Technology in Classrooms: Benefits and Dangers - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  616 Words
Date:  2023-02-27


In the contemporary world, the use of technology is not a choice anymore since even the simplest of activities like checking out groceries utilizes technology. Teachers have also adopted the use of different technologies to help in classroom teaching. Technology enriched learning classrooms has led to the development of negative aspects; for example, the frequent use of text messaging has led to an increase in poor spelling. Although the rapid growth of technology may improve learning, abundant use among students may lead to poor literacy skills such as poor grammar spellings, decreased critical thinking, and poor comprehension.

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According to Tolga (2018), increased use of error-correction tools such as spellcheck, students are no longer careful when they write. When they use technology, any simple error is automatically corrected; however, they find it very hard to write words with correct spellings down on paper without the aid of a spelling checker. A lot of spelling errors in writing are also as a result of text messaging. Short-form texting reduces the ability of a student to write complete sentences in essays.

Technology has also led to poor comprehension and analytical skills that students get through reading. For instance, students no longer focus on the overall meaning of a piece of writing since they only focus on looking for the meaning of keywords through the internet. Students no longer read books for better comprehension but rather depend on technology such as the internet for analysis of an assignment. Additionally, visual media such as online videos and games do not offer the ability to think critically and analyze an event as reading does. Reading allows for reflection and opens room for imaginations among learners. Technology has not only led to reduced comprehension skills but also a lack concentration while reading as a result of overdependence on visual media.

Reliance on digital applications such as speech-to-text has raised a class of students who struggle to jot down key ideas on paper. A text to speech allows a student to talk to the computer as the computer generates a sentence from the words spoken (Wood et al., 2018). Overdependence on text to speech application causes the learner to find it hard to find keys fast while typing and similarly leads to frustration when they cannot write the same down with traditional methods such as the use of pen and paper. Additionally, Technology has also made it difficult for students to write long assignments as they become impatient with the process of writing. Digital media are used in the classroom not only to write but also to proofread the documents for grammar and spelling corrections.


In conclusion, despite the positive effects of technology on learning, use among students may lead to poor literacy skills such as poor spellings, decreased critical thinking, and poor comprehension. Short-form texting reduces the ability of a student to write complete sentences in essays. Technology among students also may lead to poor comprehension and analytical skills. Additionally, through digital techniques such as speech-to-text, has made it difficult for students to write long assignments. While there is no need to completely turn back to traditional literacy methods, students can find a way that allows them to balance technology and other methods of learning.


Wood, S. G., Moxley, J. H., Tighe, E. L., & Wagner, R. K. (2018). Does the use of text-to-speech and related read-aloud tools improve reading comprehension for students with reading disabilities? A meta-analysis. Journal of learning disabilities, 51(1), 73-84. Retrieved from

Tolga, G. O. K. (2015). THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES ON STUDENTS'LEARNING. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences, 2, 173-177. Retrieved from

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Technology in Classrooms: Benefits and Dangers - Essay Sample. (2023, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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