Business Process Mgmt: Ensuring Optimal Performance in Healthcare - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  482 Words
Date:  2023-07-19


Proper business processes management in a health care facility is a necessity in making sure that there is smooth incorporation of the health care services. A company must have a good business process to be able to compete favorably with other companies by improving its operations through the value chain. In hospitals, management decisions have to be made per scientific proof available, the societal moral principles, the economic effect of the resolution, and government policies (Buttigieg, Dey & Gauci, 2016). Good organization on the technology, financial resources, and human resources of a health facility leads to more effectiveness within the facility.

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SWOT analysis will be used to understand the hospitals current and future strategic position in the market (Dimitrova, 2017). One strength of the hospital is that it uses treatments that are already approved scientifically and have been gone through medical trials and have been approved for human consumption. Another strength is that the health care facility offers hospice care services to ailing patients. The major challenge facing the hospital is that it is not able to cure all the cancer patients who are supposed to be healed. The hospital also has a shortage of resources needed to run it effectively. The management sees an opportunity to develop new strategies that increase the value of services offered, thus increasing the total revenue. The hospital is faced with the threat of patients not willing or being able to pay proportionately to the services being considered for improvement. The majority of the workforce is also old, and that could affect the running of the current oncology care system.

To measure the effectiveness of the information system, the model will look at the information management practices for the organization, and the information behavior and values for the company. The organization has a medium information orientation. The hospital has an excellent operational support for its patients. The hospital keeps a record of all the information of the patients; therefore, the health officers can easily keep track of the progress of their patients (Marchand, Kettinger & Rollins, 2000). As a health facility, the institution's staff are very concerned with the feedback given by the customers and respond to the feedback by keeping the records. The majority of the workers have proper training on how to process the data about patients. Because the institution deals with the lives of people, the level of integrity is quite high. Workers are encouraged to work together to accomplish the main institution goal, which is saving people's lives.


Buttigieg, Sandra. (Alexandra) & Dey, P. & Gauci, D. (2016). Business process management in health care: current challenges and future prospects. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health. 1. 10.2147/IEH.S68183.


Marchand, D.A. & Kettinger, William & Rollins, J. D. (2000). Information Orientation: People, Technology and the Bottom Line. MIT Sloan Management Review. 42. 69-80.

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Business Process Mgmt: Ensuring Optimal Performance in Healthcare - Essay Sample. (2023, Jul 19). Retrieved from

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