Early Childhood Education: Growth & Development for Kids - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  559 Words
Date:  2023-05-04


Based on its definition, Early Childhood Education (ECE) refers to various learning activities and experiences that specifically meant to effect the developmental changes in a child before graduating to the elementary school. Typically, Early Years Education plays an integral part towards ensuring free and pleasant growth and development of an individual's personality, regarding his needs and rhythm of life while growing up from childhood to adulthood. This form of education being provided to children must ensure distinguished stimulation of various teenagers, aiming the intellectual, social, physical as well as emotional growth and development of every child.

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Similarly, Early Childhood Education focuses towards achieving the following goals of the child's early education, between 0 to 7 years old: First, ECE ensures in achieving free, significant and enjoyable growth and development of the children's personality, based on their own pace, and needs. This goal supports children's sovereign and their creative training. Second, ECE also ensures effective development of the capacity to freely interact with other teens, adults, and with the surrounding to assist in acquiring new viable knowledge, skills, behaviors, desire to explore, attitudes, tests, experiments and also independent learning experience.

Third, Early Years Education also facilitates the discovery by all children, regarding their own identities and autonomy for the appropriate growth and development of positive self-image. In the beginning of 21st century, the learning system of early education in USA has developed substantially. This great trend enabled most American children to adequately access to significant early childhood education. This particular paper will discuss various forms of activities that in general represent pre-school education, categories of learning activities present in the early childhood education, teaching methods and various materials of pre-school education, and the conclusion.

Types of Activities in Early Childhood Education

Generally, all the activities and programs being conducted in the pre-school education should respect the right to play of children. The national curriculum for the pre-education primarily emphasizes on the physical, cognitive, social as well as emotional growth and development of a child, respectively regarding early solution to any given development challenges. The pre-school education ensures general growth and development of the children. This learning aspect would assure them a perfect start in their lives. Additionally, several areas of child's growth and development are targeted in a particular curriculum for the early stages of learning, like child's physical development, personal care, health, social, emotional, cognitive, language developments, as well as effective communication, developing adequate skills and attitudes in the process of learning of a child.

As a result, these approaches are very necessary towards achieving a customized education, by determining child's potential and various challenges or disabilities by the teacher during the early learning stages. Therefore, the following are some of the major activities performed by the children in early childhood education: Playing with toys, symbolic learning and playing, sensorial learning and gaming, playing with clay soil, sand and water, the construction games and didactic games. Additionally, artistic and skill activities which include, drawing, modeling, practical activities, painting, household activities and musical games. Furthermore, other activities of early education include communication and creative activities like stories, memorization, reading images and books. Again, the early childhood education also teaches awareness activities such as observations, talks, experiments and mathematical activities to actively engage the children. Lastly, outdoor activities offered in pre-school education include, walking, sport competitions amongst children, and using playground equipment.

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Early Childhood Education: Growth & Development for Kids - Essay Sample. (2023, May 04). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/early-childhood-education-growth-development-for-kids-essay-sample

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