Globalization as a concept in economic, social and political angles has caught up with every individual in one way or the other. It presents challenges and benefits to the global community upon which the future depends. Therefore there is the need to develop an orientation of thought and behavior that is flexible and aligned with the prevalent global changes in the socio-economic-political spheres (Fathima).
Developing an international perspective is very crucial to surviving competitively and successfully in this century whether for individuals or companies (Chou, Trappey, and Pokojski). A global outlook can be defined as a comprehensive lens through which one can view the world and the inherent aspects. It influences an individual's perception and understanding of self and those they engage with. This mindset entails developing an understanding of global concepts, ideologies, cultures, etc. Having a global perspective involves being open to new ideas, issues, and solutions. Flexibility to change the way of things, adopt better means, achieve cultural sensitivity and the willingness to learn from others is equally important. Global perspective also entails having forward-thinking ideas and open-mindedness. This would allow one to form partnerships with people and other systems. The social, political and economic interconnectedness of all spheres of the world is brought into perspective via developing an international outlook. The global perspective facilitates the existence, survival, and growth in a dynamic and interconnected system of people, recourses, technology, power structures, and social-cultural systems.
The world is increasingly turning into a global platform. Education needs to be reflective of the impacts of globalization in its students and provide an understanding of this global world. A global perspective will help graduates achieve a better place in the international scope of things. Being tomorrow's managers, entrepreneurs, CEO's, etc., graduates with global-oriented thinking and understanding are more likely to participate in and cope better with the changing world. Globalization has led to the need for buying globally, selling, and outsourcing, rendering services, competing, managing people from different global cultures, solving problems with an international nature and working with people of different origins among others. This requires skills that ought to be inculcated at school levels (Pack).
A global perspective allows students to be effectively competitive in a global market while also being productive in their communities. The need to share ideas, communicate, interact, engage and fit in effectively across different global regions and spheres are crucial. Companies and organizations are continually expanding and acquiring more global reach. No longer are they content with a mere local presence. They want to extend their dominance, widen their market shares and attain an international influence. This view and attitude should equally reflect in individuals whether working or learning students.
Are Graduates with a Global Perspective More Valuable?
The Harvard business review notes that demand for people capable of working in a global workforce and lead diverse teams is expected to be even higher given the continued expansion of companies across continents (Neeley). Companies are opening themselves up to more global-oriented mindsets with most providing spaces for more inclusive workplaces and opening up to more diversity to tap into the associated advantages such as increased innovation and creativity.
Globalization has become the goal for every company aiming to increase market share and acquire more reach. Such advancements and shift of focus in business and economy require to be undertaken by and with employees who are familiar with the concepts, challenges, and strategies needed to tap into the global business environment effectively. Such employees have an international mindset. They understand better the way the world works (Bruce, Podemski, and Anderson). They understand the global interconnectedness through trade, media, internet, and travel. They have a widened sense of things, broadened perception and scope of interaction with other people. They have great people qualities that allow them to operate from any place in the world and effectively integrate with the locals. Cultural sensitivity will enable them to engage others in a dignified and modest manner.
Such employees are also able to make informed decisions while taking into account the entirety of human society and environments. They are hence, future-oriented, ready to learn and eager to expand their knowledge and skill level partaking from different sources. Creativity is a value they possess and utilize to achieve day-to-day solutions to challenges that might present. Being open-minded and critical of all aspects from a global perspective allows them the flexibility of thought and ability to generate new ideas.
Graduates equipped with such qualities and skills are therefore preferred and are rendered more valuable than those versed with an outlook of the local environment (Farkas). Graduates should, therefore, strive to attain a global perspective and mindset to attain higher value and competitiveness in the continually globalized job market (OECD).
Interview Questions to Assess 'the International Outlook 'Among Interviewees
How many languages can you speak? - The higher the number of languages an individual can speak the higher the indicators of global mentality as they can communicate in languages beyond their native.
How many international friends do you have and engage with on social media? - Social media forms the first place for many people to encounter diversity and on a global scale. By offering a non-discriminative platform, social media allows those with a higher global orientation to reach out and engage others or express interests in other countries and cultures.
How often do you travel and what was the last significant trip you took- the higher the instances of travel, the more chances the individual has encountered diverse groups of people inculcating essential values such as tolerance, communication, and identity.
How do you view foreigners and people from different countries/cultures - This will help bring into perspective the interviewee's level of tolerance and willingness to engage without discrimination with people from different origins.
What are your views on diversification of the workforce? - The willingness to learn, form relationships and pursue collective goals can be evaluated through this question.
What is your go-to choice of news and media outlets - The media choice by individuals can tell a lot about their open-mindedness and scope of mind? If they are only interested in local affairs politically, socially and economically, the interviewee fails to depict a global orientation.
How to Promote Global Education
Global education is crucial and should be the core of any school's curriculum. It emphasizes the need for appreciating diversity in culture, ideas, and beliefs. Responsibility and building meaningful relationships is equally essential. Students can, therefore, identify with people from all corners of the world without judgment, instead utilizing such opportunities as learning points. Global education makes them global citizens (Choi).
Nurturing such an education curriculum that incorporates global mindedness and awareness in the students requires the support and participation of every stakeholder and player. From the government to school authority, students, instructors, and the society, all have a role to play. The following are some of how a global perspective can be nurtured in the undergraduate education system.
Seminars should be held frequently and often focusing on international perspectives in general areas and topics specific to the student courses. This will open up the scope of learning beyond the immediate environment and project the internationality of issues to the students.
Shared housing - students should be allowed opportunities to co-exist amongst and alongside each other through student co-habitation. Through the use of fraternities, sororities, and even private co-residence, students can exchange ideas, learn each other's culture, and endeavor to develop tolerance and responsibility. These qualities are crucial values associated with international mindedness.
Internationally themed events- These events involve engagements and encounters with people of other cultures and countries. This helps establish contact with foreign traditions, culture, beliefs, and ideas hence opening the students up to global possibilities, opportunities, and prospects.
Undergraduate programs should also include tours, trips, and travel as part of the learning process to encourage students to take on trips even beyond the borders. Including travel and exploration as part of the curriculum pushes the students to take on responsibility, encounter other people and understand issues from a global perspective while at the same time learning and advancing education-wise.
Language learning programs- Curriculums for undergraduates should be modified to include language learning as a fundamental and core course to be undertaken by students. Several language options should be provided, and students encouraged to enroll to be able to develop communication capabilities and expression of ideas in a language other than their native (Stoll).
Works Cited
Bruce, Michael G., Richard S. Podemski and Carrel M. Anderson. "Developing a Global Perspective: Strategies for Teacher Education Programs." Journal of Teacher Education 42.1 (2011): 21-27.
Choi, Tae Hee. "Transforming education: global perspectives, experiences, and implications." A Journal of Comparative and International Education 46.3 (2016): 503-505.
Chou, Shuo-Yan, et al. Global Perspective for Competitive Enterprise, Economy and Ecology: Proceedings of the 16th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering. Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.
Farkas, Andras. Competitiveness of Graduates on the Job Market. Budapest: Budapest Tech, Faculty of Economics, 2013. <>.
Neeley, sedal. "Global Teams That Work." Havard Business Review October 2015.
OECD. "Global-competency-for-an-inclusive-world." 12 June 2018. OECD.ORG. 5 December 2018. <>.
Pack, Andrew A. A Global Perspective of the U.S. Workforce in the Midst of Technological Advancement. 2015. <>.
Stoll, Louise. "Systemwide reform under pressure: a global perspective on learning and change." Journal of Educational Administration 51.4 (2013): 564-570.
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