The Role of Patriarchal Theory in Sexual Violence - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  691 Words
Date:  2022-08-15


The patriarchal theory states that it is the family that expanded to form the state as seen today. The oldest man in the family was the head, and everybody else would submit to him. The family grew into a clan, which occupied a village. Many villages came together to form a community and communities formed a tribe, which is like a nation. A man, the King, headed the community. This theory provides a model that accommodates oppression of females and suggests that they be fully subject to men (Akgul, 2017). This approach is a cause of Domestic Violence in the modern society. This essay discusses how the mentality inherited from the patriarchal theory can lead to domestic violence.

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Over the years, Domestic Violence has been a common social problem. It is seen as an action that causes harm or discomfort to the person it to whom it is directed. Domestic violence is an attempt to control over, dominate and have power over another human being and this mostly results in mental, physical, or spiritual harm or eve death of the victim. Patriarchy is the ultimate cause of abuse and plays as a major contributor to domestic violence.

The men in the patriarchal theory served to ensure that the society is orderly, but some people have misinterpreted the theory and used it to discriminate and oppress women. The magnitude, nature and form of the violence performed may vary depending on the kind of society and their norms. These men do not understand the need for full equality between women and men and women's need full independence of mind and decision-making.

Characters such as violent tendencies, immaturity and insecurity are the most active instigators of domestic violence. These come up because of the patriarchal mentality, where women are for sexual satisfaction, and men are inherently meant to dominate on all matters. This is escalated when women themselves accept their said position as per the theory. When in power, men have made rules that govern families, and these rules tend to favor continuity of female oppression. In some cultures, women have accepted to remain home and be housewives (McCue, 2008).

Sexual violence, a form of domestic violence, is defined as acts performed against one's sexuality regardless of the relationship between the person and the victim. Patriarchy has turned out to be the cause of sexual abuse since it's a system of practices and social cultures that men use to oppress, dominate and exploit women. A patriarchal myth runs that men have bigger sex drive compared to women hence their advances to women even when women are not willing. This sexual deficit is always turned down by feminists so as not to justify rape cases that happen.

Some men may see a woman's unwillingness or uneasiness to offer sexual satisfaction and gratification to a man as stinginess, and this may lead to rape in a marriage. When the female rejects the male proposal of intimacy, it causes frustrations. In other cases, some notorious women arouse Men sexually, and later they deny the offer of sexual encounter proposed by the man. With all this, it can lead man to use physical violence to get what he wants.

Unmet sexual desires are also prone to sexual violence. It happens where the man is less sexually active than the female partner, and the woman gets pushed by her hormonal urges to see k the satisfaction from elsewhere. This has led to violence in the form of fights some of which have cause death (Hamel & Nicholls, 2007). Patriarchal ideologies propose male dominance over the female and this also applies to dominance in economic situations. The only solution to sexual violence regarding this theory is by women having successful careers in the public sector hence they will not be dominated as compared to before. The women should also get up and fight for more freedom.


Akgul, F. (2017). Patriarchal Theory Reconsidered: Torture and Gender-Based Violence in Turkey.

Hamel, J., & Nicholls, T. L. (2007). Family interventions in domestic violence: A handbook of gender-inclusive theory and treatment. New York: Springer Pub.

McCue, M. L. (2008). Domestic violence: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO.

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