Health care trends can bring a commendable change in the health care sector. Medical MD diabetes education program can be highly impacted by the technological advancements in terms of education delivery. Medical MD education program will help in providing better patient care and also will improve the patients' health scores by providing a good record of health data and tracking of the patients care routine and lifestyle. The population of people who are interested in diabetes health management education in Medical MD is high. Medical MD aims at providing education to the diabetic employees, who are interested in the knowledge of how to conduct and live healthy lives. The trend of also providing higher value healthcare education for diabetic employees at a low cost may affect Medical MD employee satisfaction. Increased partnership and collaboration amongst all stakeholders is an important trend that may help Medical MD to achieve its diabetes education goals. Working together will help improve Medical MD revenue support as they may merge their strategic alliances and clinic affiliations to impact better service performance of the employees. This paper will create an evaluation plan for Medical MD diabetes self-management education and assess the stakeholders, potential support, and the implications of Medical MD diabetes patient's intervention plan.
Definition of Outcomes for the Intervention Plan
- Improved diabetes employee's health outcomes.
- Improved diabetic employee's engagement to the organization goals.
- Improving diabetic employee's health resilience and life satisfaction.
The Medical MD diabetes self-management education plan seeks to increase the organization diabetic employees overall engagement to the organization activities by reducing absentia cases due to poor diabetes management which is associated with poor health outcomes. The education program is aimed at equipping the diabetic employees in Medical MD with important skills to cope with their diabetic conditions which will be instrumental towards improving their health outcomes and reducing absentia from work due to sickness which reduce the organization profitability.
The outcomes will play an instrumental role in the creation of a framework which can be used as a benchmark to evaluate the improvement of diabetic employee's safety practices and experience in maintaining the right blood sugar. The outcomes will play an instrumental role in improving the quality of interventions and knowledge of self-care by the Medical MD employees in the short term and the long term. The organization will be able to retain hard working diabetic employees who are affected by regular comorbidities that are associated with the poor diabetes management.
Evaluation Plan to Assess the Impact of the Intervention
It is necessary to create an evaluation plan which will be instrumental in assessing the ability of the diabetes self-management education in Medical MD to meet its overall goals. The assessment plan will begin by the reaffirmation of the education program goals. The program will seek to improve employee engagement, diabetes self-management competency, reduce absentia cases and employee retrenchment, and improve customer satisfaction.
Evaluation Framework Table
Assessment Activities Key Outcomes Rationale
Elements to be Measured: Employee absentia, employee engagement, and improvement of departmental performance. The use of the three elements as metrics for the assessment of the self-care diabetes education will be instrumental in ensuring a holistic view of the prior established outcomes from the program. It is important to establish the key metrics which will be used in the evaluation plan to assess the program success/performance.
Assessment of Employee Self-Care Competency
Assessment of organization productivity outcomes. The evaluation framework will use interviews and surveys which will be instrumental in establishing information which can be used to assess the self-care education program success and ability to meet the program key outcomes. The participants will be the diabetic employees and the departmental leaders who will provide insightful information on the program success.
Matching collected data with key program outcomes. The second activity will match the collected information with the outcomes which will assess the overall success and areas that might need improvement. Matching the outcomes with the data collected will be instrumental in establishing whether the program has positive or negative impacts on the pre-established outcomes and goals.
Data analysis strategy Thematic coding and SPSS The data from the surveys and the interviews will be analyzed using thematic coding for the interviews and the SPSS for the surveys respectively.
Providing feedback to the program taskforce The results from the evaluation will be shared with the taskforce and the organization shareholders to establish the overall performance of the program against its goals. Providing feedback is instrumental in determining the program continuity or improvements that can be introduced.
The nurses in the education program groups and the taskforce will be instrumental in promoting professionalism and safety in the education content. The nurses will provide a professional input by ensuring that the self-care education content is evidence based which will be instrumental in improving safety of care and interprofessional coordination to improve the diabetic patients overall care outcomes. The intervention by the organization improves nursing profession by increasing their role in care education which is instrumental in improving the diabetes patients outcomes. The intervention extends the role of the nurse as a care provider to corporate organizations and prevents the deterioration of the patient condition due to the potential of opportunistic comorbidities.
Stakeholders, Regulatory Implications, and Potential Support That Could Impact the Implementation of an Intervention Plan
Stakeholders play an instrumental role in the success of the self-management diabetes education plan implementation. The immediate stakeholder that can directly affect the success of the intervention plan are the individual employees. Employee cooperation and collaboration is a necessity in realizing the diabetes self-management education plan which will be instrumental in improving the affected employee healthcare outcomes. The employees are instrumental in the success of the organization processes and also influence the organization outcomes. The primary goal for Medical MD will be educating not only the diabetic employees but its entire workforce on the self-management education program and its importance. Every organization operates like a system and the success of the program depends on the acceptability of all the employees who will play an instrumental role in providing material and moral support to the people who will be attending the group education meetings.
The organization leaders and shareholders will be instrumental in the success of the diabetes self-management education. The leaders structure and implement an organization policies and mange resources allocated to programs. The shareholders are responsible for creating an organization programs and providing supporting resources based on the overall return on investment. Involving the leaders and the shareholders of Medical MD in the planning and implementation of the self-management process will be instrumental in the overall success of the education program. The shareholders involvement and education of the benefits of the program to the organization outcomes will increase their willingness and support towards the implementation of the program. Therefore, the success of the self-management education program in Medical MD will be instrumental in the overall success and long-term outcomes. Diabetes self-management education is an ongoing process which is instrumental in facilitating knowledge and skills for diabetes self-care. One of the advantages towards shareholders and leaders in the organization is the increase in the employee productivity. Therefore, the involvement of the leaders and the shareholders is for the mutual benefit of the organization and its employees.
The third group of the diabetes self-management education are the external medical staff and diabetes specialists who will be instrumental towards the success of program. For the education program to be a success Medical MD will be required to incorporate skilled and knowledgeable diabetes educators who have the skills and competency to offer evidence based diabetes self-care information to Medical MD diabetic employees. The diabetes specialist's role will be actual education of the diabetic employees and offering professional guidance to the organization shareholders and leaders to make internal policies and regulations which supports diabetic patient's education and create a supportive work environment. For effective stakeholder's involvement and support Medical MD should establish a task force to manage the self-management education project by coordinating the education program activities and resources to ensure that it is mutually beneficial and does not affect the diabetic employee's ability to meet their responsibilities to Medical MD while at the same time ensuring that the product is feasible.
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