Clinical Guidelines for Neck Pain: OTC Treatment, Exercises, and Self Care - Research Paper

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  1030 Words
Date:  2023-04-08


Clinical practice guidelines (CPG) outlines a precise review of information on evidence-based approach analysis through evaluating contemporary evidence into daily nursing practices. It is vital in healthcare to create a sufficient nursing practice. Neck pain frequently occurs in human beings and can be easily treated through proper guidelines and procedures. The treatments for neck pain are always over the counter, constant exercises, and self-care practices. Orthopedists always recommend various aspects of treatment to help in neck pain and offer therapy.

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The patient being treated with neck pain is called Bruce Wayne and is 26 years old. The patient is diagnosed with neck pain through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). X-rays are also used in diagnosing the neck pain, and MRI helps in creating the details necessary on the nerve issues. Computed tomography scan (CT scan) is used for further analysis and clarification. The patient experiences weakness and numbness, and therefore, MRI show the deformities (Cox et al., 2019). The patient has been healthy and attends check-ups twice a year. However, the neck pain is caused by primary infections, virus infection of the throat, and this has led to complications in the lymph node, therefore, swelling and causing pain in the neck. The patient over the past two weeks has been complaining of headaches, tingling, and pains in the shoulders. The symptoms were a result of a pinch in the neck and back pain. The level of function of the patient is a caregiver who offers help to other people who need directions and has assisted living.

The physical therapy problems that the patient has during massage is that the patient has sore muscles, therefore, becoming hard to use massage techniques in hindering tension and pain. Moreover, the patient is resistant to the increase in neck function to help ease the pain. The essential objectives that are assembled of data evaluation by physical therapists of neck pain treatment are the treatment goals and the measures of the outcome. Blood pressure is evaluated and the use of hands in analyzing the levels of pain. Frequent motions are also carried out to examine the state of the joints and the muscles. Also, the therapist advises the patient to wear comfortable clothes that are freely (Fredin & Loras, 2017). The patient-tailored method is also used in analyzing further and gathering relevant data on the patient's condition.

Utilizing an Appropriate CPG

Outcome measures other than numeric pain rating scales are used in analyzing and assessing the patient's state. The utilization of approaches shows that comparing the aspects pattern and contemporary evidence practices are essential. The vital assessment of a patient is based on outlining the relevant evidence-based interventions. According to various types of pains, there is a grade of neck pain and effective methods to use. The outcome measures effective is brudzinski's sign where a health provider or therapist pulls a patient's neck forward in slow motion. This is a physical examination that helps to identify the problem of a patient effectively. When a patient has stiffness in the neck and bending knees, then it shows that a person is suffering from meningitis.

The appropriate treatment approach for the patient is to use massage and acupuncture to generate relevant results. The therapy methods that can be used are muscle relaxants and analgesics. However, for best rehabilitation approaches under chronic pain, then therapy is active and passive interventions. The evidence-based interventions to use in neck pain treatment are physical modalities, traction, and behavioral interventions. Under physical modalities, it is vital to use the short term advantages that are involved with laser and dry needling to reduce pain in the neck with other mobility deficits. With various interments traction, then enhancing exercises will ease the pain. Traction is crucial in the intent of symptom centralization through the radicular pain. The traction plus manual therapy is the best practice in helping patients with this condition. Behavioral interventions analyze the aspects of rehabilitation and treatment. The exposure of certain activities that a patient fears to be difficult is critical for use (Bier et al., 2018). Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps in changing the mindset of the patients, and it helps them to handle pain concisely and persistently.

The phases of rehabilitation under neck pain treatment are state of the art and reassurance to the patients. The state-of-the-art enables a person to get back a healthy life and involves active non-interventional procedures that include exercises. Non-traumatic neck pain solutions are useful in measuring the progress of the patient. However, reassurance ensures that the patient does not engage in isolation and is an essential aspect of CPG. A full recovery is a form of reassurance.

Role and Scope of PTA in Utilizing CPGs

As a PTA, the role and scope in neck pain treatment are to collect relevant data useful in the neck pain issues of the patient, and it is aimed to enhance emergency practices and identify the state of the patient. In strengthening and utilizing CPGs, PTA ensures that there are effective treatment mechanisms that reduce pain and improve the health of the patient. In collaboration with other PT and health providers is to ensure full recovery of the patient.


Neck pain is caused by various problems encountered in day to day activities. However, multiple methods and approaches have been implemented in solving the problem. With active CPG, then neck pain is a minor problem in the health sector. Therapies and other treatment approaches have helped in enhancing neck pain treatment.


Bier, J. D., Scholten-Peeters, W. G., Staal, J. B., Pool, J., van Tulder, M. W., Beekman, E., ... & Verhagen, A. P. (2018). Clinical practice guideline for physical therapy assessment and treatment in patients with nonspecific neck pain. Physical therapy, 98(3), 162-171. Retrieved from

Cox, L. G., Kidgell, D. J., & Iles, R. A. (2019). Neck-specific strengthening exercises and cognitive therapy for chronic neck pain: a systematic review. Physical Therapy Reviews, 24(6), 335-345. Retrieved from

Fredin, K., & Loras, H. (2017). Manual therapy, exercise therapy, or combined treatment in the management of adult neck pain-a systematic review and meta-analysis. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 31, 62-71. Retrieved from

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Clinical Guidelines for Neck Pain: OTC Treatment, Exercises, and Self Care - Research Paper. (2023, Apr 08). Retrieved from

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