Essay Example on National Living Wage: Establishing Fairness for Workers

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  507 Words
Date:  2023-09-04

Living Wage

The government should establish and enforce a standard national living wage that should be followed and actualized by all employers. All employers should prioritize the wage with their fellow business partners, customers, suppliers, and workers. Since workers are also humans that have needs, they should be able to earn themselves enough to support themselves and take care of the needs of those dear to them. Corporations and the government should work towards improving the workers' general wages by dissolving the concentration of wealth at the top. Wage control will uplift workers' dignity and reduce poverty and inequalities caused by low earnings. Low income is always caused by a concentration of wealth by the people at the top. This is amongst the main reasons for low standards of living that are widespread globally.

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Progressive Taxation

The government can earn its revenue to fund its programs and policies. One percent of the population in the world holds the general wealth of the rest. Taxing the top earners higher will enable the government to get the funds to offer services to the less fortunate. The funds can be used to improve healthcare, improve infrastructure, and build schools to ensure access to quality education (FitzRoy & Jin, 2018). The low-income earners should be subjected to little or no tax to leave them more funds for expenditure. Some suggestions recommend a high of up to 65% tax on the top earners.


Poverty and income inequality are prevalent worldwide, with a few among the population having more than the rest. The two often deprive the common person access to the most basic of necessities like education and healthcare. Several measures can be taken as a stepping stone towards the actualization of poverty in an inequality free world. Measures like Improvement of rural infrastructure, Structural change to generate employment, a living wage, and Progressive taxation are part of the map to be used in addressing poverty and income inequality as the global societal issue.


Cyrek, M. (2019). Government social spending in the EU countries: efficiency in poverty and income inequality reduction. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 14(3), 405-424.

FitzRoy, F., & Jin, J. (2018). Basic income and a public job offer: Complementary policies to reduce poverty and unemployment. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 26(2), 191-206.

Kaidi, N., & Mensi, S. (2019). Financial Development, Income Inequality, and Poverty Reduction: Democratic Versus Autocratic Countries. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-24.

Tselios, V., & Tompkins, E. L. (2019). What causes nations to recover from disasters? An inquiry into the role of wealth, income inequality, and social welfare provisioning. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 33, 162-180.

Wu, Q., Guan, X., Zhang, J., & Xu, Y. (2019). The Role of Rural Infrastructure in Reducing Production Costs and Promoting Resource-Conserving Agriculture. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(18), 3493.

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Essay Example on National Living Wage: Establishing Fairness for Workers. (2023, Sep 04). Retrieved from

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