Central Clinic Accounting Project: Create Clear Records & Measure Progress - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  541 Words
Date:  2023-08-10


The Central Clinic project is aimed at creating an accounting department for the clients. By creating a successful accounting department, the clients will manage to have clear records of their activities and measure the activities’ progress to see if it is worthy. The project involves all the aspects of the internal accounting needs of Central Clinic, including their billings, insurance claims, human resources, and other revenues and expenditure. The project constraints (time, cost, scope, and quality) help the project manager in determining how to plan and manage the activities involved (Larson and Clifford, 2013). The time needed for the realization of the project is four months, and the task should get arranged in a project schedule containing all the tasks and their durations. The cost involved should be broken down through a budget to determine the sources of income and the various expenses of the same. The scope covers all the aspects of the project, and it determines what should and should not get done. It also extends to cover the financial aspect like the budget and any other added expenditure. Lastly, quality should be assured in the implementation of the Central Clinic project.

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Every project is guided by its goals which determine the direction of the project. SMART goals help the project manager and the client have a clear perspective on what the project wishes explicitly to achieve and the time the project should achieve the goals. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (Bjerke and Renger, 2017). For the Central Clinic project, the following goal can get employed; Central Clinic aims to have an up-to-date accounting department (specific) that can be conveniently audited (measurable) as many similar clinics (achievable) and maintained (realistic) in four months (time-bound).

Evaluation of the Project Success

Project evaluation is immensely significant for the project as it allows the clients and the project manager to check if the project is achieving the objectives as planned for. To evaluate a project, it is essential to follow a few steps. Firstly, the project manager needs to establish the aspects of the project that will be evaluated, that is, establishing the outcomes to monitor. The second thing would be to agree on the indicators for the outcomes. For instance, if Central Clinic were to evaluate the performance of the clinic in the four months, it would consider using the number of patients as an indicator of its performance. Thirdly, baselines for obtaining the evaluation information should get identified, and the next step should be establishing the targeted results. By using the stipulated steps, the clients would have an easy time monitoring the project for results. It would also benefit the project stakeholders to create a monitoring and evaluation system that is sustainable and effective for the users of the same. Project success can be assured when the project outcomes are in line with the expected results (Larson and Clifford, 2013).


Bjerke, M. B., & Renger, R. (2017). Being Smart about Writing SMART Objectives. Evaluation and program planning, 61, 125-127. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0149718916302580

Larson, Erik W., and Clifford Gray. (2013). Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS project. McGraw-Hill. http://amberton.mylifeblue.com/media/Syllabi/Winter%202015/Undergraduate/MGT4502_E1.pdf

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Central Clinic Accounting Project: Create Clear Records & Measure Progress - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 10). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/central-clinic-accounting-project-create-clear-records-measure-progress-essay-sample

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