Paper Sample on Fortnite: Free To Play, 200M Players, Blowing Away The Competition

Paper Type:  Thesis statement
Pages:  7
Wordcount:  1736 Words
Date:  2023-09-14


The world’s most popular game, Fortnite, costs nothing to play, despite the company operating at a full cost scale in hosting the live events in the game. The game is available on seven different platforms, with over 200 million registered players across the globe (King, et al., 2020). Fortnite is slowly blowing away the competition of gaming, as it aims to become one of the most influential and go-to video game for many gamers. However, the provision of a free game that has attracted millions of players across the globe is slowly attracting the attention of many psychologists in addressing the change in psychological effects to many young players, which is gradually causing family relationship problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes gaming disorder as obsessive and compulsory playing video games, which result in aggressive social behaviors, and declined family relationship as one of the leading causes of family relationship problems. With the improvement and advancement in gaming consoles such as X-Box, Play Station and Nintendo, gamers are becoming more thrilled with online gaming, with the unimaginable concepts and ideas they can use to enhance their gaming experience. Never the less, the idea of psychological effects is highly brushed off by many gamers, especially considering the online social community supported by games like Fortnite. Exposure to video games like negatively affects Family relationships with kids in a variety of ways; because It increases aggressive behavior, aggressive-related thoughts, and feelings and also decreases prosocial behavior causing isolation.

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Reasons That Support the Thesis Statement

Family Interaction with Each Other for Closure

Online games have always provided an avenue to facilitate online voice charts that enhance the experience of many gamers across the platform. Moreover, the integration of video recording has further increased the gamers personalization. The integration of these components within the gaming industry have robe family time which could have been used for bonding or other family debates. Fortnite’s hope in the industry has been facilitated by the increased use of video charts and communication, which glue the gamers in their consoles for more extended periods. Thus, little family bonding is created, not to mention the devastating effects that are experienced in a face to face family conversation in providing closure.

Face to Face Conversations

Parents understand that the way to get a perfect bonding between them and the rest of the family members is through offering a healthy talk. Thus, the suitable channel of the talk, ma be established using face to face conversation, which increases the chance of learning the shortcoming of the family members and their strength. According to Steinfeld et al., (2015), parents have a higher chance of learning their children’s development process, through engaging in a face to face conversation. Therefore, parents learn more than conversation skills but also get to interact more with their siblings to understand what they are missing. While this may be essential in a parental perspective, Fortnite takes the initiative of robing this concept, thus further eroding the potential possibility of the parent learning more from their children. Never the less, the case is even more far worse for those parents that have taken active participation in Fortnite.

The popularity of Fortnite is propelled by the increasing number of users who enjoy the interaction and social world provided by the game. However, the amount of time consumed per single game is far more devastating for parents who participate in the game, as they devoid their children an opportunity to offer moral support and talk them through their experience.

The feeling of Security and Closeness

Fortnite players have developed the concept of security and closeness, as more gamers are provided with an environment that helps then to create and share their skills virtually. While their skills may not be a hidden talent, but rather a set of skills that any character may have, the bond between players increases the sense of security among the players. According to Jancic, and Hus, (2018), the development of friendship, for most of the online gamers, is encouraged by a similar goal of winning or gaining an advantage over their competitors. However, while the creation of friendship and security in the game remains a universal concept, enemies are also generated on the progress. Never the less, the case may be even worse, for those players who have undertaken several hours to complete at least tasks, which may result in devastation, hence creating a feeling of anger not only to the character that interfered with their progress but also to anyone around them. Therefore, the feeling of closeness and security one felt, while starting the game soon fades away.

Fortnite is creating a rift between family members in the physical world, as more time is consumed in gaming and live charts. Family responsibilities and roles are slightly addressed, as less integration is set to prevail. Thus, this has reduced the feeling of closeness among family members.

Developmental Skills

Improves Cognitive Abilities

According to Hanghøj et al., (2018), there is a closer inter-relationship between curriculum and gaming activities, as each game provides a dynamic set of challenges the gamer has to endure. While most of these challenges may be frustrating and more challenging, all gamers strive harder and even try to seek help after multiple trials that leads to failure. Never the less, behind the trial and failure process lies an improvement in cognitive abilities that sharpen most of the gamers' ideas. Fortnite provides a set of challenges that are more dynamic to every player, which calls for explicit thinking to help improve the ability to think correctly, especially to children, who adopt and transition these concepts to an academic world.

Online gaming provides a set of results that show multidimensional effects, including a positive impact on at-risk gamers’ well-being. Most of the players develop an improved set of cognitive abilities to grasp and assess ideas as they emerge in their domain.

The development of skills to Fortnite gamers is higher, especially considering the degree of complexity in the game. Therefore, players are not only provided with a free game but a complex set of different stages that requires the employment of different skills to navigate through the game. The knowledge about understanding which weapon to use, and whom to eliminate is a natural ability that Fortnite gamers have to develop faster and manage, for the best performance. Therefore, every player is psychologically forced to improve their cognitive skills to gain a competitive advantage in the game. While cognitive skills deeper, many families enjoy seeing their younger adults transferring this knowledge to home chores and school. Thus, offering a suitable development process.

Hand-eye Coordination

According to Adachi and Willoughby, (2013), video games area is a sector worth studying, especially when trying to understand, where people get a realm amount of practice. Thus, this area provides an exciting opportunity to investigate as numerous aspects of mental coordination are highly employed to study the psychological coordination and assignment of tasks. As an operating system in a computer, which allocates and deallocates memory for numerous jobs in a multitasking mode, the human brain works similar to these principles to help coordinate hand-eye movement.

The visuomotor control, also regarded as the hand-eye coordination, is one of the exciting sectors that many psychological sciences have explored to determine the speed, decoding, and processing of the data from the eyes to hand. While many video games remain on the debate regarding the concept of hand-eye coordination, numerous have failed to determine their effectiveness in ensuring a swift movement between eye-to-hand coordination. Fortnite’s operating environment has, by far, remained one of the most intense and widely used video games that strengthen the hand-eye coordination through providing rapid feedback access from what the player key in the game.

Fortnite provides an online platform environment, which may also be determined by the internet connection. Therefore, those connected to a slow internet connection may experience latency and dragging of the game, forcing them to have a poor experience when it comes to hand-eye coordination. However, for those who are connected to a reasonably steady network, have real hand-eye coordination which is faster, hence affecting the performance of many gamers. Fortnite provides excellent hand-eye coordination, which helps the players to develop a fundamental concept of understanding to translate what they see on the screen. Thus, this offers an opportunity for better cognitive abilities that improve the decision making of a gamer.


Make friends

Fortnite is making a brisk move towards creating friendship, which happens to be one of the backbones of the game. Uniting of strangers and new members remains to be one of the influential concepts that Fortnite has widely utilized to ensure that gamers stay in the platform. On the contrary, the community in the game is more welcoming, which makes it difficult for the opportunity of becoming friends with another gamer to slip away.

Fortnite offers socialization to millions of gamers, who share ideas regarding the game, and other associated games. On the contrary, the increased demand for socialization is fueled by the common goal all gamers have from the beginning of the game. Therefore, this helps to push for gamers to speak and create virtual friends, who foster a concreate friendship. According to Green (2007), socialization fosters the bond of harmony for many players, which reshapes the relationship virtually, as well as helping develop a healthy friendly relationship, between family members.

Relationship Grouping

According to Jeng and Teng, (2008), multiplayer games can lead to a certain level of social satisfaction, as this creates a suitable environment for interaction among different members. While many gamers foster a concreate relationship in groups, they aim to promote socialization and empower others to speak, which boosts their self-esteem. As Hwang et al. (2013) observed, it is a common practice for many gamers to engage in a relationship grouping, which helps them share ideas and learn from one another. Thus, this creates a family-like community, which further provides an opportunity for each member to air their views regarding the game. Fortnite promotes such relationship groups, which increases and encourages communication among the members. Therefore, this concept not only improves self-esteem to many young gamers but encourages interactivity, which increases self-confidence. However, while Fortnite has remained to be a tool of socialization and gaming, it has a fair contribution to the erosion of gamers’ behaviors, which has consequently increased family relationship problems.

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Paper Sample on Fortnite: Free To Play, 200M Players, Blowing Away The Competition. (2023, Sep 14). Retrieved from

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