Research Purpose/Question
The decantation by Baccie was up to point as it sought to investigate and understand the existing relationship that is there between the undergraduate students' participation in the campus-based leadership training and the students' leadership overall leadership qualities and development. The study took in consideration the involvement experience and pre-college, the background characteristic of a student, the collegiate experience of a student (this is the community service and organizational membership) and also the institutional environment. This was a pretty good consideration as it covered all the qualities of a good leadership. The following are the questions that this study sought to answer.
The researcher sought to understand if the participation in the campus-based education and the student leadership training can result to more significant gains in the students' leadership development than other factors like environmental/ institutional factors and other students' factors. He sought to understand the impact individual racial and gender background can affect the students' overall leadership development. This researcher also sought to understand if there was an effect of the co-curricular involvement this is the students' leadership position, the student organizational membership, community service and the fraternity membership on the overall leadership development. The study also had a purpose of understanding if there is an effect I the curricular influence which is the academic major and the GPA on the students' leadership development. The lastly intended to investigate if students interaction effects between the student gender and trace affect the leadership development. All the above was really a good approach to understand the college students leadership development.
Conceptual Framework
The researcher in this study did not use conceptual framework to demonstrate how he carried out this research maybe because he did not the reason of using it but it could be better if he could have to use conceptual framework to clarify the concept that underpins the accounting standards and also it allows the researcher to set standards for accounting in a consistent basis. But the researcher can also argue that he did not have to use a conceptual framework because he did not have to any accountability in anything. But it was necessary so as to display to the readers what the research was all about.
Data Collection Methods
The study collected its data from the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts (WNS). The use of WNS data was relevant because it has data and information from several universities and colleges from all the 21 state in the United States. WNS has a pretest-posttest design which provides a statistically and a more reliable elaboration of the college students' leadership development which is more fit the commonly used cross-sectional studies. There were three cohorts (2006-2010, 2007-2011 and 2008-2012) that were used to collect the data by WNS.
Sampling Procedures
Because the researcher collected his data from WNS he did not have to perform any sampling procedure. The researcher definitely had to use the data that had been acquired by other researchers to achieve his objectives of understanding college students' leadership development. The data had already been collected for him; he only needed to analyze the data. The researcher utilized the sample data collected by the WNS in a good manner.
Data Analysis Methods
The researcher had three types of data analysis techniques. He started with the missing data which he used listwise deletion which is one of the best analysis tools for missing data and it is highly recommended. The researcher also analyzed the descriptive statistics by performing the summaries of all the variables which are the best way to understand the effects of the data you used in your variables. He also performed a correlation to demonstrate the relationship between the different variable which is also recommended in statistical analysis. Finally, the researcher performed a multiple regression this is because his study comprises of different stages. These stages are to find out whether there were significant general effects that could be brought by the participation in campus-based leadership training on the students' leadership development. The other stage is where the data analysis to find out if there is the net-effect of campus-based training directed on leadership development were conditional on individual's racial or gender background.
The researcher in this paper presented very elaborate conclusions and findings hence meeting his objective of understanding the students' leadership development. his findings clearly demonstrated his findings.
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