The world has evolved over the years hence biases towards women is a sign of backwardness and must be abolished. Therefore, it is prudent that everyone regards gender as a spectrum rather than a set of opposing ideas. The equality of women has gone through many hurdles over the past 100 years, and it is sad to realize that despite the modern day enlightenment, women do not have the right to enjoy the same benefits as men (Grabowska 63). Therefore, this essay is focused on exploring the kind of challenges women experience including the right to vote, sexual and workplace harassment.
It would be necessary to inquire whether there is a role played by both Ethical Egoism and Utilitarianism in the issues affecting women equality. It is evident that the application of ethical utilitarianism theories and ethical egoism and the perspective of ethical belief would result in women equality. In Utilitarianism, there is a belief that empowerment of women does hold not only the impact on poverty but also the means to its reduction. In today's development, empowerment of women is key considering the input from both men and women affect the economy.
The paper explores the idea of whether achieving greater female empowerment and gender equality would be through increasing reliance on women and girls in an effort to solve poverty in the world, or this would lead to an essential lockdown of stereotypes, which would not aid in disabling gender disparities beyond the borders of the nation. Over the past twenty years, the idea of poverty feminization has been popularized, moreover, in respect to drawing attention to gendered disadvantage; it has proven beneficial ("Gender Equality Work At The Medical University Of Innsbruck" 845-845). However, contentions have risen on whether the emerging initiatives aimed to address the issue of women equality are beneficial to women and girls. This essay uses three popular interventions meant to aid women, and their families get out of poverty to highlight some of the major challenges and paradoxes. Some of the interventions meant to aid women including microfinance schemes, conditional cash transfer programs, and investing in girls among other interventions.
According to French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas essay on women rights and domesticity, women are capable of serving in the equal capacity as men without necessarily harming any ethical relationship. The female gender is regarded as inferior to the male gender despite many evidence showed by different organizations with women in their ranks ("Gender Equality Work At The Medical University Of Innsbruck" 845-845). In matters of relationships, women have an important role in ensuring there are quality communication and satisfaction within the family; this proves the capability of female gender in development matters hence empowering the women would tremendously benefit the society.
In ancient society, the rights of women were never considered, and they had no say in governments or the election process considering they could not vote just because they are female. In history, the efforts made by Lydia Taft and Susan B. Anthony, have proved otherwise contrary to the popular belief that women cannot contribute anything towards development. These two women proved that women deserved to the chance to work just the male counterpart. Currently, the world has evolved, and women have more rights and liberty unlike 100 years ago. This shows that society has awoken and is slowly realizing the importance and contribution of women in society and that the place of women is not in the kitchen. In modern society, women have the capability to vote, work in large organizations hold big posts and do anything men do (Bailey 716-738). This liberty held by the female shows that this generation has accepted the female gender as equal to the male gender hence women have control over their destinies. However, despite the changes experienced in most parts of the world, there are a few households, which still regard women like children and must be controlled on how to behave or what to do.
Moreover, they go to the extent of disrespecting women and treat them like slaves. Women are treated like dogs behind closed doors in some parts; moreover, they are sold, raped and beaten. According to an article by Cathy Tims, some people regard women as slaves and that nature intended for that to be so. Women are seen as nothing more than just property. According to the 1961 Executive Order 10925 section 101, President John F. Kennedy put in place the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which would ensure equality in every workplace. This order would ensure employees get the respect they deserve and not regarded by their gender, colour, or gender.
In America, Lydia Taft first realized the idea that women could vote when her husband a property holder died during the election period, she voted her husband's proxy. This marked an important step in history considering men voted to allow her to vote in place of her husband. The best way to ensure women equality is to use utilitarianism considering it helps one view whether an act is wrong or right (Mosser). The decision of governance is a collective responsibility hence everyone old enough must have their say regardless of the gender race or religious background. Women have the right to air their views through voting. The right thing according to utilitarianism, women must have equal rights as the male counterpart; however, that does not necessarily mean they will have the rights they deserve without striving to get it. It is important the society regard women equal to the male considering female empowerment would greatly expand the economy and other employment opportunities. In today's world, both the male and female have great responsibilities, but women are considered the weaker sex despite proving they are capable of doing what the male can do.
The Ethical egoism school of thought argues that individuals should perform actions out of their own interests and not through coercion (Mosser). The advocacy for women equality has not fallen into deaf hears considering women hold 30 per cent of seats in national parliament in 46 countries around the world and this is a sign that things are changing for the best regarding gender equality. This is a positive step in issues of governance considering that over 100 years ago women had no voice in matters of governance. However, much more efforts have to be done since the education of girls around the world is slow given about 98 million girls are not in school (Quinones 751-784). Moreover, one in three women faces gender-based violence throughout the world. These actions clearly elaborate ethical egoism from the male counterpart who still view the female as inferior gender.
There are parts in the world where men hold the view that women are not supposed to talk where men are and should remain silent, pregnant and barefoot. Furthermore, this class of men believe women are controlled by emotions and are simple-minded creatures who need men for their survival despite the efforts made worldwide to bring gender equality. However, it is the responsibility of the other fraction of men, which must defend the female gender since shutting up, does not help the situation. Some men do not have a say in issues regarding gender equality, and that presents a threat considering the stride achieved in the fight for gender equality.
From an ethical perspective, belief is a good example of gender biases, which are clearly outlined in the article women in leadership (Mosser). According to the article, women lead less than a fifth of congressional seats and 21 of the nation's 500 corporations. Moreover, men earn a higher salary in comparison to women doing the same job despite the women being successful an indication of gender disparity. Women face numerous challenges including sexual harassment, sexism and are denied opportunities due to their gender. Conversely, in business and politics, people demand women to uphold higher moral standards, unlike men who can be excused for breaking societal morals.
There was a decline in the number of female CEOs managing the Fortune top 500 companies, the reduced by three in the year 2016, which statistics recorded at 21 female CEOs ("A World Of Ideas" 4-6). People's thoughts and feelings turn into beliefs, which guide their daily lives. Therefore, the thoughts and feelings people held about women have translated into what women have become today. However, these beliefs do not necessarily mean that the way women are treated is the best way to treat them in society considering people hold different thoughts and feelings. Despite the great strides made to ensure women's rights are respected and accorded, there are places where women need help to get better and equal treatment as the male counterparts. It is true that things do not happen overnight and do not occur on their own; therefore, efforts must be made to ensure these women get the respect and equal opportunities they deserve. The world has evolved to the point that women hold large positions; moreover, there are women doctors who are respected worldwide hence it would be senseless to underrate women ("Gender Equality Work At The Medical University Of Innsbruck" 845-845). They have proven their worth and capability in numerous fields, and as such, they deserve the respect they currently enjoy.
Times have changed, and everyone has the responsibility to ensure the female gender gets equal opportunities as the male gender. Everyone must treat women in a way they would wish their sisters and mothers are treated. The society has changed a great deal; therefore, everyone has a role to play in this generation regardless of gender, religion, or race. The society comprises of different opportunities; moreover, there are laws, which demand the inclusion of the female gender in every aspect of the society. In a workplace, women have the right to perform the same duties the male perform (Bailey 716-738). Moreover, they are entitled to the same remuneration packages and leave benefits, which may lead to a series of lawsuits if not accorded due to any biases (Quinones 751-784). The laws throughout the world advocate for equality and protect the female considering they have faced a lot of exclusion for a long time.
It is essential that strategies are implemented in every sector to ensure discrimination is dealt with appropriately. Moreover, female empowerment programs must be initiated throughout the world to ensure women discrimination ends. Additionally, laws, which makes it necessary for parents to take their female children to school, are vital (Bailey 716-738). This follows, as most parents in certain parts of the world do not feel girls need education. The world has evolved hence women do not rely on men to further their ambitions and dreams; they can achieve their goals on their own ("Gender Equality Work At The Medical University Of Innsbruck" 845-845).
In conclusion, the essay advocates for equality at every level. Despite the efforts made and struggles fought over the years to ensure women have equal rights as men, some women still suffer because of their gender. It is the responsibility of everyone especially women who face gender discrimination in this modern age to emulate women like Susan B. Anthony, and Lydia Taft, they must follow in the paths of these women to ensure they get out of these gender shackles. Women must unite and act as a single unit to ensure the society takes them seriously, considering the views held that they are a weaker gender. They must preserve what they have achieved through a series of struggles. Women must do whatever it takes to fight and ensure equality becomes a reality. Advocating for voting rights, equal representation in...
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