Essay Sample on Integrating Faith and Knowledge in the Library

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  648 Words
Date:  2023-01-09


Faith integration generally is the interrelationship that exists faith of a person and other disciplines or subject matters. Such interrelationship cannot be invented, but it is developed over time if this is not done, then the practicability of the faith and knowledge may appear to be unrelated to one another (Ewest 2018).

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The library is a building or room containing a collection of books and other sources of information like recorded music and films, purposely for borrowing and use by the public or a particular institution. What a person believes in and trust determines the faith of that person. It is the responsibility of every library to serve the needs of every member of the community, including their religious believes and needs without any discrimination. Under the library bill of rights, it states that the diverse religious beliefs and faith of different people should be met without any exclusion of anybody. Collection and stocking of different information materials in the libraries is required to reflect every demand, belief, and faith of every member of the community, for example, no material should be excluded based on its, origin, views of people creating it or origin (Baurain 2015).

Most schools have different types of students from different religious backgrounds. Most students have a different faith, which is largely being determined with what the student believed on. If a school is buying learning materials into the libraries, it becomes fair if all the student's faith is taken into consideration, for example, Christians will require that they are provided with, bible related sources of information as this will directly impact their faith towards, their belief in God. The same case goes to other religious groups like Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and others. Hence integrating faith in the library for students in school, should be in line every student believes and faith (Allen, & Badley 2014).

Communities and families also have got diverted ways of carrying out the activities of their daily lives. Librarians should ensure that the sources of information available in the library are relevant to the communities and families' way of life and the history and origin of their beliefs and cultural practices. For example, some communities believed in a supernatural being like God to solve all their problems, while others believed in the intervention of their ancestors. It's thus the responsibility of the library to have the books explaining all these factors in details for different communities and families, as this will help to boost their faith in that what they believed on (Smith 2016).

Technology changes over time demand the users have the necessary knowledge to run appliances like computers and mobile phones, by reading the right materials. Hence, materials in the library should be of recent technology, to boost the users' faith and knowledge in the technology. These books also contain rules and ethics that guide a person on the use of technological gadgets like computers. Also, in producing films and other learning materials like books, ensuring that every person who owns his/her work primarily on the internet is not copied by the other without their consent and acceptance, for example without the issue of copyright acceptance letter (Baurain 2015). Hence faith of using technology is enhanced.


In conclusion, being that faith is something that is developed, integrating faith with knowledge from the library is of great importance that should be taken into great consideration. Hence libraries in various schools should have the right materials for the right kind of people and students around it.


Allen, P., & Badley, K. R., (2014). Faith and learning: A guide for faculty.

Baurain, B., (2015). Religious faith and teacher knowledge in English language teaching. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

In Ewest, T. (2018). Faith and work: Christian perspectives, research, and insights into the movement.

Smith, G. A., (2016). Christian librarianship: essays on the integration of faith and profession. Jefferson (North Carolina: McFarland & Company.

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