In all professions, research stands as a significant element and more so in healthcare. The importance of research stems from the fact that it is the basis of the innovations and development in the healthcare world and brings positive change. This section of the dissertation paper appraises some articles using the CASP tool for critiquing research articles. Six qualitative and quantitative research are evaluated based on their relevance to this study hypothesis. This is to filter out the low-quality studies and differentiate deceptive information from credible ones.
Simons and Mawn (2010) conducted research to access the impact of bullying among nurses based on actual and witness account. A hundred and eighty-four new nurse recruits responded to open-ended survey questions mailed to them. The findings revealed that new nurses experience structural bullying prompting them to leave their jobs. Despite the research lacking a subsection mentioning the research goals, the article's title is enough to let the reader know what the research is all about. Entitled 'Bullying in The Workplace-A Qualitative Study of Newly Licensed Nurses,' it clearly explains the intention of the study. The title is not extensive or uses foreign words in the explanation of what it's about. A reader can know the goals of this research without losing interest. The underlying message in a title is to give a summary of what the content of the study will be. The authors have achieved this by providing a straightforward title that does not defer readers. The abstract of the paper also elucidates the purpose of the study, the findings, and reasoning. In brief, it also touches on the methodology, highlighting the significant factors necessary. Everything mentioned in the abstract is up to date including the assumptions. The abstract makes it possible to decipher whether the article is interesting or not.
Perhaps the best section of this inquiry is the methodology section. To restate the obvious, Simons and Mawn employ qualitative methods that are suitable for this kind of research. The researchers strive to unravel the attitudes, experience, and emotions of participants relative to workplace bullying. The study works with rather little statistics majorly on the subjective responses to the questions associated with the topic. The qualitative research intends to get answers to the occurrence of social phenomena providing readers with the opportunity to understand what people do and the reason behind those actions. The recruitment method used by the researchers is favorable for this research. Based on the nature of bullying, it is essential that data is gathered in a way that participants would be free and open. In the absence of interviewers, participants can open more. Lastly, the statistical analysis of the data is clear as well, as it considers the percentage response in respect to each question. This research is a clear and useful tool for this dissertation.
In May 2014, Lippincott William and Wilkins published the findings of Laschinger K. Spence entitled 'Impacts of Workplace Mistreatment on Patient Safety Risk and Nurse-Assessed Patient Outcome.' Laschinger (2014) discovered that there is a direct correlation between bullying and the quality of patient care and safety risk plus adverse nurse events. Laschinger begins the paper with a brief statement of the objective of the research. By specifying the goals and using them as the guide all through the article, everything flows effortlessly, and it is rather easy to interpret the results and discussions in the research paper. The goals of the research are spelled out plainly, using non-technical language and the ideas the study is to address comes out clear. By making their goals comprehensible and clear, Laschinger merely make it easy in the understanding of what the research setting is about to obtain and the focus of the study. In the background section of the study, the two authors mention the relevance of the research and the necessity for researching misfortunes and the misunderstanding of bullying and issues linked to it. Here on a more profound level, the objectives credibility and support incorporation into the findings are offered. The background suggests that the research was thorough, helping in the construction of the methods section.
Laschinger (2014) tested the hypothesis using the data from the study of nurses in acute care hospitals across Ontario. There is nowhere that the paper mentions explain the research to the participants and whether other ethical standards were maintained. However, the author asked for ethical approval from the University institutional Ethics Review board. Subsequently, it is correct to assume that the research abode to the ethical standards by being approved by the review board. After this, the researcher randomly sampled 336 nurses from the College of Nursing provincial registry and mailed questionnaires to them. Laschinger mentions that about 52% of the nurses responded and the data from these were used in the Cortina's workplace invisibility scale to measure the results. The paper provides a clear illustration and description of how the data is measured and analyzed to arrive at a conclusion. A lost of statistics is employed which improves the credibility of the research. Rather than basing things on her own assumptions, the researcher applies descriptive statistics in the discussion and conclusion. The findings are then linked to the research question. This paper is valuable as well in this dissertation since it is clear in the statistical debate of incivility on nurses.
In yet another similar study, Vogelpohl et al. (2013) conduct a quantitative investigation of the bullying experience in the workplace of newly registered nurses. The authors fail to provide a subsection that mentions the purpose of this research though the abstract and introduction does well in elucidating this. The two sections briefly articulate the results, methodology, and reasoning highlighting the primary objectives that the research will address. Everything that is mentioned in these sections is present in the central text, and all the findings and statistics are commendable. From the abstract, it is possible to gain interest in the paper.
The design of this study is appropriate in the answering of the clinical question. First, all the ethical protocols required for research was observed. The researchers first asked for review and approval from the relevant authority before embarking on the study. In addition to this, participants in the research were briefed and assured of their privacy and confidentiality in the data collection process. Depending on the nature of research, some design may be more relevant to the research question than others. However, regarded the gold standard of all clinical studies is the random sampling where the outcome is evaluated prospectively. The NAQ-R survey tool containing 22 questions was then used in the answering of issues relative to workplace bullying. The answers were analyzed for frequency of occurrence as daily, weekly, monthly, and so forth. However, the detailed validity of threats to the rates of bullying arising within this study design is beyond the scope of the research. Additionally, since the participants of this study are recruited over time, it is somewhat difficult to tell whether to tell whether the data presented the frequency occurrence of bullying cases among the recruit nurses.
Vogelpohl, et al. (2013) sufficiently analyses the data from the survey systematically. As mentioned beforehand, the research recognized a frequency of occurrence of bullying and categorized into five groups. In a table, the percentages of respondents claiming each frequency was summarised. The results showed that new nurses encountered harassment in the workplace including being ignored 8%, secluded 11% and forced to do tasks that is below their competence 10%. Such findings are statistically relevant in showing the prevalence of bullying among new nurses at work. This study is comprehensive to be part of this dissertation since, in addition, it offers the ways through which bullying happens at work. Subsequently, the findings of this paper can be relevant regarding that it is recent research.
Spence Laschinger, et al. (2009) researched on something different whereby the authors aimed at determining what was the impact of empowering work conditions and workplace incivility on nurses' experiences of burnout and nurse retention factors. The authors recognized the fact that the number one cause of turnover among nurse is related to the unsatisfying workplace. This is as a result of the numerous recent reports of uncivil behavior in the healthcare setting. To examine the impact of empowering nurses at work, the researcher collects data by sampling 612 Canadian staff and nurses. The authors recognize how vital it is to carry out research that follows the ethical guidelines. The study is in the first place got the approval of the ethical committee, but there is no justification whether ethical issues regarding the participants were followed. Although mo moral issue related to the participants is mentioned, informed consent or confidentiality is provided to the participants. It is correct to presume that informed consent was gained by the participants since the research only required volunteers. Informed consent requires that the participants have enough knowledge on the study.
During this study, Spence Laschinger et al. (2009) tested models that were derived from a review of previous literature on research relating to empowering environments, workplace incivility, burnt out and their relationship with the retention of workers. The results showed that workplace empowerment is effective in retention of employees since several participants agreed to it. This is provided with the low levels of incivility and burnout being the predictors of motivation among nurses. There is no need for much argument since the majority of the participants showed that stress stemming from exhaustion and lack of motivation need to be addressed to ensure that workers are retained. The researcher does not try to settle for an argument but rather provide and emphasize on the need to maintain a motivating environment. The discussion is set flawlessly and set out in a manner that the goals of this study are justifiable. Henceforth, it is easy to relate between the objectives, methodology, results and the discussion. Lastly, the research provides a section for future studies and how the paper can be of relevance in furthering inquiries into workplace motivation and nurse incivility. It does give a need for management to adjust highlighting new practices that can promote motivation at work.
Etienne (2014) also tried to explore workplace bullying in nursing. This is the purpose of his study whereby the focus was on registered nurse and how they are exposed to harassment. The author collects a convenience sample of professional nurses from the Pacific Northwest state and follows a descriptive study using NAQ-R. It would be said that this study follows a methodologically sound way of research. Participation is voluntary, and all the information that is gathered from the survey is confidential. The author asks for informed consent at the start of the survey, and no respondent is allowed to go ahead with the survey questions unless they agree to do so. In this way, the researcher is sure that whatever information collected is achieved in line with the ethical guidelines for conducting studies. The research generates data through the completion of the survey question, and the mode that is used to explore the several fo...
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The Impact of Incivility on Nurses' Performance in Clinical Practice: Critical Appraisal. (2022, Jul 15). Retrieved from
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