Two P's Dissemination Models: Posters & Presentations for Practicum Projects - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  412 Words
Date:  2023-08-13


The two P’s dissemination models known as posters and presentations, would be the most effective ways to pass the information of the practicum project's lessons. They are the most reliable and famous in nursing (Brown & Schmidt, 2003). For instance, using posters would effectively display the dashboard and little text to attract people's attention. They may be used in the healthcare organizations, as this will make every healthcare worker and all patients access the information. Presentations would also be useful because they encourage face-to-face communication with the audience. These can be health workers, the healthcare managers, their stakeholders, and all patients within the hospital. Through face-to-face interaction, unclear points can be justified based on the active responses of the audience. Key areas of concern, like the benefits of applying clinical dashboards, can also be emphasized and given more time. Presentations can also hold a broad audience, especially if it's done in the conference halls or stadiums that may attract thousands of healthcare workers across the region/world.

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Dissemination Plan

Posters and presentations can be used at the same time to promote people's understanding of the concept. For example, in-stadium and large halls, signs can be used to show the images of the proposed dashboard, and then use the presentation technique to reinforce the significant issues that have been displayed on the posters. Using stadiums would attract not only the stakeholders but also the public and health care workers from other medical institutions. The technique would ensure that the information evenly distributed regionally or countrywide, thus promoting the awareness of using clinical dashboards. Using the two methods, namely posters and presentations, shows that the best dissemination, in this case, would involve both formal and informal communication. Posters can also be used to invite the public to the presentation by providing short and precise information about clinical dashboards. This would drive a majority to attend the presentation for better understanding and clarification. Most researchers have previously acknowledged that public awareness is a critical tool to promote patient safety by improving self-efficacy (Nishisaki et al., 2007).


Brown, A. B., Yang, W., Schmidt, N. O., Carroll, R., Leishear, K. K., Rainov, N. G., ... & Aboody, K. S. (2003). Intravascular delivery of neural stem cell lines to target intracranial and extracranial tumors of neural and non-neural origin. Human gene therapy, 14(18), 1777-1785.

Nishisaki, A., Keren, R., & Nadkarni, V. (2007). Does simulation improve patient safety? Self-efficacy, competence, operational performance, and patient safety. Anesthesiology Clinics, 25(2), 225-236.

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Two P's Dissemination Models: Posters & Presentations for Practicum Projects - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 13). Retrieved from

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