Social Work Prof: Aims to Improve Lives & Create Opportunities - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  503 Words
Date:  2023-03-23


My social work profession encompasses unique goals, which are lifechanging to the community. The primary goal is to identifypeople who need social help in society. I aim toweigh the needs of individuals, situations, strengths, and sustenance network to regulate their goals. The other goal that I established is to aid individuals to improve on changes and test their lives, such as health situations, marital status, unemployment, and domestic inconveniences. My other goal is to create opportunities for individuals to join social work movement and participate in activities that promote social development. Also, to help individuals work with government agencies to achievebenefits such as medical care.The other essential goal is to criticize discrimination through enhancing of laws and establishing campaigns. I also have a purpose of providing children support in society.

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I am ambitious to deliver a platform that can help me grow mentally and physically in terms of handling complex situations in society. The profession also provides me with a student loan opportunity that will assist in projects and research purposes. The profession further improves my reputation, which will create more opportunities for my job entry across other fields in line with social development and work.Based on the profession, I am interested in developing an agency for social workers, where my leadership and management skills shall be improved. Also, to establish events that encompass food assistance, which will help the society in reducing the poverty rate. To enhance social gathering and meetings where individuals may express their feelings towards problems facing them inlife.

Financial Assistance

The work experience I had in the social work profession enabled me to establish a movement that helps individuals in society through mental support. The movement is financially unstable but creates a platform for an individualto change mentally and become effective in the community. The movement requires support on equipment purchases for mental events and therapy assessment. It may include the purchasing of first aid drugs, which will provide opportunities to individuals who never attained such services. Financial aid is also necessary to hire professional mental health nurses who will help in the assessment process on mental health.Also, financial assistance is required for establishing events in the community that helps individual in expressing their feelings and communicate to professionals the conditions they are undergoing.

I would need financial support in helping individuals in society to lower the rate of poverty through the provision of food and water supply. Financial support is also necessary to provide opportunities for individuals with children who scholarships to proceed with their academics and achieve a productive result in society. Also, I should get financial assistance to advocate and aid individuals in the community with resources that would improve their life status. Moreover, I must consider the homeless individuals in the society who live in the streets and provide them with a well-constructed camp. It the project requires financial support, which is essential in this case, as it will change the lives of individuals and minimize threats in the community.

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Social Work Prof: Aims to Improve Lives & Create Opportunities - Essay Sample. (2023, Mar 23). Retrieved from

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