Twos Paint With Water-Mark Versus Medium Review

Paper Type:  Movie review
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  621 Words
Date:  2022-03-29

An early childhood program is an organized and planned system of reinforcing the education and the care of young children below eight years of age. Planning is defined as the ability to reason out and anticipate what will be the likely need for an event to run smoothly is. This paper explores on the effect of the early childhood development and planning which is shown in the video "Twos Paint with Water-Mark versus Medium".

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The video "Twos Paint with Water-Mark versus Medium" connects to the principles effective planning. In this case, therefore, planning involves deciding how to teach. In the video, Diane, the teacher, plans how she is going to teach the five children and she places segments of brown paper, bowls of water, and paintbrushes at the table, which is circular, for the five children to use for learning.

The teacher in the video "Twos Paint with Water-Mark versus Medium" considers the principle of planning for accountability to the standards. According to the standards of the most children below two years, the difference between the pains and the water seems to be challenging. Therefore, they are used to determine if the children of two years old can read the position and make an appropriate decision on how to differentiate water and paint. The standard of the children also just encourage the use of harmless equipment. In this case, the paintbrush, water, and brown paper have been used.

The teacher in the video also planned for efficient learning for both the individuals and group. This is evident in the video by the organization of the children into a group under one table. Although the children are in the group, each one of them has his/her items for learning. The presence of the individual items for learning demonstrates the planning that the teacher had for both the individual and the group learning. The group demonstrates the skill building in the learners and hence the possibility to foster the social and emotional learning. Thisis observed when one child pours his water and then associate with the other to get water for sharing.

The other factor that is depicted in the video is the essential component of planning. According to the video, the teacher considers the goals and objective of thelesson when planning. The goal of the lesson is to determine if the children will be able to read the situation and know that they are "painting" using water but not paint which is supposed to be used. This also describes the cognitive domain objective which determines the children reasoning and thinking ability. The other factor that the teacher in the video context brings out is the psychomotor domain objective. In this, the skills such as holding of the brush and using it are being determined.

In this video, the role of the teacher in planning is coming out apparently. It is observed that the teacher planned for the contents and the concept that the children are to learn. She builds on the concept of what the children already know. In the video, the children have already known how to hold the brush for painting. Therefore, the teacher uses this concept to determine how the children are to react to the water for painting instead of paint.

It has now come out precisely that for the effective teaching of the early childhood. Planning of the teacher is very crucial and takes the higher percentage on how the teacher is to deliver in class and how the children will capture what they are taught by the teacher in the class as an individual or as a group.


Jalongo, J. M. $ Isenberg, P. J.,(2012).ExploringYour Role In Early Childhood Education. 4th Edition. Pearson Publishers.

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Twos Paint With Water-Mark Versus Medium Review. (2022, Mar 29). Retrieved from

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