Essay Example on COVID-19: Essential Rules of Survival in a Global Crisis

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  615 Words
Date:  2023-05-23

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is more than just a health crisis because its impacts have caused human, economic, and even social crisis. COVID-19 has led to transformations of regular life routines as a result of the effects on the social lifestyle and economic decay. Some of the essential rules of survival embraced as a precaution in the middles of the COVID-19 crisis include quarantine, self-isolation, social distancing, and the use of protective masks under circumstances of mandatory interaction with the external surrounding. As a wife, COVID-19 precautions have limited my socialization, and my social space is currently restricted just to my two children in the house. Even though social distancing and self-isolation are safety measures, they gradually cause a psychological breakdown for someone who has always been exposed as an extrovert like me. COVID-19 has also imposed fear in our routine lives because we have to live with the fear of avoiding infections.

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Having been limited to quarantine and self-isolation, it means that I have to adapt introvert skills to cope up with the situation. I have been excluded from my social life, which entailed having fun with friends, going to the salon to do my hair or nails, going shopping with my family at our favorite mall, or even having a drink with friends and colleagues at a bar. Our socialization is now limited and also restricted with a 10 pm curfew, which implies that despite the limited precautionary movements, I cannot be outside the house past 10 pm. However, the quarantine has enabled me to have ample time with my children as I spend most of the time guiding them through their online learning process. However, this crisis has also taught me the value of friends as I have come to cherish and miss some of the moments that I had company with my friends comparing with the current restrictions.

COVID-19 has also negatively affected my life by the way my economic value has declined because there is hardly any significant activity that can bring income rather than expenditure to ascertain safety in self-isolation. Just like our routine social lifestyle has been interrupted, so are the economic activities. Shopping malls and even retail shopping stores have been closed down as everyone is seeking safety in quarantine and keeping social distance. Hence, economic deterioration and social disruption are some of the impacts of COVID-19 that I do not like. However, I like the aspect that quarantine as a result of the crisis has become a unifying factor for families as families have come together in quarantine. I have got to spend more time with my kids and adequately perform my responsibilities and show my care as a mother.


On the contrary, I have learned the value of technological advancements during the quarantine and self-isolation period. I have learned that technology plays an essential role in our lives by bringing us together and keeping us connected even over long distances. Most of the time, I conduct video calls or even group calls and chats with friends, sometimes relatives, and I have realized how technology has changed the world into a global village. With the support of advanced technology and the internet, my friends and I can keep in touch and have chats like we were together. Therefore, quarantine has helped me recognize the essential aspects of our daily lives that we have always assumed their existence like technology. Thus, in summary, COVID-19 is a crisis that has paralyzed most of the global operations and has significantly impacted our lives socially and economically. However, the crisis has also become an eye-opener to the aspects of our lives in which we can make best endeavor in isolation.

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Essay Example on COVID-19: Essential Rules of Survival in a Global Crisis. (2023, May 23). Retrieved from

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