Research Proposal Sample on Nike Advert

Paper Type:  Research proposal
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  409 Words
Date:  2024-01-08


I wish to focus my research on a Nike advert that features Lebron James. The advert is a promotional video that targets the marketing of Nike athletic gear (Tevi, Alexander &Scott 120). The style of the advert and the skills that were used to create it are my targets in the advert. Therefore, my topic would be “The components of online adverts and their impacts on the quality of the advert”.

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Different Components

My research on the advert shall be driven by the will to understand the different components of an advert (Nyström, Anna & Karl 50). Every advert contains some components that capture the attention of the targeted audience (Harrison 45). At the same time, my research will enable me to dig deeper into adverts knowledge, where I shall be able to understand and point any component in an advert. In this case, I will conduct a rhetorical analysis on the advert, and identify components such as emotions, rhetorical appeals, credibility, logic, and purpose communication in the advert (Mishra 100).

While conducting the research, I will use the course textbook, journals related to the course, and class notes as references. Also, I will use my instructor for guidance throughout the research, while my course mates will help provide social support.


Through doing this research, I will be able to learn how to identify credibility, logic, emotion, purpose, and rhetoric appeals in an advert (Kaspar, Kai, Weber, & Wilbers n.p). The information that I will gather from this research will help me to gather more knowledge and skills for English 102. At the end of the research, I will be able to understand every rhetorical appeal used in creating adverts.

Works Cited

Harrison, Dominique NA. "Emotional Appeals in Nonprofit Advertising: A Rhetorical Analysis of Print Ads by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the American Cancer Society." (2020).

Kaspar, Kai, Sarah Lucia Weber, and Anne-Kathrin Wilbers. "Personally relevant online advertisements: Effects of demographic targeting on visual attention and brand evaluation." PloS one 14.2 (2019): e0212419.

Mishra, Oly. "Communicating a company's higher purpose to conscious consumers through online behavioral advertising." The Marketing Review 20.1-2 (2020): 93-108.

Nyström, Anna-Greta, and Karl-Jacob Mickelsson. "Digital advertising as service: introducing contextually embedded selling." Journal of Services Marketing (2019).

Tevi, Alexander, and Scott Koslow. "How rhetoric theory informs the creative advertising development process: Reconciling differences between advertising scholarship and practice." Journal of Advertising Research 58.1 (2018): 111-128.

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Research Proposal Sample on Nike Advert. (2024, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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