What New Homebuyers Look For in Houses Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  452 Words
Date:  2022-12-10

Space and comfort are essential to a house, and that is why taste and preference vary among the homebuyers. In actual fact, based on one's budget, family size and household equipment, people have their own specification of the houses. The house designs vary from an apartment, bungalow, Duplex, villa, cottage, and chalet. I agree that the following are the most paramount after features within ta home that most of the homebuyers consider while considering to make a purchase: space, floor-plan/layout, modern finishes, modern kitchen, large bathrooms, laundry room, ceiling fans, energy-star rated appliances, garage storage, table-space in kitchen, bathroom exhaust fan, and a walk-in kitchen pantry. All these aspects are based on the design and layouts, interior, kitchen, baths, and exteriors.

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Design and layout: Most buyers consider an open-living, with flexible space and more personalized.

Interior: The interior needs to be furnished with modern and trendy designs and fittings. On the other hand, at least 90% of the buyers consider energy efficiency in terms of clean energy house and conservation of the environment (Taylor, 2019) such as solar water heaters, energy saving window glasses, and natural lighting; mostly, the Energy-Star rating appliances are preferred by most of the house buyers.

Kitchen design: Kitchen is an important aspect of every house, due to its significance to the family, their tastes vary from Black (Black matte, black stainless, and bronze-like finishes), two tones, warm white, quartz, storage, and pet-centric (Tomasulo, 2018). Table space for eating, a walk-in pantry, and a double sink are mostly desired features by 84% of the buyers (Quint, 2013). While for the bathroom, most of the consumers considered the ones with the exhaust fan in bathroom and a linen closet, and it was not essential to have both a tub and shower stall in a master bath.

Exteriors: Most of the homebuyers considered the following: exterior lighting (90% of the buyers), front porch (80%) and a patio (83%) (Quint, 2013). Other important elements that are considered are laundry space, parking lot and garage space (Tomasulo, 2018).To wind up, the wants of the buyers vary based on their income, marital status, generation (gen Y, gen X, baby boomers, and seniors), and geographical location. The modern furnishes and fitting have improved the taste and expectation of many of the potential homebuyers. The construction companies are also trying to be on track with the on-time trends in the real estate industry.


Quint, R. (2013). What Home Buyers Really Want. National Association of Home Builders. Retrieved from https://www.homeownersmarketingservices.com/wpcontent/uploads/2017/08/nahb_research_2013.pdf

Taylor, A.B (2019). Personal Finance News, Investing Advice, Business Forecasts-Kiplinger. Retrieved from https://www.kiplinger.com/slideshow/real-estate/T010-S001-features-home-buyers-want-most/index.html

Tomasulo, K. (2018). What Homebuyers Want Most. Retrieved from https://www.probuilder.com/what-homebuyers-want-most

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What New Homebuyers Look For in Houses Essay Example. (2022, Dec 10). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/what-new-homebuyers-look-for-in-houses-essay-example

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