Diabetes Threatens Australia: 1.2M Suffer, 4.9% of Population - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  7
Wordcount:  1668 Words
Date:  2023-05-28


Diabetes is one of the conditions, causing huge deaths in Australia. In the 2017/2018 financial year, one in every twenty individuals in the country suffered from diabetes, representing 4.9% of the population. It means that 1.2 million individuals suffered from the condition (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018). The rate increased by 3.3% since 2001, but the growth relatively remained the same between 2014 and 2015 with a rate of 5.1%. It continues to affect more males, affecting 5.5% of the population while it affects 4.3% of females (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018). Therefore, the condition is a serious one and requires the intervention of paramedics to provide emergency services to the affected population. The essay focuses on type 2 diabetes since it is the most common type of diabetes affecting most people (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018). It affects 4.1% of the population, translating to 1 million people. Also, the topic is interesting because one of the primary causes is obesity something the government and individuals can manage easily (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018). The essay uses most recent journal articles that are not more than ten years old because they provide the most relevant and reliable information. Also, the articles provide detailed information and data about type 2 diabetes in the country.

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The articles used in the assignment focus primarily on issues and management of diabetes types 2. They help to understand specific aspects of managing the condition. Grave, Thompson, Liu, et al., (2019) suggest that self-management is the most effective technique the government and healthcare facilities can apply to manage diabetes in societies (Graves,Thompson, Liu, Kunberger, Canaday & Bambis, 2019). In the United States, diabetes is the seventh leading cause of deaths; hence, the need to develop appropriate measures to manage the condition. Because of the number of people suffering from the conditions, empowering them and paramedics is crucial since the strategy would help to provide emergency services. Therefore, the article is appropriate since it provides critical information regarding empowering individuals to contain the condition.

Furthermore, the articles discuss the effectiveness and effects of family diabetes self-management education. Since the number of individuals suffering from the condition is high, family education can help to manage hospital visitation (Felix, Narcisse, English, Haggard-Duff & McElfish, 2019). The objective of the program is to change individual and family behaviours towards managing the condition and protecting individuals from developing chronic conditions that would eventually cause death. Additionally, the articles are appropriate in conducting extensive research since they inform about predictors of poorly-controlled self-managed care (Kanan, Piaseu, Malathum & Belza, 2019). The condition is increasing among older adults and this requires effective monitoring to recognise the provision of poor services. Therefore, they help to assess home-based care services and recognise poor services to improve where necessary. Finally, they provide detailed information about the diagnosis of diabetes type 2 before choosing the best intervention program. The process of managing the condition begins with diagnosis and identifying risk factors, as well as the professionals involved before recommending the most appropriate intervention program (Haigh, McDermott, Sinh & McLean 2019). Therefore, the essay discusses intervention techniques for diabetes type 2 and professionals involved to manage the condition.

Although the articles have approached the topic in different ways, they come up with similar results. All the articles agree that diabetes type 2 remains a challenge internationally. The condition is aggressive because of the onset of signs and symptoms at early stages that persist for many years. The best treatment for the condition is changing the lifestyle accompanied by medication (Haigh et al., 2019). However, the first article approached the topic with a survey of clinicians, participating in managing the condition among the youths and it collected the data using questionnaires. The second article used a cross-sectional, correlation design to approach the topic (Kanan et al., 2019). Also, it used random sampling technique and the sample included older adults who had undergone poorly controlled diabetes type 2. The method is effective since it collects first-hand data to identify factors leading to the provision of poor services. The third article used a 2-arm randomised controlled trial, implying that it analysed available data, involving 240 respondents diagnosed with diabetes type 2. The design is appropriate since it provides detailed and accurate information from diagnosed patients (Felix et al., 2019). The focus of the article is to assess the effect of family diabetes self-management education on the behaviour of victims. The fourth article approached the title with the use of descriptive quantitative design. It gathered data from the US Census Bureau, implying that it did not first-hand data (Graves et al., 2019). Therefore, the reliability of the findings depends on the accuracy of the data collected. Therefore, the findings of the articles are similar, although they approached the topic using different research methods.

One of the strengths of the research is that they primarily focused on diabetes type 2; thus, making the research accurate and reliable. They present clear objectives of the topic, suggesting that they contain relevant data. However, some articles analysed published data regarding diabetes type 2. The use of random sampling technique is essential since it helps to eliminate vices, such as bias, improving the reliability of the findings (Haigh et al., 2019). The first limitation of the research is that they did not exploit all factors that influence diabetes. For example, they failed to consider influencing factors, such as education, environment, social influences and diet on the condition (Graves et al., 2019). Secondly, they focused primarily on urban populations, assuming that they have access to adequate health and social care services for people suffering from diabetes type 2, which is not always true. Another weakness is that one of the articles used a cross-sectional design, employing convenience sampling; thus, limiting generalisation (Kanan et al., 2019). Therefore, it restricted cause and effect variables; hence, it is difficult to determine how some factors influenced self-managed care.

Based on the articles, diabetes is one of the conditions, causing deaths internationally. Healthcare departments and private institutions have put in place measures to manage the condition and its growing number. Factors, causing the condition include ethnic inequalities and socioeconomic status of individuals (Graves et al., 2019). Also, cultural and biological factors are among the causes of the condition, as well as the lifestyle of individuals. Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent type of diabetes that can cause chronic conditions if not managed at an early stage. Because of the effects of the condition, individuals diagnosed with diabetes type 2 should complete a self-assessment program that empowers them to change their behaviours and take appropriate medication to improve their health status (Felix et al., 2019). Through family diabetes self-management care, family and close members of victims, including paramedics can provide essential services to improve the health stability of the patients. The self-assessment educational program does not only focus on self-care but also reduces hospital visits, as well as changing risk behaviours.

The other critical lesson learned from the articles is care providers should evaluate predictors of the quality of services. Self-management requires careful implementation since it could increase risk factors if not managed properly. Patients should seek more information from professional care providers, such as paramedics to improve the quality of care (Kanan et al., 2019). The type and stage of diagnosis define the type of intervention program. Early interventions improve the effects of the conditions; hence, individuals should take personal measures to monitor their health statuses. Finally, effective management of diabetes requires a collaborative approach, including care providers, patients and family members.

Additionally, the investigations illustrate that various factors influence the management of diabetes type 2. These factors include literacy levels, lifestyle choices among individuals, the stage of diagnosis and gender (Haigh et al., 2019). Before implementing self-managed care on older adults, healthcare providers should understand the specific needs of older adults, including their confidence and health behaviours. The process helps to make necessary adjustments to enhance the efficiency of the program.


Diabetes type 2 is among the conditions mostly affecting older adults. However, it does not mean that it does not affect young people. The primary factors contributing to the condition include lifestyle choices, cultural and ethnic elements and the environment. Because of its severity, healthcare providers encourage people to take early intervention by going for a diagnosis. Through self-management care programs, patients can monitor their health status and take necessary medications, as well as changing their lifestyles. However, patients should undergo extensive training to take care of themselves.

Since there is racial and ethnic disparities among the victims of diabetes type 2, healthcare professionals should develop and implement educational tools and programs that are culturally-sensitive. These programs would make the programs effective by changing the lifestyle of individuals in society and encouraging them to take early diagnosis. The second recommendation is that governments should enact policies on specific products that contribute to obesity. The objective is to compel people to change their lifestyles and focus on healthy living to prevent them from health issues, such as diabetes.

Finally, the research recommends a further that breaks down research variables to improve the reliability of the research study. For example, further investigation is required to determine the relationship between cultural factors on diabetes type 2. Also, there should be another research to find out factors causing diabetes type 2 disparities between urban and rural populations. The study is necessary because the current investigations assume that urban populations have access to quality and better services compared to rural populations. The objective is to make the research variables accurate and appropriate.


Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2018). Diabetes mellitus. https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/by%20Subject/4364.0.55.001~2017-18~Main%20Features~Diabetes%20mellitus~50

Felix, H., Narcisse, M., English, E., Haggard-Duff, L., & McElfish, P. (2019). The Effect of Family Diabetes Self-management Education on Self-care Behaviors of Marshallese Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. American Journal of Health Behaviour, 43(3):490-497.

Graves, B., Thompson, E., Liu, G., Kunberger, J., Canaday, L & Bambis, B. (2019). Access to Diabetes Self-Management Education in a Rural State: A GIS Analysis. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Healthcare, 9(2), 1-30.

Haigh, K., McDermott, R., Sinha, A., McLean, A. (2019). Diagnosis and management of type 2 diabetes in youth in North Queensland and the Northern Territory: A health professional survey. Australian Journ...

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Diabetes Threatens Australia: 1.2M Suffer, 4.9% of Population - Essay Sample. (2023, May 28). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/diabetes-threatens-australia-12m-suffer-49-of-population-essay-sample

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