Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Application

Paper Type:  Personal statement
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  613 Words
Date:  2022-06-30


When I started internal medicine residency, I was living my dream of solving the challenging mysteries of disease and human suffering. However, treating critically ill patients in the ICU involving multi-organ systems and integrating complex pathophysiology, provided me with a similar - yet stronger - sense of contentment that I get in internal medicine. I started recognizing my growing interest in pulmonology and critical care when I started seeking any opportunity I could to spend time in the ICU. Every experience was rewarding and left me looking forward to my next ICU posting.

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My passion for serving patients in the pulmonary and critical care units started early in residency as I took every opportunity to explore the ICU, outpatient pulmonology clinics, and the bronchoscopy suites. Working in a twenty-eight bed ICU of a community based, safety net hospital in Flint, Michigan - without a fellow - not only improved my clinical practice, decisiveness, and procedural skills but also made me a resilient person in front of challenges while serving patients. These encounters raised my interests in research and drove me to conduct studies that have led to publications and presentations. For instance, my abstracts for poster has been accepted for oral presentation at the 2018 CHEST Annual Meeting, which is a highlight of my research so far during residency. Thus, I am hoping to secure a chance to progress with my research activities in fellowship and beyond.

Moreover, I have interests in pulmonology and critical care, hence to experience a clinic setting different from one I had at my residency program, I did an away clerkship at Drexel University, Philadelphia. Drexel allowed me tremendous opportunities to explore various pulmonary diseases and interventional procedures. This experience contributed to my fascination with the continually evolving field of interventional pulmonology. During the process, I also noticed that pulmonary and critical care medicine was a combination of my interests and strengths: logical scientific thought process needed for decision making and art of procedural skills which require tactile mastery. Therefore, I aspire to become a good intensivist and a renowned interventional pulmonologist in future, which is my primary reason for applying to this fellowship program.

Additionally, I believe that my experiences from living in the different parts of India and subsequent relocation to the US for residency have improved my capacity to adapt to new settings and connect with people from different walks of life. This situation is explained by my hobbies which include the love for travel, exploring various cultures, and eating/cooking global cuisines. Furthermore, various clinical encounters have equipped me with leadership and teamwork skill. For example, I led a team of doctors during a free medical care program, led a college cricket team, and currently, I have been appointed as the chief resident of our internal medicine program. These experiences have led to my appreciation of teamwork, coordination, responsibility, and perseverance at the workplace.


In conclusion, among the numerous continually evolving modern equipment, the ability to treat critically ill patients, and the effect of teamwork, pulmonary and critical care medicine represents an ideal career path for my choice (Vincent, 2013). The reason for this choice is based on my desire to combine my career values which include decisiveness, problem-solving, and the art of procedures. I am looking forward to joining a fellowship program that will edify experiences in clinical and procedural practices with a possibility to expand my training and knowledge to become an interventional pulmonologist. Thus, I am willing to bring in return my commitment, perseverance, and above all, my boundless inquisitiveness to maximize the experience.


Vincent, J. L. (2013). Critical care-where have we been and where are we going?. Critical Care, 17(1), S2.

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