Value vs. Knowledge: The Need for Clarity and Understanding - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  572 Words
Date:  2023-04-07


Value and knowledge are very different from one another and in most cases, they act in their ways in practical terms in their definitions. Value is known to be an amount of a specific preference that a person requires to get what is desired; these can either be status, money or an article (Gordon, 1965). Therefore, when identifying a particular value that a person possesses, there is a need for an illustration of what the society will look for in details in assessing the person either positively or negatively. However, when it comes to knowledge, it tends to display the true nature of the way things are and the concepts that have been proven by the high values of subjectivity and wisdom of the competence of man himself.

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Despite the values and knowledge that we usually possess, they are easily confused when applied in certain statements. For instance, knowledge and value may seem to be similar in a particular way. Still, in the case of an allegation, confusion would present itself on whether it should be a value or part of knowledge (Gordon, 1965). Therefore inappropriately conducting expertise and benefits, there is a need for one to carry out extensive research over their preferences and statements in an unusual way. Furthermore, in the aspect of allegations that tend to refer to specific values and knowledge, the separation between the two elements will rely on the way people will take the charges.

Thus there will be an aspect of preference and confirmation in case there is power in the hand of people through a democratic way. Through choice and no form of agreement in the fact, there is an authority for man to attain the most significant development of his level by the democratic government. Hence there will be a substantial challenge in coming up with a decisive way of differentiating value and knowledge since knowledge will justify our approach towards the statements and the ideologies that we have over them (Levy, 1973). For instance, in preferring and confirming a particular account as it is, then it means that there is no need to raise any complaints about it and therefore we have no other reason rather than abiding by it. However, in the case that an allegation is not preferred and not confirmed, then it means that there is time for debating and inclusion of the new concepts over the statement through consultation.

However, there will be a significant problem if one fails to identify the difference between desiring and endorsing a particular statement since they will be dysfunctional at the two stages of practical activity. Therefore at the professional level, ineffective is an alternative of the desired suggestion for the settled overview in directing the operation of actual work (Gordon, 1965). Therefore knowledge and value perform a precise and diverse function of which if they are understood well will significantly minimize the success and development of a particular profession. Thus in the case where value is utilized in providing the direction in the practical activity in case of knowledge, there will be high chances of failure. Hence both aspects of experience and value affect the degree of man in streamlining his professional action to conformity in this world significantly.


Gordon, W. E. (1965). Knowledge and value: Their distinction and relationship in clarifying social work practice. Social Work, 10(3), 32-39.

Levy, C. S. (1973). The value base of social work. Journal of education for social work, 9(1), 34-42.

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