Essay Sample on U.S. Grants for Better Healthcare: Lowering Preventable Complications

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  429 Words
Date:  2023-03-27


United States government provides grants for the Agency for Healthcare Research and quality. These subsidies support the research needed for better medical care. The organization has regulations that it uses to meet its objectives. Since the main aim is to attain affordable healthcare for all, the institution introduced measures of lowering preventable complications that result in readmissions in hospitals. The organization aims to achieve better care, which requires keener spending and diverse practitioners. So, it reduced Medicare payments by twenty-five percent. AHRQ has tools and resources which develop funds fundamental to creating a safe, equitable, and efficient healthcare system.

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Some of the organizations that can use these policies include Agriculture research service, Bureau of prisons, among many others. The only contradiction of interest can be different objectives. For instance, Agriculture research services need productive plants and animals which will survive the twenty-first century. However, even without discovering new breeds, people will always find something to eat, and incompetence might go unnoticed. The Bureau of Prison also can use these policies due to emerging crimes such as online fraud. Nevertheless, the interest might differ because most of the crimes are repeated.

Conclusively, The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is one of the largest agencies in the United States committed to providing evidence used to improve quality care. However, the agency is currently facing a problem of ensuring and assuring quality healthcare for the twenty-first century due to emerging diseases and traumatic events. Its crucial policy processes include conducting analysis, sharing findings, establishing partnerships while implementing interventions. Numerous factors contribute to policy ineffectiveness. They include innovation and knowledge, social, economic, and political influences. However, the organization has worked extra hard to combat these challenges. Currently, the organization is large and robust enough to provide oversight for future development. Therefore, in the future, United States citizens should expect more affordable, accessible, and safe healthcare in the states.


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Chou, R., Baker, W. L., Banez, L. L., Iyer, S., Myers, E. R., Newberry, S., ... & Springs, S. (2018). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Evidence-based Practice Center methods provide guidance on prioritization and selection of harms in systematic reviews. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 98, 98-104.

Millar, R., Mannion, R., Freeman, T., & Davies, H. T. (2013). Hospital board oversight of quality and patient safety: a narrative review and synthesis of recent empirical research. The Milbank quarterly, 91(4), 738-770. doi:10.1111/1468-0009.12032

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Essay Sample on U.S. Grants for Better Healthcare: Lowering Preventable Complications. (2023, Mar 27). Retrieved from

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