Essay Sample on MBA: Unlock Opportunities to Achieve Your Vision

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  544 Words
Date:  2023-03-20


The modern education sector has multiple fields of study that they can pursue to attain their desired goals in life. For example, I have a comprehensive understanding that pursuing my MBA will create multiple opportunities in my life, which will, in turn, help me to achieve my vision in life. Master of Business Administration (MBA) refers to a graduate-level degree that not only covers but also entails multiple fields of business, including accounting, management, and marketing (Figueroa, Harrison, Chauhan, & Meyer, 2019). I recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in business administration in health service management. This first degree will play a crucial role in helping me to not only pursue an MBA but also succeed in my future endeavors. Therefore, this paper provides the reasons behind my decision to pursue an MBA.

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Reasons for Studying an MBA

I have different reasons for pursuing an MBA in health service management. First, I have a desire to attain personal development throughout my life. Comparative studies indicate that pursuing an MBA provides people with a new outlook not only in their life but also in the world of business. Many postgraduate students demonstrate this new outlook in terms of improved skills and experience, which are crucial in handling all the challenges that come with changes in the way businesses operate (Sato & Veronesi, 2016). Secondly, pursuing an MBA in health service management will increase my competence in terms of technical skills and knowledge required in establishing and running successful businesses. My goal is to use the skills gained in the MBA class to boost my performance by opening and running a personal health service business.

Finally, I have a desire to pursue an MBA to enhance my ability to network with various professionals across the health service management sector. Research indicates that pursuing an MBA in a certified tertiary institution provides a significant opportunity for multiple graduates to meet and interact. The kind of people that students meet while studying an MBA program include employers, job recruiters, and upcoming entrepreneurs (Figueroa et al., 2019). Interacting with such professionals is crucial in generating new ideas needed to succeed in one's career. Therefore, this MBA program will put me at a better place to improve my communication skills and, in turn, offer multiple opportunities for employment.


Pursuing an MBA can be one of the most challenging ventures in one's life. However, I have a strong belief that I will succeed in my desire to enroll in a health service management MBA course. My ability to success lies in my outward determination and the fact that I have foundational knowledge from my bachelor's degree. This MBA will not only provide a chance of personal development but also enhance my competence and allow me to form a sustainable network with various health service stakeholders, as discussed in this paper.


Figueroa, C. A., Harrison, R., Chauhan, A., & Meyer, L. (2019). Priorities and challenges for health leadership and workforce management globally: a rapid review. BMC Health Services Research, 19(239), 1-11. Retrieved from

Sato, S. & Veronesi, G. (2016). Clinical leadership and hospital performance: assessing the evidence base. BMC Health Services Research, 16(2), 85-109. Retrieved from

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Essay Sample on MBA: Unlock Opportunities to Achieve Your Vision. (2023, Mar 20). Retrieved from

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