Essay Sample on the Interrelationship Between Theory, Knowledge, and Research and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  397 Words
Date:  2022-11-03

How do Fawcett and Garity's definitions align with your understanding of knowledge, theory, research, and evidence-based practice?

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Fawcett and Garity offer sophisticated definitions concerning knowledge, theory, research, and EBP compared to other authors. Firstly, they define knowledge as everything that is known about a concept (Fawcett & Garity, 2008). Additionally, they state that knowledge ranges from broad propositions to specific or precise statements. Secondly, Fawcett and Garity's (2008) definition of a theory encompasses the identification of a variety of concepts and type concepts and propositions. They claim that an approach is based on a variety of specific and concrete concepts, propositions that define the concepts and statements that identify a practical and unique relationship between two or more ideas. Thirdly, they define research as a systematic inquisition process that nurses use to develop and evaluate theories concerning people's health experiences in their surroundings, and the process and actions that nurses utilize in their profession. Fourthly, the authors claim that EBP is the diagnostic utilization of theories concerning people's health conditions to guide nurses in their field of expertise (Fawcett & Garity, 2008).

Discuss the interrelationship between theory, knowledge, research, and evidence-based practice.

Notably, knowledge and theory are interrelated in such a way that an approach focuses on a specific and distinct knowledge concerning a phenomenon of interest. A theory is the ultimate sources of knowledge used as evidence in nursing. Nursing research sets out to evaluate the applicability and validity of the given nursing theories (RycroftMalone, Seers, Titchen, Harvey, Kitson, & McCormack, 2004). It is achieved through systematic inquiry of existing nursing literature. Evidence-based practice is solemnly based on knowledge, experience, and research evidence. It utilizes knowledge (evidence) acquired from various nursing theories through research to guide nurses in their practices.

How does this interrelationship support or guide your EBP Assignment?

The interrelationship between the above concepts guides my EBP assignment by providing a systematic procedure of identifying answers or missing information to fill the knowledge gap. In this case, I first identify a problem or question, research information to answer the query, appraise the acquired data, integrate the information with my clinical expertise, and finally evaluate the validity of the evidence.


Fawcett, J., & Garity, J. (2008). Evaluating research for evidence-based nursing practice. FA Davis.

RycroftMalone, J., Seers, K., Titchen, A., Harvey, G., Kitson, A., & McCormack, B. (2004). What counts as evidence in evidencebased practice? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 47(1), 81-90.

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Essay Sample on the Interrelationship Between Theory, Knowledge, and Research and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). (2022, Nov 03). Retrieved from

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