Essay Sample on The Programs of Medicaid

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  603 Words
Date:  2023-01-16


For our study today we are going to talk about Medicaid and how it has different programs inside it and we will start with knowing what it is. And Medicaid is simply a health insurance program financed by both the states and the federal government and it is for low-income earners. In 2015 alone we can witness it that seventy-six million Americans received health insurance coverage that is close to twenty-five percent of the whole United States population (Sloan,1978). This government program, that is the nursing home care single largest payer of it and some other related program like the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This particular health program provides one-third of the children in the United States with health insurance. We now want now to account this health insurance program and how it can be considered to be fifty different programs in the Medicaid program.

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Federal Government in Medicaid Programs

We will now continue by looking at Medicaid and how it affects lives in the United States by how state varies with the contributions of the federal government and how each state has its own Medicaid program. This is the same as what we earlier said by how Medicaid is equally financed by the states and the federal government. There has to be a federal oversight even though the administering is done by the states and this results to Medicaid having more than 50 different programs in the whole country of the United States. The state spending is matched by the federal government by using a formula on the program that per capita income differences is taken into account among the states (LeBlanc,2001). The total cost is 60 percent that the federal government covers on the program and this is on average, but there are exemptions this is where federal government gives 50 percent only to the ranges share to the few wealthy states and the poorer states the federal government provides 70 percent of the cost.

CHIP and Medicaid

As we continue we now see how CHIP and Medicaid have provided health insurance to almost thirty-five million children, CHIP is the children health insurance coverage that the government provides and this is, in fact, plays an important role. This also helps because the program extends from children of families Medicaid benefits and how it exceeds incomes limits of the traditional program of Medicaid. Roughly, eighty-five million children that are one-third of the nation kids age of 18 or under have received health insurance through CHIP or Medicaid. The program also plays a very significant role to new mothers and the pregnant women who are low-income earners and roughly 50 percent is paid for all births that take place in the United States and we can also learn Medicaid may be a very vital source of insurance to kids or adults of special needs.


In conclusion, we look at how Medicaid from a vantage point is one of the most successful social programs that has been launched in the country. Because of some unforeseen challenges in recent years we need to see a change that is incremental and positive and strengthening the foundation of the program will be important because of the infrastructure built we maintain new direction which is positive. First, primary care physicians need to be brought in together with other health professionals into the program of Medicaid and to hold onto the professionals we have.


Sloan, F., Mitchell, J., & Cromwell, J. (1978). Physician participation in state Medicaid programs. Journal of Human resources, 211-245.

LeBlanc, A. J., Tonner, M. C., & Harrington, C. (2001). State Medicaid programs offering personal care services. Health Care Financing Review, 22(4), 155.

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