Baron, F., Sorge, L., & Acuna, K. (2017). Examining student perceptions of benefits of participating in learning communities at a public liberal arts institution. Journal of Education & Social Policy, 4(2), 24-31. Retrieved from
In the Fall of 2016, the public liberal university started developing an effort to provide coordinated learning communities in the university. The study, therefore, focused on exploring the perception of students regarding the benefits they acquired upon participating in learning communities provided in the university. After administering a 47 question survey to 5 learning communities, it was found that the students have positive and beneficial experiences after participating in learning communities.
Carpenter, D. (2015). School culture and leadership of professional learning communities. International Journal of Educational Management, 29(5), 682-694. doi: 10.1108/ijem-04-2014-0046
The author, Daniel Carpenter from the department of curriculum and instruction in Texas Tech University, conducted qualitative research in three secondary schools situated at the Midwestern of USA. The study aimed to evaluate the contribution of school culture, policies, procedures, and leadership in developing professional learning communities. Upon interviewing the school administrators and teachers and observing the school policies, culture, leadership, and procedures, it was found that the school leadership ought to provide sportive leadership structures that allow the teachers to create a positive school culture with the aim of developing effective professional learning communities.
Chauraya, M., & Brodie, K. (2017). Learning in professional learning communities: Shifts in mathematics teachers' practices. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 21(3), 223-233. doi: 10.1080/0035919x.2017.1350531
The article focuses on connecting the teaching-learning activities to professional learning communities. It is noted that professional learning communities play a significant role in enhancing the teachers' development and teaching practices. The findings were derived after evaluating the behaviors of four mathematics teachers before and after participating in professional learning communities.
Chow, A. W. (2016). Teacher learning communities: the landscape of subject leadership. International Journal of Educational Management, 30(2), 287-307. doi: 10.1108/ijem-07-2014-0105
The author, a researcher from the Department of English Language Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education gathers information using semi-structured questions from 21 teachers to evaluate how the teaching-learning communities were structured as a way to generate change in Hong Kong secondary schools. The findings show that subject leadership orientation played a significant role in shaping powerful relationships, knowledge, and collaborative practices within teaching-learning communities.
Chuang, V. J., Ceballos, A., Bundgaard, H., Furu, P., Bregnhoj, H., Harker-Schuch, I., & Henriksen, C. B. (2016). Understanding the dynamics of online learning communities; experiences from three university courses. Tidsskriftet Laering Og Medier (LOM), 9(16). doi: 10.7146/lom.v9i16.24412
The authors in this article focus on illustrating the elements that form the foundation of online learning communities. It is noted that success online learning community is blended through a collaborative effort from all the students who work in together with their peers. Therefore, for the inline activities to be successful, the participants need to be engaged both emotionally and socially throughout the online interactions. For this reason, teachers strive to design a framework that focuses on developing effective online learning communities especially by creating discussion forums that allow social posts.
Gebauer, R. (2018). Learning communities association: utilizing webinars to advance learning community theory and practice. Journal of Political Science Education, 1-3. doi: 10.1080/15512169.2018.1536552
The author focuses on providing an in-depth analysis of the learning community association (LCA). Gebauer defines the LCA as a national organization that is established for people in support of advancing the learning community in the society. For this reason, it helps create unity as well as expanding opportunities that allow more participation by learning community practitioners. The article provides an overview of LCA including the origin, mission, and the various structures of LCA. It reviews how webinars can be utilized in advancing the learning community and to this effect the author outlines the various webinars offered between 2017 and 2018. It further explains the significance of LCA in the community by outlining its benefits to both the success of the students and the development of faculty teaching.
Hintz, K., & Genareo, V. (2017). Suggestions for implementing first-year experience learning communities in teacher education programs. Learning Communities Research and Practice, 5(1). Retrieved from
The article acknowledges learning communities as a significant factor that contributes to teachers' education program. This was after a university adopted a first-year experience learning communities for the teaching program. The aim of introducing the program was after the university reported declining retention, graduation, and enrollment rates.
Kaul, M., Aksela, M., & Wu, X. (2018). Dynamics of the community of inquiry (COI) within a massive open online course (MOOC) for in-service teachers in environmental Education. Education Sciences, 8(2), 40. doi: 10.3390/educsci8020040
The authors suggest that developing community-centered professional support to the teachers in a significant approach towards transforming the education system. This is due to the rise of various learning communities across various platforms. Following the rise of distance learning platforms, teachers need to design frameworks that support this learning community. It, therefore, requires understanding the dynamics of the various learning communities across the different environments.
Li, Y., Zheng, Y., Bao, H., & Liu, Y. (2015). Towards better understanding of hot topics in online learning communities. Smart Learning Environments, 2(1). doi: 10.1186/s40561-015-0019-6
The article acknowledges the significance of online learning communities in providing an avenue where students share information, handle problems, share ideas, and discuss important themes within the education system. As a way to support the success of these interactions, learners need to understand the communication focus and the core learning themes as well.
Nkengbeza, D., & Heystek, J. (2017). Professional learning communities: A comparative study of three educational areas in the northwest province of south africa. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 05(04), 98-119. doi: 10.4236/jss.2017.54010
The authors administered questionnaires to 1251 principals and teachers across the three educational areas across in North West province of South Africa. The study aimed to explore the perception of teachers and principals regarding their schools existing as professional communities. The findings show that establishing learning community perspective in South African schools is crucial in enhancing the education system in the country as well as addressing the disparities that exist between the schools situated in rural areas and those in urban areas.
Schaap, H., & de Bruijn, E. (2017). Elements affecting the development of professional learning communities in schools. Learning Environments Research, 21(1), 109-134. doi: 10.1007/s10984-017-9244-y
The authors explore the process of establishing professional learning communities which majorly occurs in schools. Through the utilization of participatory research and imposing questionnaires, the authors explored four PLCs within three years. The study aimed to evaluate the various elements that influence the development of PLCs. The findings show the elements include tensions among roles, beliefs, dialogues, socialization, ownership, and alignment, underlying perceptions about the tasks, and the composition of the group.
Tan, Y. S. M., & Caleon, I. S. (2015). Problem finding in professional learning communities: A learning study approach. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 60(2), 127-146. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2014.996596
The authors utilize the collaboration between problem-solving and learning in understanding the cycle of the process of teachers professional development in a school-based professional learning communities (PLCs). Through multiple data sources, the source aimed at exploring how PLCs conduct collaborative problem solving by establishing a shared understating of the complex curricular problems that face teachers. This study is significant as it focuses on a subject that receives minimal attention in the literature.
Vanblaere, B., & Devos, G. (2017). The role of departmental leadership for professional learning communities. Educational Administration Quarterly, 54(1), 85-114. doi: 10.1177/0013161x17718023
The authors strive to explore the role of departmental leaders in enhancing the developing and functioning of the PLCs. The study conducted a survey that covered 248 mathematics and French teachers across the 62 departments in a school in Belgium. The findings thus show that departmental heads play a pivotal role in enhancing the functionality and success of PLCs therein.
Wennergren, A. C., & Blossing, U. (2015). Teachers and students together in a professional learning community. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61(1), 47-59. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2015.1066441
The authors interviewed 11 teachers to evaluate the participation of both teachers and students in a professional learning community. The article asserts that while students represent the majority of the people in a school, they are less considered as fundamental participants in a professional learning community. The study encompasses three dimensions of analytic tools including agreement, joint enterprises, and a shared repertoire. The study concludes that community practice theory is significant in understanding the creation of professional learning communities.
West, D. (2015). Finding the 'tipping point': A Framework for building an institutional learning community to improve learning and teaching. Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts [Special Issue: Narrative Inquiry], 18, 40-51. doi:
The author identifies universities as a representation of learning communities in a broader perspective. The article further strives to illustrate a framework that can be utilized to enhance the learning and teaching in these institutions of higher learning. The author thus suggests the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) as a core element that helps in improving the student experience in these institutions. Therefore, it is crucial that each university borrows the idea of SoTL as a fundamental approach to building an institution of a successful learning community.
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