Essay Sample on My Catalytic Event: Pursuing a Career in Medicine

Paper Type:  Personal statement
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  632 Words
Date:  2023-01-16

Most people have different catalytic events that have altered their career goals forever. The roots of my desire to become a doctor have not been an exception to the dramatic experiences I went through. As a child, every time I was asked what career I would like to take when I grew up, I would answer with an array of prospects, including being a policeman teacher or sometimes a doctor. However, I gained a stronger interest in becoming a doctor when I was five years old. It was summer when my younger sister and I were watching a regular cartoon program and at that time, my mother received a call from the office where my father worked. The call informed her that my father had not reported back to the office after lunch break so we all headed out in a hurry to go fetch my father out from the liquor store where mother was sure she would find him. I have a few but vivid memories of the incident that turned out to be very nasty when mum wanted to take back my father to the rehabilitation that afternoon. My sister and I witnessed the violent conflict that left my mother injured, and Dad ranting in anger how he would shed her blood as we watched. This event was there after followed by a divorce that left my sister and me to choose who to settle with between my mother and father. The feeling of helplessness that my father saw in our eyes, and the same that we saw in his made him resort to get help from the rehab. So I chose to stay with him and not my mother with a strong belief to alleviate this helplessness. This choice I made was for the sole reason of helping my father recover from drug addiction and act as his physician.

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As a became older, I gained proficiencies that shaped this earlier-age valuation of the job of a doctor into a more practical perspective. The more I learned about research and Neurobiology, the stronger the confidence of becoming a doctor. I was delighted to recognize that I greatly enjoyed biology, chemistry, and physics classes, which apparently were so much more fundamental in the medical field. Therefore, to be a doctor, I would fulfill my love for these basic sciences while helping my Dad and other individual parents as a 'young' doctor. My interest sparked more as an undergraduate at Perdue University during the time that I worked with INscribe as a medical scribe during my free time. Working in INscribe, I learned valuable professional skills outpatient care and pre and post-op care. My deep interest has also made my professor and peers to raise me as a diligent student in the profession. I have managed to accrue two years of work experience in the medical field that stimulate the more my desire to pursue medicine.

I decided to take on Neurobiology and Physiology because the disciplines' intersection with medicine is quite fascinating, and the field is still in need of constant research. I have come to realize that being a physician goes far much beyond the ability to treat people but rather the capacity to integrate the human element. I have also proven to multitask, and analytical skills that I believe would help me a great deal in the field of medicine. I essentially would like to help others lead healthy lifestyles and bring about the universal means of health care to the people who are not able to receive adequate medical care. Medicine has the potential to heal people, and empathy has the power to relate to them. Nonetheless, I realize that my efficiency and success as a doctor is predicated basically on my ability to harmonize determination and purpose.

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Essay Sample on My Catalytic Event: Pursuing a Career in Medicine. (2023, Jan 16). Retrieved from

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