Rice having been discovered several years ago, forms an important diet for most of the people in the world. However, since its introduction and its diversification all over the world, rice has been changed to different varieties from the usual known whole grain such as brown rice. This change involves milling which involves extra processing whereby the brown rice is polished with white color after extraction of various components. Since the introduction of these activities, various changes of individual health such as increased obesity, type 2 diabetes as well as other chronic diseases have been experienced mainly in the regions where rice is consumed in large masses such as in Asia and Europe. Due to these increased health concerns, it has led to the development of concern among researchers regarding the cause of the increasing health concerns in the regions. Thus, different researches have taken the lead to investigate the courses of the increased health concern cases whereby most of them, majors in diet consumed in the region. The researches established in the article mainly majored in studying the relationship of white rice versus brown rice and risk on health concerns such as obesity and other chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. The studies consist of well-collected data from factual sources and well analyzed by various analytical tools thus giving factual results regarding the relationship of the two types of rice (white rice and brown rice) and risk on various health concerns. From the research various result are established regarding the existing relationship between the two grains of rice ( white rice and brown rice) consumption and risk on various health concerns such as obesity and other chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.
Historical Background
Based on various archeological evidence, the first domestication of rice is alleged to have started in the Yangtze River valley region in China. According to studies on Morphological on rice phytoliths from the Diatonghuan archeological site, a changeover from a collection of wild rice to the cultivation of domestic rice is shown the O. sativa japonica variety. The variety later moved to India where it was domesticated and branded as O. sativa indica. However, the hybridization which mainly represents international breeding is considered as the important player in rice history due to its regional diversification and adaptation of rice.
Rice also forms one of the most stable food as well as the most important cereal crop especially for the people in Asia but recently, its consumption has continued increasing globally. The cereal has in most cases been consumed in two main type either white rice or brown rice. However, with the continuous increase in health concerns related to dietary, the issue or rice consumption has become a topic of the day between individuals as well as the health personnel concerning the type of rice that is suitable for consumption. The continuous increase of Obesity and chronicle diet-related diseases such as 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases as well as cancer have thus raised a lot of concern regarding the consumption of rice which is the main cereal crop consumed by billions of people globally. Additionally, the consumption of rice has been associate with concentrations that have various impacts on health nutrition to the consumers. Thus, Thus, this research will aim at establishing various chronic disease as well as the health nutrition related to the consumption of either the brown or white rice and a comparison between the content quality present in both white and brown rice.
White and Brown Rice Analysis
White verses Brown RiceBoth brown and white rice forms the same grain only that the white rice grain has been milled more than the brown grain to remove everything. While the brown rice grain is left with the bran as well as the germ as an addition to the endosperm a condition that leaves the grain to remain brown in color. Due to less milling on the brown rice, the variety contains more fiber and protein than white rice. Additionally, brown rice is considered to contain more carbs as well as more fat than white rice. However, white rice is characterized by a higher glycemic index which means it is highly broken down by the body. Thus, due to differences in the content composition between the two grains, various questions have been raised regarding the effect that could be associated with the concentration of either of the grains. Due to this various studies have been conducted concerning Brown and White rice on health concern which involves the increased chronic diseases as well as the impact of white rice versus brown rice on health nutrition.
Health Concerns
Chronic Diseases
For the past several years ago, rice has been the most reliable food for several people all over the world. However, due to the increasing cases of diabetes and other chronic related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, celian, hypertension as well as cancer all over the world, the condition has led to focus of the attention by the food scientist on the relationship between certain chronic diseases and the daily consumed foods. From the various food placed under investigation, rice attracted more attention to the scientist since it's the most commonly used component with over 2 billion people being dependents. Rice consisted of two types, the white rice which results from polishing whereby the polished grain is riffed to as highly glycemic due to the high content of starch in it. The removal of the outer gains' bran layer in the process of milling leads to a resultant of nutrient, fiber component as well as the bioactive component. While the other type of rice is the brown rice which is harvested as a whole grain. Thus, based on most of the studies, the researcher aimed at establishing the potential health concerns relating to the consumption of the whole brown rice grain (BR) comparing to the milled or the white rice grain (WR).
Based on various established dietary-related diseases, obesity has been considered as the most common disease among people living in are such as Asia and Europe. This disorder has been adapted by most researches n conducting their studies relating to association of the disorder and the starch dietary where rice has mostly been considered due to its high starch concentration as well as the most consumed type of food. According to Shaw's (11) research on the Effects of Brown Rice on Obesity, the author aimed at establishing individual preferences in regard to consumption of brown rice to white rice. From the questioner survey, the author concentrated on brown rice and white rice. From this survey that adopted a total of 1100 participants, a critical analysis of the findings was conducted by SPSS software. From the findings, it was established that 76% of the population preferred consuming brown rice to white rice. On further research by the author, it was established that brown rice contained some substantial components that contain various psychological functioning effects in addition to the ordinary nutrient functions. In his conclusion, the author established that brown rice was perceived by the individual as the best since its components seemed to improve the obesity disorder compared to the polished white rice. A good bowel movement, as well as the stool figure as it was expressed by the audience, advocated a good intestinal environment that mainly facilitated obesity avoidance thus maintaining individual health.
Further, additional research on "Predisposition to insulin resistance and obesity due to staple consumption of rice: Amylose content versus germination status" (Bilyaminu, 2) was conducted whereby both brown rice and white rice were chosen. The specimen analysis adopted a scientific protocol of official Analytic chemistry in determining the protein and carbohydrate content in the two types of rice whereby all the results were expressed in percentage of dry weight. From the findings, the white rice was established to contain 50% of enzyme amylose while the brown rice was established to contain 25% of the enzyme amylase. From the findings, the high rate of enzyme amylose was associated with high fats thus demonstrating how the consumption of white rise is risky to contracting obesity.
Chronic disease 2 diabetes has in several occasions been established as the most chronic disease associated with the consumption of foods reach in excess starch. Currently, these condition has been experienced in a large number among several individuals mainly in the Asian continent, America as well as in the Europe countries. Due to this condition, various researchers have majored in concentrating their attention on rice which is the main type of food consumed in the said regions. Qi (3) article on "White rice consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: Meta-analysis and systematic review" which aimed at establishing evidence that are associated with white rice intake and type 2 diabetes risks and further to probable quantify the dose that is response related. The study adopted prospective cohort studies Meta-analysis whereby the resources for the study were obtained from Medline as well as in the Embase database which used keywords rice intake and diabetes. However, the study selection concentrated on studies that explained the risk estimate for type 2 diabetes due to the long period of rice consumption. The extracted data were analyzed through the random effect model. From this, the relationship of dose-response was further weighed through a comparison of all rice intake categories from each study. From the result established from the study after identification of four articles whereby seven of the articles consisted of distinct potential articulate analysis in Asia as well as in the western population, 13, 284 occurrence incidences of diabetes type 2 were established from 352, 384 total participants who had a follow-up period of 4 - 22 years. From the findings, the Asian community population was established to have a higher rate of white rice consumption level that the western community population. From the total participants, meta-analysis dose-response, it was established that for each per day serving consumption increase of white rise, the relative risk of type 2 diabetes stood at 11%. Comparing the analysis of the two populations, a margin existed of about 0.001 risks of type two diabetes with the Asian community being ahead in risk. After the establishment of the findings, the research analyzed through meta-analysis, higher rate of white rice intake is related with the significant high risk of 2 diabetes. Thus from the findings, despite rice the position of rice intake being the staple food in most of the countries more so those in the Asian region, its consumption may render the population more vulnerable to more hostile effects of higher consumption of white rice. However, despite less consumption of white rise as demonstrated by the western population, the relative consumption of this serial would modestly still pose a risk of type 2 diabetes.
Further rese...
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