Moralistic reasoning on gender issues is highly viewed as the leading cause of social problems in society. This has been initially explained by the policymakers and the researchers through several arguments. Gender appropriate facilities display ordinances that prohibit gender identity and gender expression discrimination. Back in 2008, there was an ordinance that was passed in Florida that was effective in both public accommodations and employment basis, focusing on gender expression and gender identity. This involved locker rooms and public restrooms. This was meant to address the gender variant people and transgender discrimination. After some months, people requested balloting with the aim of overturning the law. Gender quality is the crucial variable cause of the social problems cases compared to sexual predators.
There have been no problems reported so far, but the suggestions from those pushing for the change of laws since they feel that the ordinances were dangerous, unanticipated consequences for both children and women. Advocate concerning the transgender rights have demonstrated conclusively that gender variant and transgender tend to face a lot of discrimination in the society, which is increasing daily. The areas described to have a large scale of discrimination include education, employment, and housing. Even though the state policies aimed at addressing such type of discrimination that is expanding rapidly, there is always an outbreak protest that comes with the new transgender supportive law. Analysis done on the social media platforms and articles show that the opponents of transgender recognition are mostly associate with sexual predator specter in relation to sexually segregated spaces, for instance, in restrooms. This creates fears, especially among women and children, especially in the bathrooms.
Most researches indicate that sexual predators have nothing to do with transgender' rights. In this context, most of the concern is only directed to women. Some of the researches carried out indicate that opponents are up to making any arguments that are against bodies that are male for having a legal right in entering spaces that are meant for only women since they perceive such bodies as presenting a sexual danger to children and women. In this context, sexual predators are observed to be men, and transgender imagined to women. Since several people are usually assumed to be heterosexual, spaces like sex-segregates bathrooms are mostly imagined being sex-free zones. The introduction of wrong bodies into bathroom canters may result in sexual impropriety, mainly where the areas are only meant for women.
Transgender rights receive different public responses concerning transgender-supportive policies depending on different social contexts. There are various gender-integrated settings, such as workplaces and college campuses. These non-discrimination policies have highly been accepted despite the fact that transgender in sex-segregated settings proves to be more controversial. For instance, some arguments promote the transgender to use bathrooms that align with their gender expression and identity and not with their genital configurations or chromosomes. This has dramatically generated opposition deal. Antagonists have repeatedly conveyed their arguments regarding their belief in the public restrooms where people have to be isolated based on the sex that is defined by genitals and not their gender expression and identity. This should, therefore, determine who is to access where. The segregation of bathrooms have become prevalent, especially in the United States.
Many people believe that young children and women are inherently defenseless, and they need to be protected by men. This causes gender terrors to gain rightfulness in the demesne of debate. In the United States, many people believe that men or people who have penises are healthy people, and they should offer protection to vulnerable women and young children. Women who are transgender, are not seen as unsafe hence, they are placed in the group of people who have penises, and they are seen as a threat to other women and young children. This is because they go to the same bathrooms as vulnerable women, and they can attack them while they in there, and there no men to protect them because they use different restrooms. According to the empirical data of the United States concerning transgender women, the report shows that those people who are transgender are the ones who are mostly violated. In fact, many of them do not perpetuate this kind of violence. This led to the introduction of transgender-inclusive rules and decrees, which would protect transgender women from being violated. After the media accounts were analyzed, it was found out that none of the opponents has ever reported a real case of sexual assault from the transgender women because of the supportive policies that were introduced to support transgender women.
Sexual assaults do not often occur in public washrooms, and after the transgender policies were put into effect, no state has perceived the increase of sexual assault. People should not assume that sexual assault is a simple case, so whenever an attack occurs, and it is real, the offenders must be judged accordingly so that the victims feel that their rights are protected. However, there should be an order of policies whereby vulnerable women and children should be more protected than transgender women.
Schilt, K., & Westbrook, L. (2015). Bathroom battlegrounds and penis panics. Contexts, 14(3), 26-31. Retrieved from
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