Essay on Benefits of Critical Thinking towards Critical Thinking

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  832 Words
Date:  2022-03-10


Communication may be broadly categorized as a branch of the art of science. In most cases, it usually involves two parties, one speaking, and the other listening. The speaker may be original or maybe using some source for guidance, while the listener may also decide to write some things down, record, or listen carefully. Nevertheless, communication is not limited to the art of spoken language but also the use of sign language.

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Perhaps, by using one's communication competence, it is possible that one may develop some feelings towards him/her depending on their performance (Hatton & Smith, 1995). For this reason, it is essential to take care of the necessary communication skills and styles to use, since they may influence one's decision immediately after the closure of the communication.

Schools are a perfect setup to employ excellent communication skills since it involves interaction between many people of different levels. For instance, there are the teachers and the students. For better and high-quality service delivery, teachers must maintain proper and effective communication skills between themselves, and when making interaction with the students because after that, serious decisions usually follow from either side of the speaker or listeners and may result in wrong decisions at the end (Halawah, 2005). Most importantly, the general critical thinking that involves evaluation or analysis of an incidence before making a particular judgment or decision is more important to consider in this setup than anything else, improving it in a structure like a school environment will probably lead to a countless number of benefits both at the classroom level, administration level and the organization as a whole. This research explicitly discusses some of the ways of improving critical thinking by enhancing effective communication initially.

Teachers and students must first ensure that they communicate respectively while in the classroom. One way of ensuring this is; teachers should use a more honest and tactful tone while doing their diction correctly (Brown, 2005). This will prevent them from speaking unnecessary things or rather good points where they are not required. If this happens, the attention of the listener might divert, and begin thinking something else different on the teacher, making a poor judgment.

Secondly, while having either teacher-teacher, teacher-student, or student-student communication, the speakers must always identify the terminologies that they are using, that may bring confusion to their listeners, and repeat them more than once either in a different version or in a similar manner (Trucano, 2005). During speaking, some words may get pronounced differently than they are written. Therefore different speakers may get to understand it differently depending on their lingual levels. When this is improved, done, or corrected, listeners may come out with different views after the end of the presentation. Moreover, different people have got different levels of understanding, and so the use of technical terminologies that might create confusion to mean something else difference should be avoided (Trucano, 2005). This will improve critical thinking in the end because, good understanding, lead to positive attitudes and eventually excellent and appropriate decisions.

Thirdly, effective communication must involve the use of gestures and body movements. Teachers must be conscientious about the choice of gestures they use and also how they move their body while in classrooms, or while talking to fellow teachers (Galloway, 1970). For example, the use when a teacher rolls her/his eyes to a given student, confusion might be created by the student personally or other students who might be on a watch. Generally, nonverbal cues mean a lot in determining effective communication in the school environment, more than even verbal expressions are used. As a result, teachers must make good choices on the types of non-verbal cues they use while teaching or addressing other teaching staff, similarly, students must also ascertain that they use only the recommended and appropriate gestures while the group works, or when talking to their teachers (Galloway, 1970). This will improve the critical twining in either case, as it is also well known that actions speak louder than words.


Brown, D. F. (2005). The significance of congruent communication in effective classroom management. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues, and Ideas, 79(1), 12-15. Retrieved from

Galloway, C. M. (1970). Teaching is Communicating: Nonverbal Language in the Classroom. Retrieved from

Halawah, I. (2005). The relationship between effective communication of high school principal and school climate. Education, 126(2). Retrieved from

Hatton, N., & Smith, D. (1995). Reflection in teacher education: Towards definition and implementation. Teaching and teacher education, 11(1), 33-49.

Trucano, M. (2005). Knowledge Maps: ICTs in Education-What Do We Know about the Effective Uses of Information and Communication Technologies in Education in Developing Countries?. Online Submission. Retrieved from

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Essay on Benefits of Critical Thinking towards Critical Thinking. (2022, Mar 10). Retrieved from

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