US Chinese Sex Trafficking 1800-1890: Sexual Deviancy & Immodesty - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  616 Words
Date:  2023-08-16


It is undoubtedly evident that there was an enormous inhumane treatment regarding various Chinese individuals in the United States in the epoch between 1800-1890. Indeed, this typically involved sexual harassments and also sex trafficking. Based on the aforementioned topic, the primary rationale or rather goal of this particular research project is to elucidate more on the following aspects in regards to Chinese Sex Trafficking o the United States:

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  • Sexual deviancy
  • The immodesty of gender affiliations among the Chinese
  • The apprehension of the Chinese men
  • Heathenism and moodiness of Chinese women
  • Diverse methods in which that type of sexual labelling is positioned in the newspaper accounts regarding the Chinese

Apparently, the event of Chinese sex trafficking happened to have been a multifaced predicament engraved sufficiently with exceptional insensitivity and gender violation. Consequently, the paper will also elucidate more on the manner in which these aspects mentioned above were utilized by the majority of political attempts to eliminate, exorcize or victimize the Chinese against the Chinese in numerous jurisdictive approaches.

Subsequent to the extensive research undertaken, it is reasonably conspicuous that in the majority states of America, there happened to be numerous Chinese women smuggled for sex working, sex trafficking and significantly for sex enslavement. Regardless of this detrimental events, their health and care were also ignored as depicted in the headlines captured by one of the news reporters in the United States (Cilker). The reporter appeared to have taken a significant extent of advantage concerning one of the photographs to elaborate on the Chinese original and genre biased harassment of women in the era of 1860s. Besides, it was quite evident that the Chinese men were widely known for the lust behaviours and the unmanly sexual addiction that failed copious families as the news reported in the USA demonstrated. With the great approach that led to the workingman’s party in San Francisco, a depiction was delivered that the majority of Chinese were being utilized for both sexual and genre abuse to politically sensitize the country that exclusion and expelling the Chinese was a necessary and critical solution hence prompting the confiscation of the Chinese persons in America

Ostensibly, the event of gold discovery in the state of California speedily prompted the vast migration of Chinese to California. However, this happened despite the state's report that the immigration of the Asians was intense due to the rationale of their significant aptitudes to conduct trading operations (Desyllas 57). Consequently, there emerged some sensation eruption among the individuals prompting the trigger in the event of Chinese immigration. It happened to be more intense in regards to the sexual trafficking of women from China, who played the ultimate role and were taken to be the centre of the business. Nevertheless, in the 1870s, the media in the USA kindled the anti-Chinese movement (Cilker). In essence, the primary reasons for the movement happened to be the Chinese sex character of men and the humiliation of women, ultimately allowing the passage of a law act excluding the Chinese. The act was referred to as the Act of 1882.

Works Cited

Cilker, Noel C. "A Little China Leader, a Brothel Owner, and Their Clashing American Dreams in Gold Rush San Francisco." Chinese America: History & Perspectives (2018).

Capous Desyllas, Moshoula. "A critique of the global trafficking discourse anU.S.US policy." J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare 34 (2007): 57.

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US Chinese Sex Trafficking 1800-1890: Sexual Deviancy & Immodesty - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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