Essay Sample on Quality Care: The Need For Nursing Employees With Higher Education

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  469 Words
Date:  2023-04-10


It is no secret that there is a relationship between quality patient care and well-educated nursing employees. Paplham & Austin-Ketch (2015) outlined that fewer medication errors and lower the mortality rates that result in positive patient outcomes are all linked to nurses educated at the baccalaureate as well as graduate degree levels. There is a need for nurses to have the necessary proficiency and knowledge to understand and apply the fast developments in medicine. Therefore, they need to know how to operate technical equipment, integrate evidence-based research, and efficiently converse with other healthcare specialists.

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In nursing, it is nearly impossible to eliminate human errors, but their incidence can be minimized (Spence, 2010). Nurses that have a BSN degree would have received inclusive training. They are set to relate vital skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, besides attention to detail for a full scope of practice. Furthermore, they learn case management, leadership, and clinical skills.

A study by Abdul Rahman et al. (2015) established that patients facing complications after surgery have a higher chance of surviving if treated in hospitals with sufficient staffing and more significant numbers of baccalaureate educated nurses. Presently, nursing is more dependent on devices and electronic methods, so nurses should have the technological know-how. Correspondingly, a large section of the patient population is growing older, with several aging patients having one or numerous diseases. Nurses are consequently handling complex medications, illnesses, and health guidelines.

A nurse that undergoes a BSN program is prepared for the robust strains of the nursing practice and make them meet the requirements for additional job openings. Practicing nurses that possess an associate degree can continue education to stay updated with the healthcare changes. The most significant thing is that nurses have the proficiency and training that allows them to deliver ideal patient care that leads to less clinical errors as well as mortalities (Walker, 2018).


In conclusion, nursing education is significant, and proper training for professional nursing should be implemented. With this kind of training, nurses will have excellent performance at the r workplace and to produce a productive output, which can lead to positive patient outcomes.


Abdul Rahman, H., Jarrar, M. K., & Don, M. S. (2015). Nurse Level of Education, Quality of Care, and Patient Safety in the Medical and Surgical Wards in Malaysian Private Hospitals: A Cross-sectional Study. Global Journal of Health Science, 7(6).

Paplham, P., & Austin-Ketch, T. (2015). Doctor of Nursing Practice Education: Impact on Advanced Nursing Practice. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 31(4), 273-281.

Spence Laschinger, H. K. (2010). Positive Working Relationships Matter for Better Nurse and Patient Outcomes. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(8), 875-877.

Walker, S. (2018). Positive Patient Outcomes: More than a Degree. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 13(4), A13-A15.

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Essay Sample on Quality Care: The Need For Nursing Employees With Higher Education. (2023, Apr 10). Retrieved from

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