Essay Example on EBP Implementation: Understanding the Local Healthcare System

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  496 Words
Date:  2023-05-21

Successful implementation of EBP requires an understanding of the healthcare system at the local level. Understanding of the healthcare system at the local level provides the planner with knowledge about the risk factors and the probable strengths that can be utilized to improve the chances of success for the EBP implementation. There is also the fact that EBP implementation may need to utilize some of the local resources. There is also the need for the planner to ascertain that the structure of the healthcare system at the local level is compatible with the EBP implementation plan. Therefore, local-level understanding is necessary for the successful utilization of resources at the local level and to know the patient's values and preferences.

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Human resources will need to be sourced from the local level at one point or another, and it would be challenging to implement EBP without the collaboration of the available human capital. That means that the EBP implementation plan will need to include Evidence-Based Human resource management (Briner 2008). The human resource extends to leadership, which can affect the project's funding. Knowing, understanding, and solicitation of the local healthcare leadership will be necessary for the implementation of EBP as well as funding, provision, and training of adequate human resource (Green, & Tones, 2009).

Understanding of the healthcare system at the local level is necessary to know the patient's preferences and values. Patient's preferences and values are one of the three components of EBP (Yates, 2013). Any EBP implementation plan will have to factor in the patient's values and preferences, and that is why knowledge of the local healthcare system is necessary. The local healthcare system is familiar with such values and preferences.

Anecdotal evidence from the local nursing home indicates the need for the involvement of local community healthcare workers and agencies in the EBP implementation. As a result, my change project will find and identify the agencies and local community healthcare groups operating in the area. These groups can help with the understanding of the local health care system because they have been operating in the locality for far longer. They can assist with the facilitation of human resources as well as seeking support from the local community members (Mathieson, Grande, & Luker, 2019). But the most important aspect of including local community groups and agencies is due to their familiarity with the local customs and values. These values and customs are significant determinants of customer preferences, which need to be taken into account for EBP.


Briner, R. (2008). Evidencebased human resource management. Evidencebased Practice: A Critical Appraisal, 184-211.

Green, J., & Tones, K. (2009). Towards a secure evidence base for health promotion. Journal of Public Health Medicine, 21(2):133-139.

Mathieson, A., Grande, G., & Luker, K. (2019). Strategies, facilitators, and barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in community nursing: a systematic mixed-studies review and qualitative synthesis. Primary health care research & development, 20, e6.

Yates, C. (2013). Evidence-Based Practice: The Components, History, and Process. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation. 4. 41-54. 10.1177/2150137812472193.

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Essay Example on EBP Implementation: Understanding the Local Healthcare System. (2023, May 21). Retrieved from

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