Nursing encompasses the various processes included in dynamic interactions and nurses tend to know more than what they communicate to others. Professionals also define themselves in regards to what they know better and that knowledge which they seek to acquire. Empirical knowledge can always be termed as a partial reflection of nursing knowledge and this can be widened when all the forms of knowing are integrated and valued in particular. Besides, knowledge is known to exist such as personal, ethical and aesthetic understanding. The reason as to why Barbara carter came in was to express nursing knowledge while creating an expert and an effective nursing practice. In my professional practice, I have come across a patient, aged seventeen requiring cognitive surgery due to a brain tumor. I have successfully integrated the four ways of knowing in the care of this patient before he was attended to. Through personal knowing, I observed and reflected on some of the other patients with similar conditions to successfully establish an authentic and therapeutic relationship (Chinn & Kramer, 2015). I also used some empirical knowledge through the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP). In regards to ethical knowing, I was able to develop a personal moral code that resonates between the rights and the wrongs through the guidance of the international "code of ethics for nurses" (American Nurses Association, 2015). Finally, it was through aesthetic knowing that I made nursing an art where I would uncover some new things and presented with challenging opportunities that made me develop specific patterns of drug administration. It was through the ways of knowing that I understood myself and the nursing practice deeper.
For the purpose of making it high in the professional career, nurses may be required to continue with their education. Research, therefore, is a lot more concerned in this area and the area of nursing has suggestible fields of interest. Nursing has various research topics associated with it and one of the broad areas of research is that regarding diseases and disorders. The particular area that interests me is the ways of dealing with chronic illnesses. Within this area, medication management services that keep the research viable can be identified. Patients who have also experienced stroke may also tend to recover from the depression of the chronic illness. The topic interests many in different spotlights to make sure that researchers suggest the most viable solution to dealing with chronic illnesses especially with providing the best available care and improving the well-being of patients.
Applied medicine, being a programmer that focuses on the translation of advances into clinical practice, must be constantly developed. It is through the advances that students can understand both science and the foundations of medicine and the way that diseases are dealt with. Nursing research plays a critical role in creating a strong foundation for the development of applied medicine as well as influence the present and future professionalism involved in critical nursing practice (Polit & Beck, 2006). Nurses have realized that they can work in various settings that include the medical institutions, the classroom, the community departments, at home, in the labs, or in the business sector, even though there are various responsibilities associated with each, the goal of a nursing practice still remains to the same, which is to be the client's personal practitioner and issue the best attention in regards to evidence retrieved through nursing research. The importance of including nursing research in the practice of applied medicine cannot be overlooked but exposure and experience can be used to make understanding the nursing research concepts better.
Through nursing research, students can understand that they have learned more about the future odds of being presented with the first learning opportunity. Most of the students doing nursing research can realize that there are vast options out there in professional practices that include working in acute care settings and also community settings. Through nursing research, students can also realize that they can advance their education and pursue better degrees that can be included even at masters' level with the aim of becoming an administrator, an educator, a clinical nurse specialist, a professional practitioner, an anesthetist or even a doctorate of nursing. Even though most of the students cannot understand the emerging stuff the how the field can be advanced more in regards to becoming a researcher, there are higher chances of being involved in a fully funded study hence, a limitless future possibility (Tingen et al., 2009). Therefore, being revealed to, promoting a commendation for and being interested in nursing research is the foundation of at least a comprehensive development of applied medicine and professional evidence-based clinical practice.
Various methodological and technological issues are of concern especially to nurses who use a combination of the three principal research criteria; qualitative, quantitative, or mixed research studies. Presently, nursing research is utilizing mixed methodologies of research with the aim of strengthening the depth and breadth of understanding a particular nursing issue. The use of mixed research methods is accompanied with various benefits in nursing research. With mixed methods, the elements of qualitative and quantitative studies are combined. In the context of mixed research methods, nurses may require using either the simultaneous or sequential sequencing types of research. Simultaneous may include the concurrent management of both qualitative and quantitative techniques with insufficient cooperation between the origins of data whereas sequential may use either of the methods before the other since it may be required that the effects of one system become essential for designing for the additional method.
The use of mixed techniques of nursing research has proceeded to develop ever since the 1960s and there have been many designs to consider for this type of research ever since (O'Cathain, 2009). Some of the research topics I will be covering through the mixed methods in research include palliative care and end-of-life, chronic illness and long-term care, aging and aging health policy and the Outcomes related to legislative and regulatory initiatives or those related to special populations of care Pediatrics. Through mixed methods of research, I will be covering these topics with added benefits, especially for my literature review. Some of these may include the support of qualitative research components by quantitative research through the identification of a sample population. On the same note, during data collection, quantitative research can issue a foundation that assists me to select the best patients for an interview whereas qualitative research can assist me to understand the underlying challenges associated to patient acceptance and detention. Further, during results review, I may utilize qualitative data to make sure that interpretation, clarification, description, and validation of quantitative results is done easily. It is through the mixed methods that I may also need to understand the management of chronic pain, epidemiology and complex experience in regards to both quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
Having a feasible research topic is an inevitable part of designing research. There are areas of broad interest to a researcher but after following the required steps of having a good research topic; one can succeed in their research. A good research topic is that which can be narrowed down and hence, be refined as research proceeds. In this case, numerous iterations of the suggested research topic should be identified with each of it being more specific and precise until the purpose of the research and the research question can be answered by the research itself. Through this method, it would be a lot easier to be in a good position to even collect data of small particular areas of interest through the observation of a group of people in a particular area. A good research topic should also not be identified as harmful to one's personal well-being. These may include the responses of some other people to the race, ethnicity, age, and some sexuality factors. The research topics should also not be based on settings that may make one feel ill at ease. Some topics may make one uncomfortable and downright miserable but this can be a motivation towards overcoming one's fear. With such succinct motivation, the goal of accomplishing the research will be far reached.
Since field research requires time, selecting a good research topic for a particular research may want to be associated with time to be used. Field research may require long-term engagement with the samples being studied. Some other factors in regards to time may also include whether the research can be completed before funding runs out. However, some research has had less flexible limits of time. A good research topic may also involve that which one may give their all into. The level of commitment given in a research may determine the success of a research. It is always hard to maintain motivation for particular research that one is excited about and a lot harder when one feels that they do not understand what they are up to since the beginning. A good research topic may also be that which can be used with various interpersonal skills. If one is extremely shy, they may want to avoid areas where they should interact with strangers since research cannot be associated with the fainthearted.
Research topics are important in research and most of these should focus more on the 'so what' question, meant to offer a justification of the reason as to why the question is important and hence, what it would mean answering the question. The research topic should be able to illustrate whatever is known at that time and what is being talked about and hence, the right person for the research. With a good research topic, one may hence, proceed to do a literature review by triangulating previous researchers making their research more or less organic.
American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD: Author.
Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2015). Knowledge development in nursing theory and process (9th ed.). St. Louis, MI: Elsevier.
O'Cathain, A. (2009). Mixed methods research in the health sciences: A quiet revolution. Journal of Mixed Methods Research. 3:3-6.
Polit, D. F. & Beck, C. T. (2006). Essentials of nursing research: Methods, appraisal, and utilization. 6th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Philadelphia
Tingen, M. S., Burnett, A. H., Murchison, R. B. & Zhu, H. (2009). The importance of nursing research. J Nurs Educ, 48(3):167-170.
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