Physicians: Enhancing Productivity to Improve Healthcare Quality - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  597 Words
Date:  2023-03-29


For the patients to enjoy optimal health, it is essential for the physicians to be more productive and dedicated to their work. However, most people tend to think that physicians are becoming less productive as compared to two decades ago. It is a fact that health care value should be improved to ensure that patients obtain the best care possible (Lockhart, 2019). Preventable negligence on the part of the physicians has caused mire mortality and morbidity in many countries in the world. It is agreeable that some of the developed countries have the best health care systems in the world, but this might not be the case in developing nations. The health care industry has experienced declines in productivity despite the enormous investment in medical technology, and this should be an issue of concern.

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Since the end of restrictions against the advertising of healthcare, medical groups can take this opportunity to attract more patients. Nowadays, hospitals have devoted funds to conduct direct marketing to patients who may need their services. Previously, medical practitioners and groups were not allowed to advertise their services. However, with the increased number of hospitals and physicians, numerous hospitals use direct-to-consumer advertising to enhance their clientele, especially for acute care services. Bigger practices are more efficient, and this has a good impact on the consumers since they can get consumer choice (Lockhart, 2019). Moreover, advertising informs the consumers about the available services and treatments that they may not be aware of. This makes the prospective consumers in which hospitals might have the best services for their needs.

It is a fact that hospitals charge their patients differently for the same services. This can be due to government programs and health plans. However, experts call this price discrimination, and it is not unusual. Even though it is not an illegal activity, some patients tend to find it unfair. Nevertheless, some patients who opt for premium and private services may be charged more for a similar service being charged less under normal circumstances (O'Connell, O'Reilly, & Nason, 2019). Moreover, some specialized treatments may require a patient to pay more in private hospitals as compared to public hospitals. Some doctors may also decide to give discounts on service charges depending on their relationship with the patient and the frequency of visits to the same facility. This is not malpractice, especially if the doctor is practicing privately. For a public health facility, the prices are charged from a master charge book to avoid price discrimination.

It is a common activity for physicians to trade patients, especially when the doctor is not available for an appointment, and the patient is in need. Moreover, the payments between doctors for referrals cannot be termed as being illegal or unethical since it is an agreement between the two physicians. Even though it is not ethical for a doctor to demand payment from another one due to a referral made, some physicians may decide to extend a token of appreciation to their colleagues for a reference, and this is acceptable (O'Connell, O'Reilly, & Nason, 2019). Furthermore, referrals may be efficient in times of emergency and when the patient needs specialized treatment that cannot be offered by their personal doctors. Also, in the case of a physician having a worklog, it is important to refer a patient to another doctor to ensure that they are attended to in a timely manner.


Lockhart, L. (2019). The business of healthcare productivity. Nursing made Incredibly Easy, 17(1), 56.

O'Connell, C., O'Reilly, M. K., & Nason, G. J. (2019). Business in Healthcare Module-a Missed Opportunity in our Trainees' Development?. Irish medical journal, 112(4), 924-924.

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Physicians: Enhancing Productivity to Improve Healthcare Quality - Essay Sample. (2023, Mar 29). Retrieved from

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