Pomona Valley Hospital: Childbirth Prep Events & Classes - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  608 Words
Date:  2023-02-13


The community has been greatly satisfied with the services offered at Pomona valley hospital regarding childbirth preparations. The hospital has several events and classes scheduled in preparation for childbirth (Kalayil, 2017). The events and classes offered in this case are discussed below.

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Cesarean Birth Preparation

This is to ensure a clean bill of health for the mother and to deliver a healthy baby. It also informs the expecting parents of the importance of finding a doctor early enough and booking appointments on time. My aunt being expectant mother potentially at risk of undergoing a cesarean kind of delivery attended the cesarean class together with me. We were able to understand a great deal the importance of early appointment booking and finding a doctor before the onset of the ninth month-end period as the cesarean kind of birth is an emergency and at such situations, there is always an urgent need to save both the mother and the child.

Childbirth Preparation Classes/Maternity Orientation

During these classes, there is maternity orientation where women are introduced to Women Centers then shown the labor, delivery, recovery rooms and postpartum suites. They are then informed of the services available there. Tours of the various rooms and suites are offered weekly though one must register to participate. Moreover, the birth certificate making process is explained. My expectant aunt and I registered to be a part of the childbirth preparation classes and their tours hence taken all round the rooms found in the maternity area of Pomona Valley Hospital. The service that each room offered was explained for example the delivery room where mothers gave birth to their newborns and the cesarean theatre where the c- section service was offered. They say knowledge is power with that when I accompanied the expectant mother, my aunt to a next appointment we were able to locate the maternity rooms for which we needed its services. The birth certificate information was pretty much educative.

Dad Advice Group

This is done because with the birth of a child comes many changes. The group is meant for the new and future dads experiencing or living with persons experiencing stress or depression related to pregnancy, birth or postpartum stress. My uncle, the expectant's husband, attended the dad advice group event. From the experience, he took away how to cope with his stress or that of my expectant aunt related to pregnancy before and after birth. He also explained to me other options of help they were advised to explore in the event of the persistence of the stress or depression due to pregnancy for example seeking therapy. This helped enable him to navigate the whole pregnancy and the period even after my aunt gave birth.

Postpartum Stress Group

Expectant mothers are introduced to such a group because it helps them avert stress that is experienced after they give birth. After my aunt gave birth, she had a difficult time connecting with her child, frequent mood changes and lack of sleep. All these signs pointed to postpartum stress. She was lucky though having joined the Postpartum Stress Group hence she was able to get all the help that she needed.

From the above steps this is a clear indication that the community has benefitted from classes and event offered at Pomona Valley Hospital about childbirth preparation. The community has been able to appreciate and apply all that has been learned from these events and classes thus a satisfied and happier community.


Kalayil Madhavanprabhakaran, G., Sheila D'Souza, M., & Nairy, K. (2017). Effectiveness of childbirth education on nulliparous women's knowledge of childbirth preparation, pregnancy anxiety and pregnancy outcomes. Nurs Midwifery Stud, 6(1), e32526.

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Pomona Valley Hospital: Childbirth Prep Events & Classes - Essay Sample. (2023, Feb 13). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/pomona-valley-hospital-childbirth-prep-events-classes-essay-sample

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