Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching. The many and varied methods that a teacher may perform while teaching such as structuring, soliciting, responding and reacting all form part of pedagogical roles. It may also involve assessing, criticizing, discussing, encouraging, enquiring, evaluating, explain, giving individual instruction, lecturing, organizing, presenting, questioning and answering, repeating and reviewing and team teaching and tutoring according to (Walklin 2000). It requires that the teacher be competent and confident with their abilities.
Dedication is a fundamental element of pedagogy and goes hand in hand with motivation developed from enjoyment (Harlow College n.d.). Making a positive rapport between student and teacher is very important because of 'good teacher and student relationships based on mutual respect. The student respects the teacher for their teaching skills, personal qualities, knowledge and professionalism' (Petty 2004), which emphasizes the teacher who is at the core of the motivation behind any prosperous student. Students' dedication to college will reflect through their course progression, and it will increase their chances of succeeding. Moreover, help them to achieve the qualification promptly. The teacher may resort to the setting of deadlines on when to submit assignments in a bid to help the learners do their task in time referred to as task-based as borrowed from Ziegler (2016) on the aspect of task-based language teaching.
According to Bryan and Abell (1999), research has shown that knowing teachers' beliefs and designing instruction and experiences to explicitly confront those beliefs facilitate refinement and transformation of beliefs and practices.
Ways in Which Minimum Core Elements Can Be Demonstrated in Planning, Delivering and Assessing Inclusive Teaching and Learning
It requires that teachers should have knowledge and understanding of literacy, language, numeracy, and Information Communication Technology (ICT) or computer-assisted learning as (Burston 2014) calls it. These are known as the minimum core skills embedded in the teaching qualifications. According to Selamat, Alias, Puteh and Mohamed (2017), the Malaysian English Language Teaching (ELT) of English as a Second Language (ESL), it has been a long-debated topic from the implementation of methodologies, strategies and models to the tools used to deliver English education to Malaysian learners. The circumnavigation around this aspect of the minimum core elements as a prerequisite. Literacy entails reading relevant internal and external guidance to ascertain the requirements for initial and diagnostic assessment. Reading the qualification, specification and making notes regarding what will be delivered and assessed.
Language refers to peaking to learners about their individual needs asking questions to ascertain a learner's prior knowledge and experience, listening to their responses and listening to questions and answering them appropriately.
Numeracy entails calculating how long initial and diagnostic assessment activities will take to ascertain and interpret the results. The required sessions and hours will work out when devising a scheme of work and planning how long various teaching, learning and assessment activities will take during sessions.
ICT involves preparing online materials and uploading them to a virtual learning environment (VLE) or other accessible online systems, use of the different application to create handouts and resources, devising electronic presentations and resources, using e-mail or social networking to communicate appropriately and using new technology to support particular learning needs. This system has been discussed by Auquilla and Urgile's (2017) that examines the importance of iPad use. It presents numerous useful applications employed in the field of education, especially in the field of English language teaching and learning.
The Effectiveness of the Use of Creative and Innovative Approaches
Creativity and innovation are essential for teaching and learning. Creativity and innovation bring interest and motivation to learners, which eventually lead to learning. The days that a lecturer could stand in front of students for long periods giving lectures are gone and those days have replaced with more innovative and creative ways of disseminating, sharing and facilitating knowledge development in students. Students are tired of the old school approach to learning, and they want something practical, relevant and useful for their professional life. With computer era, and living in a period where they are allowed to question things, they as per their empowerment to be partly responsible for their learning. Creativity and innovation incorporated in teaching and learning, assessment and supervision as further discussed by (Assoc. Prof. Fatimah Puteh n.d.).
How Own Practice in Planning Inclusive Teaching and Learning Has Taken Account of Theories, Principles and Models of Learning, Communication and Assessment
It requires that we devise a scheme of work, taking into account the learners' needs to identify opportunities for learners to provide feedback. On the report of the theoretical aspect and concern; analyze theories of behaviour management, establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning environment and explain how own practice in creating and maintaining a safe, inclusive teaching and learning environment has taken account of theories of behaviour management.
Finally on the principles and models of learning, communication and assessment; design resources that actively promote equality and value diversity and meet the identified needs of specific learners by use of technologies and interaction with learners to meet individual learning needs.
Theories of Behavior Management
Theories of behaviour management, often called the human relations movement because it addresses the human dimension of work. Behavioural theorists believed that a better understanding of human behaviour at work, such as motivation, conflict, expectations, and group dynamics improved productivity. According to Fredrick Jones (2000), the theory is a non-adversarial method which requires that teachers help students learn to develop self-control. By employing appropriate body language, making use of an incentive system and efficiently assisting learners. Learning self-control empowers students and prepares them for the future. People learn from one another, via observation, imitation, and modelling. This learning has often still called a bridge between behaviourist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory, and motivation, Albert Bandura (1997).
Students need to have an awareness of their responsibility and to make their own decisions about their learning and behavioural expectation in the classroom. The students must also have a choice in choosing their curriculum and decide on the rules in the school, and they will then have ownership of their learning, have pride in their participation, will have higher self-esteem and will exhibit more significant levels of self-confidence and higher levels of cognition. This approach to classroom management creates a safe space to learn, as mainly it is their space, William Glasser (1997).
How Own Practice in Creating and Maintaining a Safe, Inclusive Teaching and Learning Environment Has Taken Account of Theories of Behaviour Management
Safe and inclusive learning environment entails regulation and legislation, as well as organizational policies and procedures. Learners responsibility for own learning, addressing the barriers to learning, coping strategies, goal setting expected from them. Another important aspect is the appropriate support mechanisms, fostering curiosity, the appropriate level of challenge, ways to encourage individual and independent learning. Identification and redress of poor motivation and inappropriate behaviour and independent stimulation learning are taken into consideration.
Motivation Theory by Maslow et al. entails aspects of lesson planning, learning preferences, feedback (verbal and written), target setting, differentiation, group and individual dynamics, demonstration, role play, games, discussion, supported independent study, learner-centred learning, social, cultural and emotional factors which are relevant in inclusive teaching and learning environment. Assessment data based on types of records generated (application form, enrolment form, individual learning plan, assessment plans, reviews and tutorials, feedback reports, tracking sheets and registers), awarding organization requirements, safeguarding (duty of care), auditable records, organizational policy and practice, data protection and freedom of information. There is need to communicate assessment information concerning giving feedback to learner, Quality Assurance (QA), Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) monitoring, External Quality Assurance (EQA) monitoring, organizational self-assessment report (SAR), an initial assessment, planning for assessment, assessment outcomes, progress reviews and action planning.
Design Assessments
Design assessments entail:
- Different stages of Design Assessment. Includes; Screening, Initial, Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative.
- Forms of Design Assessment. Includes; Self, Peer, criterion-referenced, and normative referenced.
Assessment of Learning and Different Methods of Assessment. Includes: Computerized, group work, practical observation, presentations, question and answer, test, role play, witness testimony) to meet the needs of individual learners.
How Own Delivery of Inclusive Teaching and Learning Has Taken Account of Theories, Principles and Models of Learning and Communication
Delivery refers to using different teaching and learning methods to accommodate different learning preferences and different abilities and needs, minimizing potential barriers to learning and different assessment methods impacting on practice. There is a need to promote equality and value diversity in own teaching, which entails inclusion, lesson planning, diverse teaching and learning methods to accommodate different learning preferences and abilities. Jack (2005) asserts that communication with learners is very vital here, and teachers, mentors, teaching support specialists, managers, range of media, referral systems and support agencies used. Resource selection relating to learners and corresponding reading ages, readability of resources, digital resources which Dashtestani (2016) refers to as computer-based language learning, representation of cultural differences, avoiding stereotyping, adapting resources to accommodate specific learning difficulties and disabilities and protected characteristics such as race, gender and religion should also consider. This selection is called communicative language teaching.
How Own Assessment Practice Has Taken Account of Theories, Models and Principles of Assessment
The flexibility and adaptability in the use of types and methods of assessment often cover organization and adaptation of assessment arrangements. This use helps to meet individual learners' needs and legislation impacts.
The use of Assessment Data. Entails types of records generated, awarding organization requirements, safeguarding, auditable records, organizational policy and practice, data protection and freedom of information.
Communicate Assessment Information This entails organizational policy and practice, feedback to the learner, quality assurance monitoring, corporate self-assessment report (SAR), initial assessment, planning for evaluation, assessment outcomes, progress reviews, action...
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