Paper Example on Providing Competent Client-Centered Care: Mrs. G's Case

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  626 Words
Date:  2023-02-11

Nursing needs committed care to the patients. Responsibility is a skill acquired through an understanding of the patients or the persons who require the care. This paper is a personal description of how to offer competent client-centered care with collaboration with other stakeholders. It bases the report on the case of Mrs. G's case.

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Client-centered care is a significant mode of work in the current nursing fraternity. It is mentally, physically, and a time emotionally demanding, this makes it worth learning its dimensions. In this type of work, the person's health needs and other needs, including cultural well-being, are considered(Stanhope&Lancaster,2015). Their concern is behind any decision made. The client should partner with the family and the service providers. It covers the financial, social, spiritual needs of the concerned client.

Mrs. G is a widow aged 50 years old. She is a widow who stays alone because the husband is already dead. All her five children are already old and living in different states. Mrs. G is all by herself, and this makes her life difficult because she depended on the husband, whom she describes as very resourceful, both socially and financially. Due to old age, she is continually getting injured from falls and might be suffering from psychological issues that may lead to depression. Her daughter from a neighboring state is always visiting to check on her, but she feels that the visits are not enough. The daughter is finding it hard to refer her to care -center, which would be better. Mrs. G wants to stay in her house and cherish the old memories the house reminds her.

Mrs. G loves her family; she refuses to leave for the assisted care facility. She thinks that the house keeps all the memories of the best days of her life. She feels that her life is not more critical without the feeling of having the family together. The fact that she wants to stay despite all her challenges alone tells that she is committed to her request for constant visits by the family nurse.

The response of Mrs. G surprises because a care facility is the best place for her. The director promises reasonable care and proper attention. The assurance and the urge by the siblings should be enough to change her mind.

It is most likely that Mrs. G was raised in a culture that fosters togetherness and cherishes unity. This culture has made her feel lonelier and alone if she is taken away from her house. She lives alone, but she feels okay with the memories of her family.

If I were Mrs. G's daughter, I would assure her that the family loves her. That the reason for her transfer to an assisted living facility does not mean that she is being neglected. On verbal communication, I would include nodding to show that it is a sincere conversation.

If Mrs. G insists on remaining behind, the solution, according to the client-centered care, would be to allow her to stay. A forced transfer may lead to depression and other mental mal-functions. The best that can be done is the hiring of a full-time health-care practitioner who will stay around and keep her company. The daughter is to work on providing for her upkeep and ensure that they set time for visits.


In conclusion, the case of Mrs. G needs to be handled in a manner that considers her age and the culture she believes in. The principals of client-centered care state that, every action health-care action taken, is informed by the decisions of the client. It should cater to her emotional, financial, and social well-being.


Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2015). Public health nursing-e-book: Population-centered health care in the community. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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Paper Example on Providing Competent Client-Centered Care: Mrs. G's Case. (2023, Feb 11). Retrieved from

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