tightness. Emphysema is a disorder where the lining linking the air sacs in lungs lose their capacity to shrink and stretch back. This means that the lung tissues are damaged making it hard or impossible to breathe. The healthcare provider told me that there is nothing like a safe cigarette. Individuals who smoke any cigarette are at bigger risk of contracting smoking-related illnesses.
Though it is not legal to advertise light cigarette, individuals who used light cigarettes previously are likely to have breathed in the same quantity of poison substances as those who used normal cigarettes. This means that there is no safer cigarette. Following the advice that I received from the medical technician, I resolved never to smoke in public to reduce the number of second-hand smoke cases. This is because the chemical toxins and cancer-causing substances are present in second-hand smoke as in active smoking. The individual who inhales second-hand smoke is at risk of being exposed to the same toxins as the smoker. Second-hand smoke is known to carry a definite health risk for both children and adults exposing them to an increased risk of lung cancer.
On the other hand, marijuana has recreation and medical uses but can also be disastrous to our minds and bodies. The feeling of being 'high' an individual obtains from bhang comes from an element called THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) found in varying strength. Most of the marijuana influences are experienced in the brain where the chemical in the 'weed' networks with receptors on brain cells called cannabinoid receptors. In a real-life, situation weed has been associated with blocking memory information. Experts believe that ingredients in bhang reacts in the part of the brain known as the hippocampus and changes the way information is produced and alters the normal functionality of the memories.
If the use of marijuana occurs during adolescent, the blockage of memory information is believed to cause cognitive impairments at a later age. A friend of mine loses balance often after smoking marijuana. This is because the THC messes with an individual balance particularly due to the alteration of brain areas (cerebellum and basal ganglia). Following the available literature, the two brain parts are associated with regulation of balance, reaction time, posture and coordination. In a case where those brain parts are perturbed the smoker hardly walk or talk correctly, and he or she becomes clumsy. Another instance is that marijuana increases the depression risks particularly on young people and it exposes them to mental illnesses. Experts say that long-term use of weed intensifies the depression symptoms and leads to brain impairments.
Additionally, individuals who smoke weed portray symptoms of fear, distrust, panic or even intense anxiety. Many marijuana smokers become aggressive when disturbed and are capable of doing anything in that situation. They react with extreme anxiety whenever they smoke the drug. In addition to these symptoms bhang users often experience psychosis. Bhang smokers who have taken a large number of doses are at risk of experiencing acute psychosis which is illustrated by the loss of sense of personal identity, hallucinations, and delusions. Bhang has been associated with making individuals feel cool and high. Whenever THC enters the brain cells, it makes them release a brain chemical that makes bhang users feel good. Medical experts have revealed that chemicals in weed are capable of limiting cancer from spreading. They argue that cannabidiol can stop cancer by turning off cancerous cells and preventing them from abnormal growth. Besides, bhang users show an addiction symptom that includes withdrawal syndrome, persistent and craving, tolerance as well as unsuccessful effort to cut down and control the use of marijuana. Teenagers involved in the use of marijuana become poor in academics and their brain development is hindered. Teen smokers are known to perform badly on the test of problem-solving where they show challenges in areas of learning, memory, and attention. On the other hand, weed smoking has been connected with the reduced motivation that influence work or school performances and various work accidents in the working environment.
Talking about vaping, many individuals do not know exactly what it entails. Vaping is an act of inhaling a vapor that emanates from a vaporizer well known as electronic cigarette. This vapor is produced from substances such as dry herbs, concentrates or e-liquid. In comparison to smoking bhang and tobacco, vaping creates a feeling of wetness and heaviness depending on the amount of vapor. Vape smokers say that vaping is mostly pleasant, aromatic and flavorful due to the ingredients found in e-liquid. Vapor inhalers argue that vaping is delicious and delightful and it is known to be lighter on the lungs, therefore, making vape smokers inhale the moisture all day long. Vape smokers argue that vaping makes lungs and teeth feel happy. The smoking e-cigarette is known to deliver cancerous chemicals that get to a human body. Teenagers involving themselves in vaping may be making their bodies vulnerable to chemicals that make traditional cigarette deadly. Children participating in vaping are likely to use tobacco and marijuana products in search of a higher feeling.
In conclusion, many individuals find themselves involved in the smoking cigarette, weed and vaping for various reasons. Most of the smokers start smoking at their teenage age for them to appear cool, pressure from peers, rebellion together with poor coping skills. Teens around 12 to 13 years have limited life experience and thinks that smoking feels cool and to them that the mature thing to do particularly if his or her relatives smoke. Individuals interacting with smokers maybe easily influenced to starting smoking behavior if only they are more on the perspectives of their friends rather than their principles and opinions. On the other hand, many smokers work too hard regarding social boundaries, regulations, and rules. They think the only way to surpass the social norms is by smoking tobacco or weed.
Additionally, some individuals start smoking as a measure to control their stress where smoking is perfect in doing that in a short-term. People with poor coping skills and with limited strategies for solving life issues are vulnerable to smoking of bhang and tobacco in search of better feeling and a good way of life. According to multiple health literatures, many individuals start smoking after attending social events such as parties. Several states are trying to discourage individuals from tobacco and bhang smoking through anti-smoking movements in social media platforms highlighting the hazardous long-term consequences of smoking. The reason as to why various nations have enforced the ban on smoking is to protect passive smokers who are affected by the active smokers. According to the US Bureau of labor statistics, the danger of perishing from lung-cancer prior to the age of 85 is 11% for a female smoker as compared to 22% for a male cigarette user, regardless of competing sources of death. Finally, counseling, as well as education by doctors to smokers, has been regarded as the most efficient way of reducing health hazards associated with smoking.
Work Cited
Index, Consumer Price. "US Bureau of labor statistics." Washington, DC (2011).
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