Paper Sample on Global Health Informatics: A Historical Perspective

Paper Type:  Article review
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  934 Words
Date:  2023-09-17

Cesnik, B., & Kidd, M. R. (2010). History of health informatics: a global perspective. Stud Health Technol Inform, 151, 3-8.

This article introduces the topic of health informatics and what it encompasses. The authors describe how the history of health informatics has evolved and how computer innovations and advancements have aided the development of various healthcare systems. The article published on PubMed and retrieved from the Walden libraries database stresses that there are numerous inventions in health informatics that failed to reach their desired outcome despite many professionals in the field of medicine, healthcare, and information technology having the best intentions for them.

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The article relates to other articles in this bibliography. It describes the process of evaluation of the role played by health informatics and computer development in improving the delivery of healthcare. The article's audience is individuals who in the healthcare sector, ICT sector, and all stakeholders who deem the information provided relevantly. (2016). 5 Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Health Informatics - Health Informatics Online Masters | Nursing & Medical Degrees.

This article provides an infographic that describes how information technology intersects with healthcare delivery systems. The authors describe how artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, 3D bioprinting, nanomedicine, and cloud computing aid healthcare professionals in efficiently and effectively providing services. The article relates to the other articles I have selected for my study as it enhances my discussion on how health informatics and information have helped improve the healthcare sytem. The article supports my argument that health informatics helps the delivery of healthcare services as it provides healthcare professionals with a means of delivering healthcare services more effectively and efficiently.

Based on the amount of objective information in the infographic, the audience is professionals in the healthcare and information technology industry. The information provides statistical data on how policies and future projections of improving the global healthcare sector can be drawn up and implement, and what necessitates them.

Lai, A. M., Hsueh, P. S., Choi, Y. K. & Austin, R. R. (2017). Present and Future Trends in Consumer Health Informatics and Patient-Generated Health Data. Yearbook of medical informatics, 26(1), 152–159.

The authors of the article are professionals and researchers in various fields related to health informatics, medicine, and healthcare. They have worked in multiple research institutes and teaching institutions to address their research findings to Albert M. Lai, the institute of informatics. The article provided a brief review of previous literature intending to provide insight into the role of Consumer Health Informatics (CHI) and Patient-Generated Health Data (PGHD) in improving healthcare delivery.

After reviewing 47 articles obtained from the PubMed and ACM digital libraries, the authors concluded that the availability of cheaper consumer-grade tech devices caused by technological development had increased the research in the storage of patient/personal related health records. According to Lai et al., (2017), technology development in various fields such as mobile communication, web 2.0, among others have accelerated the development and adoption of health informatics systems as a means of retrieving, storing, securing, sharing, and utilizing patient-generated health data to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare service delivery. This is in support of my research discussion.

Masic, I. (2013). The history and new trends of medical informatics. Donald School Journal of Ultrasound Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7(3), 301-3012.

The article authored by Izet Masic, professor of the department of medical informatics, faculty of Medicine University of Sarajevo, introduces how the invention of the computer and the development of information systems played a crucial role in the development of health informatics. The article further mentions that improvement in the computer's data processing capabilities and further categorization of networks played a crucial aided in the innovation of various ICT data communication, which in turn led to the development of different health information systems that are being used to improve healthcare delivery today.

The article provides the audience, which may be comprised of professionals/stakeholders in the ICT, medicine, and nursing professions, with the knowledge of the evolution of computer technology and its role in health informatics developments. The information provided in the article supports my argument as do the other articles in this bibliography that the evolution of computers and ICT has played a crucial role in the development of health informatics and that that there is a need for future research to develop the field further.

Sweeney, J. (Feb 2017). Healthcare Informatics. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI), 21(1).

In the article published in the online journal of nursing informatics (OJNI), the author stresses that health informatics in nursing and healthcare services have played a crucial role in the evolution of health systems. The continued development of new technology has numerous implications in the healthcare system's clinical, managerial, and policy settings. The author further calls on all stakeholders in the healthcare system's different settings to coordinate their efforts towards ensuring that the goals of delivering safe, effective, and efficient healthcare services are achieved and that the trust of the public is won.

The information provided in the article is relevant to an audience of all professionals, but most importantly, to stakeholders in the clinical, managerial, and policy settings of the healthcare system of the United States. It supports my study as it provides relevant information that alludes that the evolution of health informatics has been aided by the concurrent development of computer technology. This has enhanced the innovation of various aspects of health informatics that can improve the delivery of safe, quality, and efficient healthcare services to the general public.

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Paper Sample on Global Health Informatics: A Historical Perspective. (2023, Sep 17). Retrieved from

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