Essay Sample on How I Have Developed as a Student

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1353 Words
Date:  2022-10-18


It has been a long journey throughout this semester and specifically the FY026 module. To say the least, the module has been challenging yet an eye opener on crucial aspects towards success as a student. Right from the very first class, I was compelled and excited to be starting a unit that will teach me the ways to maneuver towards academic excellence. Of course, concentration and heading the lecturer's instruction was going to play a significant role in the class, and as a learner, I kept this in my mind. This is since the majority of the ideas presented in this class would be concepts and instructions I have heard of from my earlier days in junior high school to date. Luckily, it is my nature of taking all academic matters serious that would help me get through the module flawlessly. It has been an enjoyable experience developing my knowledge and understanding on the different areas of FY026 module and also making connections that will hopefully improve my experience in the university.

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The FY026 module was developed in a way to make apprentices understand how they can be successful in the university through knowledge and creativity. As a student, it is central for me to employ the facts learned from the chapters of this module to my everyday life in order to realize personal development. The module has shed light on the basic principle of active involvement as a student and the components or process of ensuring such. It is under active participation in learning that my belief on the more time students spends studying, the more likely they are to succeed was challenged with the philosophy of working smart. It is true that the total amount of time spent in learning is directly related to how much knowledge is gained and the overall success of a student (Crede & Kuncel 2008). Naturally, this relation is what leads to the conclusion that successful students study a lot. While this is true, research indicates that this aspect will not apply to all learners. According to Stinebrickner and Stinebrickner (2008), fact is that people are different and there is no universality in the methods of learning. As a result, a student should formulate ways that best suit their learning capability. Some learners will be exceptional with class attendance alone whereas others will have to do extra reading to learn a concept (Kuh, et al. 2008). This crucial knowledge has resulted in the restructuring of my study habit which is the initial step on my journey towards academic success.

Besides creating study habits that suit individuals, the module stressed the importance of working with fellow students as a means of development. According to Gaudet, et al. (2010) working with others on class tasks further spices the learning experience by making things enjoyable. It diversifies the learning experience by getting an explanation from different people that can make learning much easier (Dettmer et al. 2013). The encouragement or motivation that fellow students can provide when working together is invaluable. Being that there are many students within the classroom setting, a teacher may not easily explain a concept well, but through fellow students, one can understand the concept better (Wang, et al. 2009). I have tried to follow this idea for the better part of this semester, and there are some developments that I have noticed. Working with others in group discussion has boosted my confidence in delivering in the classroom. Through the talks, it has occurred to me that we are all equal as learners since I have realized that there is no difference between my reasoning and that of my group mates. I have also developed my communication and listening skills through group discussions. Although the group discussions were not specifically on the FY026 module, the experience from them has made me develop various skills that are important for a learner.

There were various practical tasks within the module some compulsory and others not. I choose to complete a variety of tasks based on what was exciting or challenging. For example, the tasks on areas of extra curriculum activities were enjoyable. I believe that this would be important being that I had no experience in such field, overall contributing to my development. For the better part, the tasks were enjoyable and a continuous process of learning. As learned that, getting involved in extra-curriculum activities is essential. Trudeau and Shephard (2008) states that extracurricular activities benefit students both in their personal lives and well-being. As provided by Rees and Sabia (2010), learners involved in extracurricular activities are more productive in the classroom and healthy as well. Reeves (2008) also mentions that extracurricular activities help raise the student's self-esteem and self-awareness. It leads to the discovery and nurturing of talents that can be important in their future livelihood. With this in mind, I have looked to rediscover my ability and get involved in activity outside class as well. This is an area that I am developing, and I know that someday my skill can pay as well besides my professional career. If it were not for this module, I would not have considered this aspect hence I can say that I have been reminded of how important my talent can be.

Ultimately, the module recognized the challenges learners undergo in their university course and how these challenges can hinder success. The module offers some ways to overcome the common challenges a learner can experience. For example, the issues of not understanding concepts taught in the classroom are highlighted. However as provided earlier on in this paper, working with fellow students stands as a way of boosting one's understanding. While I have not experienced some challenges as a student yet, there is a possibility that they might affect me in the future. I intend to work while studying and with the tight schedule that will result here, proper time management will be crucial. Goods time management allows someone to accomplish more within the minimum time available (Balduf, 2009). As an additional skill taken from this module, I will be able to manage my time well and navigate through school and work without breaking a sweat.


Generally, the FY026 module was enjoyable and eye-opening on the ways of succeeding at university. It is my wish that there would be more of such modules that help in the development of learners towards academic success. I can say that I come out of the module a developed learner with more accrued skills. I have learned how to study relative to my abilities. Besides, I now know the importance of working with fellow apprentices. Lastly, the importance of extra-curriculum activities was stressed as well. I now understand various challenges that might arise now or in my future as a learner. Luckily, I know how to deal with them. The FY026 module is an eye-opener that has helped me develop as a learner.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Balduf, M., 2009. Underachievement among college students. Journal of advanced academics, 20(2), pp. 274-294.

Crede, M. & Kuncel, N., 2008. Study habits, skills, and attitudes: The third pillar supporting collegiate academic performance. Perspectives on psychological science, 3(6),, pp. 425-453.

Dettmer, P., Knackendoffel, A. & Thurston, L., 2013. Collaboration, consultation, and teamwork for students with special needs. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Gaudet, A. et al., 2010. Small-group learning in an upper-level university biology class enhances academic performance and student attitudes toward group work. PloS one, 5(12, p. 15821.

Kuh, G. et al., 2008. Unmasking the effects of student engagement on first-year college grades and persistence. The journal of higher education, 79(5), pp. 540-563.

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Wang, L. et al., 2009. Assessing teamwork and collaboration in high school students: A multimethod approach. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 24(2), pp. 108-124.

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