Essay Sample on Uniting Biomedical Engineers Across 97 Countries: IEEE EMBS

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  917 Words
Date:  2023-04-04


IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) is the largest International Biomedical Engineers society in the entire world. The corporation has a membership capacity of 11,000 residing in about 97 countries across the globe since its establishment in 1952 (Fehintola, 2011). The main objective of the society is to provide access for its members to people, ideas, opinion, information, and practices shaping one of the fastest developing fields in science. IEEE EMBS publishes articles that are of high-quality that includes breakthroughs and cutting-edge studies in technology advancement and follows strictly the regulations and standards set by IEEE.

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Moreover, these standards apply to draw on expert technology communities and peer review to continue providing highly cited contents. Additionally, OJEMB hosts an Xplore program that has a view of over five million unique users every month (Okoro, 2013). The interest of the Journal field includes developing and applying engineering concepts and methodologies in medicine, biology and health sciences. These concepts and methods aim at providing practical solutions to healthcare, medical and biological problems. There are specific procedures and guidelines used in uploading articles in the society's platform to gain access from the millions of users across the world. Therefore, this essay discusses the process of preparing a relevant manuscript submission to the IEEE Open Journal for Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB) as required by the regulations.

Prepare your Manuscript and Submit to IEEE OJEMB

IEEE has a department known as Transaction on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) that publishes contributions with unique originality in a wide range of fields in biomedical engineering (Okoro, 2013). These contributions must report cases in engineering methods that critically demonstrates biomedical importance. Besides for any article to get the publication in the society, it must contain original contents of biomedicine. The materials in question include theoretical analysis, development critically validating or evaluating a new experimental concept, biological sciences, or models relevant to medicine.

The objective of the TBME department of IEEE is to publish a high-quality and comprehensive piece of original scholarly articles containing entire scientific contents that engineer's biology and medicine (Fehintola, 2011). The IEEE society, therefore, regulates that at TBME to accept a manuscript, it has to comply with one of the contributions stipulated in the norms governing the organization. For instance, a document must be new engineering method novel whose demonstration has a significant impact on biomedical studies or clinical application. Besides, the article must also have essential results in advancing state of the art significantly in biomedical surveys.

The society highly encourages users of the society's webpages to upload these articles to do so as regular papers once they complete working on them. Notable, the platform does not encourage communication papers because the technological industrialization compels it to focus more on technical fields to take innovation work to higher levels. The TBME department also reserves the LETTER format for exceptionally high-quality novel work which deserves urgent publication (Okoro, 2013). The essential publication rule in this platform is that a paper will only access the book if it is original. Therefore, the articles have no similar publication done previously, and so does not have any prior consideration elsewhere.

On the same note, once a manuscript qualifies the reservations as mentioned above, the publication sector requires the authors to submit their work through the automated manuscript centre. All the journal of the IEEE requires an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for any author who wants to access and submit their contributions. The ID enhances accurate ascription and high-level discovery of any work submitted by an author. For this reason, an author will require registration ORCID to enable them to submit their manuscripts or do a review on proof in the journals.

It is important to note that, any author who does not have an ORCID in their Scholar one user interface will receive a notification to provide it at the submission stage. Besides, they must prepare these manuscripts for consideration as Regular Paper according to the guidelines provided by the TBME department. These guidelines, as in the regulations norms of the entire society and their provisions must be adhered to so that publications become successful.

The Guidelines

First, every submission must have a less than 25o word cover letter in the text box when submitting to Manuscript Central. Importantly, the message must only reach the editors (Okoro, 2013). Submission of response to reviews should as supporting documents when uploading the files together with the manuscript already revised. Further, the presentation should indicate the significance and innovations of its contents to the biomedical research. As earlier mentioned, the authors must ensure that their piece of work is entirely original with no copyrights submitted and accepted for publication somewhere else. Lastly, any process involving a resubmission of a previously rejected part of work, the authors must present the rejected work identification number.


For professionalism, high quality and correct manuscripts, the IEEE strictly follow its set regulations to ensure what is available for any user of its webpages is original. Therefore the establishment of TBME department eased the work of developing the due process of submission of manuscripts for publication and peer reviews. It ensures that all users who are submitting their scripts through the process without shortcuts.


Fehintola, J. O. (2011). Effect Of Senior School Certificate Examinations, University Matriculation Examination And Psycho-Demographic Factors On Academic Performance Of University Freshmen In South West, Nigeria (Doctoral Dissertation).

Okoro, O. (2013). Long-distance international caregiving to elderly parents left behind: A case of Nigerian adult children immigrants in the USA. The University of North Texas.

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Essay Sample on Uniting Biomedical Engineers Across 97 Countries: IEEE EMBS. (2023, Apr 04). Retrieved from

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