Treatment of Allergies & More: Diphenhydramine - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  580 Words
Date:  2023-07-17


Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine drug that is used for the treatment of allergies. As well the drug can be used for insomnia cases, common cold symptoms as well as nausea. The medication is prescribed for various uses as it helps to relieve irritated and watery eyes, running nose, which is a result of high fever, relieving cough, which is caused by airway irritation as well as Diphenhydramine prevent and act as a treatment for motion sickness. Diphenhydramine is a drug that aims at relieving pain symptoms of various conditions in the body but will not treat the cause of the symptoms or enhance quick recovery. It should never be used in any circumstance to cause sleepiness in smaller children. It is a drug classified under antihistamines, and the primary role is to block the action of histamine since it is a substance that causes allergic symptoms in a human body. The drug contains local anesthetic properties and has been used by people with allergic conditions since it has been considered to be more effective in the treatment of allergic diseases.

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How Diphenhydramine is Used

The drug is in the form of a tablet that is dissolving, dissolving strip, and a liquid that is commonly taken by mouth. When the drug is made for the primary purpose of allergic symptoms, cough signs, and cold, it is taken every four to six hours. However, when taken to treat motion problems, it is taken thirty minutes before departure from a particular place. Insomnia is related to difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep; hence it is taken thirty minutes before individual plans to sleep (Scavone, 2018). Instructions on the package must be followed as prescribed since the drug must be taken as directed by the doctor concerning each symptom experienced by the patient. It is a recommendation with a combination of pain relievers as well as decongestants. The drug is associated with various health risks to an individual; hence when taken, special precautions must be undertaken to the patients.

Diphenhydramine tends to be a potential anticholinergic agent. It has side effect like increased heart rate, which tend to be very risky, pupil dilation, and at high doses then hallucinations are common. In conditions of an overdose, acute poisoning is very dominant and can be fatal as it leads to cardiovascular collapse hence resulting in death in a short period. Other common health effects include motor impairment, blurred vision, which is a serious issue as an individual cannot be able to see clearly. Irregular breathing is a health risk related to the drug, and some individuals do experience allergic conditions as it may result in swelling of the whole body. Learning about medicine has dramatically impacted behavior, especially concerning use since if the instructions are not followed, then the use of the drug may result in dangerous health effects.


Diphenhydramine drug is a substance that is usually used to prevent allergic symptoms in an individual as it prevents the action of histamine substance that causes allergic conditions. Instructions on the prescribed of the drug must be taken into consideration concerning each one symptom to prevent any dangerous health-related effect. Diphenhydramine is associated with specific health effects like sedation, increased heart rate, pupil dilation, vision impairment, urination retention, as well as vomiting.


Scavone, J. (2018). Diphenhydramine kinetics following intravenous, oral, and sublingual dimenhydrinate administration. Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition, 11(3), 185-189. doi: 10.1002/bdd.2510110302

"Diphenhydramine Side Effects." Archived from the original on 24 January 2009. Retrieved 6 April 2009.

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Treatment of Allergies & More: Diphenhydramine - Essay Sample. (2023, Jul 17). Retrieved from

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