Essay Example on APA Format: No In-Text Citations, MLA Sources Dominate

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  579 Words
Date:  2023-05-23


Use of APA Format for In-text Citations There are no citations of any format. The articles recognize authors but have no citations. The articles are dominated by MLA sources and in-text citations.

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Authors Credentials and Affiliations All authors contributing to the information are recognized. The articles acknowledge information obtained from other secondary sources and the authors. However, the article author's credentials are omitted. The sources recognize the author's affiliation at the top of the first page.

Source publication(Is the source peer Reviewed according to Ulrich's The paper is a brief description of article information hence not peer-reviewed. The paper is lengthy, giving full details of the subject matter. It has been peer-reviewed by other authors regarding its authenticity.

Scholarly writing(Comment on authors use of scholarly writing Authors do not use scholarly writing. The information is given results from the author's thoughts rather than research conducted by others. People contributing to the information are mention at the top page rather than in the text. The article uses multiple resources to build the content, thus a scholarly method of writing.

Use of Supporting evidence Supporting evidence is lacking in the reviewed articles. The articles use secondary resources to build content, making it authentic.

Value as a doctoral research source

The value is not described or seen from the little information that these articles provide.

The articles are in full detail, giving the tutor finer details of the paper. It is, therefore, valuable and can comfortably be referred to as doctoral research.

Evaluation of Discussion

In Algahtani's articles, there are no citations of any format. The articles recognize authors but have no citations, while in Perrin's article, the articles are dominated by MLA sources and in-text citations. All authors contributing to the information are recognized in Algahtani articles, and the articles acknowledge information obtained from other secondary sources and the authors. However, the article author's credentials are omitted. In Perrin's article, the sources recognize the author's affiliation at the top of the first page. Algahtani article is brief description of article information hence not peer-reviewed while Perrin article is lengthy giving full details of the subject matter. It has been peer-reviewed by other authors regarding its authenticity.

Authors in Algahtani articles do not use scholarly writing. The information is given results from the author's thoughts rather than research conducted by others. People contributing to the information are mention at the top page rather than in the text. In Perrin's article, the article uses multiple resources to build the content, thus a scholarly method of writing. Supporting evidence is lacking from the reviewed articles in Algahtani articles, while in Perrin's article, the articles use secondary resources to build content, making it authentic. In Algahtani's articles, the value is not described or seen from the little information that these articles provide, while in Perrin's article, the articles are in full detail, giving the tutor finer details of the paper. It is, therefore, valuable and can comfortably be referred to as doctoral research.


Alqahtani, S. M. A. (2018). Teaching English in Saudi Arabia. In English as a Foreign Language in Saudi Arabia (pp. 120-137). Routledge.

Perrin, T. (2014). From Euroregions to macroregions: a reasonable step? An appraisal from Western Mediterranean.

Alqahtani, M. M. (2017). A Mobile Holistic Enterprise Transformation Framework (Doctoral dissertation, Staffordshire University).

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Essay Example on APA Format: No In-Text Citations, MLA Sources Dominate. (2023, May 23). Retrieved from

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