Exploring Educational Philosophies: Progressivism, Existentialism & Reconstructivism - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  1052 Words
Date:  2023-08-28


Within the methodological analysis frame that entirely looks at how we come to know and the nature of knowledge, there exist primary educational philosophies that are extensively related to one or more world or general philosophies. The philosophies I have chosen are Progressivism, Existentialism, and Social Reconstructivism. These educational philosophies retrospectively look at what we ought to teach in the aspect of the curriculum. The progressivism philosophy is based on the belief that education should place an entire focus on the whole child rather than the teacher or content. I have chosen this educational philosophy because it emphasizes that active experimentation should be a way that students ought to test their ideas since it is vital in any curriculum. Existentialism philosophy, on the other hand, is a philosophical theory that holds the idea that a set of categories under the governance of authenticity is vital to take hold of the existence of humans. Therefore, I have chosen this philosophy because its central point of approach is established in the idea that essence is preceded by existence. This, therefore, means that being a responsible, conscious, and independently acting person is the essential consideration for an individual as the existence. It is essential than the stereotypes, labels, definitions, and other categories that have been preconceived in which a person fits, which is now the essence. Social reconstructivism stresses on addressing social questions and the creation of a worldwide democracy and a society that is better. Therefore, I have chosen this philosophy because it looks at a curriculum that focuses on social reform as the overall education objective.

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Progressive education is vital in the education view that emphasizes the need to learn by action. John Dewey is popular for his role in progressive education. According to Dewey, human beings get to learn through a hands-on approach, an idea that was able to place him in the pragmatism educational philosophy (Lundgren 209). He believed that pragmatists believed in the real experience, which, from his view, means that students ought to have an interaction with the environment to adapt and get to learn. Dewey felt that the idea was also applicable to teachers who called for both teachers and students to learn as a unit. Dewey termed his philosophy also as instrumentalism, which entailed scientific methods (Lundgren 209). Progressivist educators apply the use of scientific methods for the students to be able to study events and matter first hand and systematically with an emphasis on the process that one comes to know. Most of the progressive education programs possess cooperative and collaborative projects and promotion of emotional intelligence for learning and hands-on projects such as experimental learning, which are per John Dewey's philosophy.

In my educational life, however, progressivism has played out, especially in the progressive classroom. In terms of the favorite teacher, progressivism has been effective in teaching me how to stay engaged, active, and to be responsible, which has made teaching fun. It has shaped my career choices through interdisciplinary learning in an integrated curriculum. Here, I am now able to look at real-world applications through the connection of concepts necessary for my career choices. It has also really played out in my educational life in terms of developing emotional intelligence as well as social skills.


Existentialism is vital in emphasizing on the problematic character and concreteness of human beings (Bamford 78). Nietzsche was able to denounce the tendencies displayed universally through the western philosophy, whereby philosophers asserted that whatever they believed should be regarded as true to every person for all time. According to Nietzsche, the all-time universal truth is nonexistent, and he argued that people's perspectives differ, a philosophical idea known as perspectivism (Bamford 82). In the quest for truth and passion, as well as becoming who you are, all the human perspectives and individual points of view are valid.

Existentialism philosophy has played out in my educational life by enlightening me on authenticity and the precision of essence by existence. It has assisted teachers or educators in teaching students to be responsible, cautious, and independently working individuals in society. In terms of finding my passion and making decisions in my career, existentialism philosophy has taught me the essence of the validity of my points of view to see what exactly I am good at.

Social ReconstructivismSocial Reconstructivism philosophy emphasizes social questions and the pursuit of creating worldwide democracy and a better society. This philosophy is based on the idea of Karl Marx, singer, and Chomsky on social classes. Social reconstructionists, as critical theorists, possess a belief that there ought to be a change of systems to improve the human conditions and overcome oppression (McGregor 746). Based on this philosophy, humans ought to learn how to resist systems of oppression and not fall victim to oppression or even oppress others. This process requires critical consciousness and awareness development as well as seeking alternative media to overcome oppression domination (McGregor 753). Social constructivism helps the poor or students from poverty-stricken backgrounds by focusing the curriculum on these experiences that maybe the students face and taking social action on the problem.

In my educational life, social reconstructivism has played out. It has been able to promote educators not to tell students what is wrong or right in society. Instead, it has helped them guide students through the exploration of social issues, alternative viewpoint presentation, and the facilitation of issues under analysis by the students. It has been able to teach me on the promotion of social justice and understanding social issues that may affect social classes. Paolo Freire's poverty experiences prompted him to champion literacy and education as a social change vehicle. Through his philosophy, I have been able to understand that humans ought to resist falling victims of oppression.


Conclusively, these philosophies have played an essential role in my education life. The teaching of philosophies within the methodological framework enables students to learn how to relevantly and deeply think and apply their understandings to express their actions and beliefs.

Works Cited

Bamford, Rebecca. "The Relevance of Existentialism." The Philosophers' Magazine 84 (2019): 77-81.

Lundgren, Ulf P. "10. JOHN DEWEY IN SWEDEN NOTES ON PROGRESSIVISM IN SWEDISH EDUCATION." International Perspectives in Curriculum History (2018): 209.

McGregor, Sue. "Education for Sustainable Consumption: A Social Reconstructivism Model." Canadian Journal of Education/Revue Canadienne de l'éducation 42.3 (2019): 745-766.

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Exploring Educational Philosophies: Progressivism, Existentialism & Reconstructivism - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 28). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/exploring-educational-philosophies-progressivism-existentialism-reconstructivism-essay-sample

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