Calabrese, Sarah K., et al. "Exploring discrimination and mental health disparities faced by Black sexual minority women using a minority stress framework." Psychology of women quarterly 39.3 (2015): 287-304.
The article explores forms of discrimination and mental health problems that African American women undergo. The population which this article is concerned with is marginalized women based on sexual orientation, gender, and race. The article compares three dimensions of stigmatization. These are frequency, cope, and number of bases. Frequency is all about the regularity of occurrences of these issues. The scope is concerned with the number of types of experienced stigma. A number of bases, on the other hand, is concerned with the summation of social statuses to which stigmatization is attributed. The article associates mental health and frequency, scope and number of bases of stigmatization. The article concludes that there is a stronger effect between race and mental health with much concern for sexual minority women.
Clement, Sarah, et al. "What is the impact of mental health-related stigma on help-seeking? A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies." Psychological medicine45.1 (2015): 11-27.
The article is an inquiry of the impact of mental health-related stigma on seeking medical help. Many people avoid seeking medical assistance for psychiatric and psychological associated complications. The aspect of stigma is a primary restraining in helping seeking, and the article has not systematically reviewed this assertion. However, the report addresses the question of mental health impact about stigma and seeking medical help. The article also attempted to establish the size and direction which any association can take in regard to the stigma and seeking medical attention. It employed five automated databanks which were searched from 1980-2001 where references were also checked. The research also employed a meta-analysis of qualitative and quantitative studies which comprised of three parallel narrative systems. The research concluded that stigma has a small-to-moderate -sized negative effect on help-seeking.
Corrigan, Patrick W., Benjamin G. Druss, and Deborah A. Perlick. "The impact of mental illness stigma on seeking and participating in mental health care." Psychological Science in the Public Interest 15.2 (2014): 37-70.
There are various treatments which medical practitioners have developed with an objective of reducing symptoms of disabilities of different signs and symptoms and limitations related to mental illness. The book is a review of difficult aspects of stigma which helps the reader to understand its effect on engaging in care. The book describes profoundly what stigma is and emphasizes on the fact that stigma is central in the reduction of its undesirable impact on seeing medical care and engagement. The book also looks at mental health and stigma, which are the primary areas of this study. The book identifies the need to understand mental illness to reduce stigma. Knowledge of mental health, cultural competence and family engagement are ways of combating stigma and its effects on seeking medical care.
Eaton, Lisa A., et al. "The role of stigma and medical mistrust in the routine health care engagement of black men who have sex with men." American journal of public health 105.2 (2015): e75-e82.
The journal is an assessment of stigma related to health care, global medical mistrust, and personal trust. The journal refers the mentioned factors with engagement in medicinal care among African-American men who are homosexuals. The study is a survey of 512 black MSM conducted in 2012. The results indicated that twenty-nine percent of the participants experienced stigmatization based on sexual orientation and racism. There are interventions which focus on medical care settings which maintain the development of greater consciousness of stigma. The book recommends that failure to address mental health issues interferes with progress and ability to implement operational inhibition and management strategies.
George, Sheba, Nelida Duran, and Keith Norris. "A systematic review of barriers and facilitators to minority research participation among African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders." American journal of public health 104.2 (2014): e16-e31.
The study looks at the perceived and experienced barriers and facilitators to health research involvement for major the United States and ethnic minority populations. The investigation initiated a systematic review of qualitative and quantitative inquiries. The journal includes 44 reviewed articles which established shared barriers and facilitators. The groups evaluated were willing to engage in helpful explanations which entrenched cultural and communal practices. The journal also compares the obstacles and expediters to racial and ethnic components' research involvement which improves population definite conscription and withholding strategies. These factors could enhance forthcoming comprehensive potential quantitative and in-depth ethnographic studies.
Hughes, Michael, et al. "Racial identity and well-being among African Americans." Social Psychology Quarterly 78.1 (2015): 25-48.
The book explains how racial and ethnic identity influences the self-esteem and psychological well-being of the African American population in the United States. Most of these issues which affect the African-American population and people fail to get answers regarding to unresolved and unexplained. The book borrows information from National Survey of the American life. The study employs the use of an hypothesis which is obtained from social identity on their internalized racism perspective. The findings in this book are in agreement with social support theory which support the fact that individuals who are in a position to view it positively.
Katz, Irwin. Stigma: A social psychological analysis. Psychology Press, 2014.
The book is a description of programs of research which looks at people's reactions to black Americans and the physically disabled. The magazine selects categories of samples which is a representative of a whole range of social classes which the society perceives as deviant. The social classes are also disadvantaged in pursuing their life goals. The book analyzes experiments which are designed to evaluate a theory of conditions under which social contact with members of stigmatized groups. The book also consists of eleven chapters. The first chapter defines stigma and ambivalence. The second chapter is about the attitude towards African Americans and the disabled. The first two chapters are of great relevance to this work since the work looks at the concept of stigma among African American populations about mental health. (2018). African Americans | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2018].
The article talks about African -American trade relations. The groups involve looking into prevalence of mental health conditions on matters related to prevalence of mental health conditions when compared to the rest of the population. The article looks at how mental health affects the African American society of the United States.
Richards, P., and Allen E. Bergin. Handbook of psychotherapy and religious diversity. American Psychological Association, 2014.
The book is about psychotherapy and religious diversity. The book is essential since the research looks at the issue of mental health and religious beliefs. The book identifies the fact that it is essential to embrace cultural diversity as an important aspect of multi-cultural competency which is gaining more popularity in the mental health and psychotherapy profession. Professionals are in need of data that is helpful in integrating spirituality into treatment in relation to ethical and effective ways with clients who have different religious backgrounds. The book also provides detailed information concerning the beliefs, practices and medical matters. The study varies from the Western and Eastern religions.
Rogers, Anne, and David Pilgrim. Sociology of mental health and illness. McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2014.
The authors of this book look at the issue of mental health and mental illness through giving clinical perspectives on the issue. The book looks at the clinical perspectives in sociology, and these are social causation, hermeneutics, social constructivism, and social realism. The second chapter looks at social stratification and mental health. It attempts to establish the relationship between social class and health status of an individual. The book also identifies some stigmas which are related to mental health among the African American population. The discrimination is based on race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality. The book identifies sociological theoretical frameworks which can guide the study in establishing the implications of stigma on mental health among African American population.
Ward, E., Wiltshire, J. C., Detry, M. A., & Brown, R. L. African American Men and Women's Attitude Toward Mental Illness, Perceptions of Stigma, and Preferred Coping Behaviors. Nursing Research, 62(3), 185-194. 2014
Much research is focused on African American population, especially those with psychological and mental issues. The book also looks at gender and age difference in attitudes, coping and beliefs. The study identified his sleep through nonsensical attempts. However, the pictures posted
Weber, Samuel R., and Kenneth I. Pargament. "The role of religion and spirituality in mental health." Current opinion in psychiatry 27.5 (2014): 358-363.
The book looks at the role that religion plays in mental health and spirituality. It attempts to establish the link between mental health and spirituality. There is improved attention in the study of the connection between spirituality and religion and psychological health. The book examines contemporary academic inquiry on the capability of spirituality and religion to be of value or harm the mental health of religious adherents. The book also reviews the effects that religion may have on the assessment and treatment of psychiatric settings. Spirituality and religion promote mental health through affirmative religious coping. They can also destroy the mental health of an individual through negative religious coping through misunderstanding and miscommunications.
Works Cited
Calabrese, Sarah K., et al. "Exploring discrimination and mental health disparities faced by Black sexual minority women using a minority stress framework." Psychology of women quarterly 39.3 (2015): 287-304.
Clement, Sarah, et al. "What is the impact of mental health-related stigma on help-seeking? A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies." Psychological medicine45.1 (2015): 11-27.
Corrigan, Patrick W., Benjamin G. Druss, and Deborah A. Perlick. "The impact of mental illness stigma on seeking and participating in mental health care." Psychological Science in the Public Interest 15.2 (2014): 37-70.
Eaton, Lisa A., et al. "The role of stigma and medical mistrust in the routine health care engagement of black men who have sex with men." American journal of public health 105.2 (2015): e75-e82.
George, Sheba, Nelida Duran, and Keith Norris. "A systematic review of barriers and facilitators to minority research participation among African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders." American journal of public health 104.2 (2014): e16-e31.
Hughes, Michael, et al. "Racial identity and well-being among African Americans." Social Psychology Quarterly 78.1 (2015): 25-48
Katz, Irwin. Stigma...
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