Essay Sample on Making a Case for Nursing Specialty Certification

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  649 Words
Date:  2023-05-09


Nursing certification refers to the formal procedure followed to validate the knowledge, capabilities and skills of a nurse as it applies to a particular role in the practice. The process usually is based on a set of predefined standards and is performed by agencies in charge of certifying. The paper is a comprehensive summary of the 'Making the case for nursing specialty certification' article. The article plays a vital role in my future practice in nursing. It is through the provision of knowledge on the benefits of obtaining the certification. From the article, I learn that certification provides support to the profession and aims at increasing my professional capability. Certification helps in my practice by boosting my levels of confidence and therefore increase my ability to provide excellent care to my patients. The certification will play a role in my future practice by helping me acquire opportunities that I usually wouldn't. The article also provides me information on the requirements of certification and guides on how I would choose the correct specialty.

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Assigned Article Summary

The article describes the importance of specialty certification and what nurses need to attain it as well as the benefits of it. Nursing specialty certification has advantages like the creation of more job opportunities, financial benefits, helping nurses enjoy self-confidence boost, and giving them recognition. Certified nurses enjoy 23% more on average, unlike those who lack the certification (Blozen, 2018). Nurses willing to acquire the certification have to understand what exactly they are best in as well as their weaknesses and strengths.

They have to review themselves and know whether they are eligible for the specialty certification or not depending on the number of years in service or the other eligibility requirements. Tips to succeed in the certification exam include proper identification of support system to ease learning, thinking about the priorities, reviewing and building on weaknesses and strengths. Having a plan of study and committing to it, taking advantage of the available study resource for nurses, having a review of test-taking tips, and always having a good night's sleep before the exam so that one can pass well (Blozen, 2018).

Impact of Assigned Article Content on Future Practice

The article impacts my future practice in nursing. It gives information that will help me become a specialist in my career as a nurse for the best service delivery. It helps me understand my strengths and weaknesses so that I can work towards self-improvement (Blozen, 2018). Moreover, it gives essential information on certification and the positive results I will be able to acquire from the certification as far as my nursing career is concerned.

Some benefits of certification are the acquisition of more income than other nurses lacking the certification, having a wide range of opportunities for myself, developing self-confidence in service delivery. Recognition will be an added advantage to me because the certification organizations will take up that responsibility and market me because of my certification. All this will help in my individual development and improve patient treatment.


The nursing specialty certification is vital because of the numerous benefits and advantages it offers. With the certification, nurses will have many job opportunities and enjoy several financial benefits. A nurse must identify their strongholds, interests as well as their weaknesses to help them identify the correct specialty. Nurses should determine their eligibility for the certification, and this depends on the years they have served as nurses. There are many tips that nurses can use to ensure that they succeed in the certification exams. These include coming up with strategies to help in making studying easier and regularly reviewing their weaknesses and strengths and making efforts to improve their capabilities. The article plays a significant role in my future practice by providing information that ensures that I become a specialty in my nursing practice.


Blozen, B. B. (2019). Making a case for nursing specialty certification. American Nurse Today.

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Essay Sample on Making a Case for Nursing Specialty Certification. (2023, May 09). Retrieved from

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